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Lava Burst is not Bugged!


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Hey hey noobs and pros XD


So, I have seen a lot of people calling me and some other ele shamans "Hackers and bug abusers" (some people even reported me for doing a lot of damage and asked for nerfs, HAHA!)


How is it bugged? "a previous gm said that?" nonsense! our http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77756/lava-surge procs are 100% working normally;


However, people see me in bgs doing none-stop http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51505/lava-burst to everyone, well I guess we can call that SKILL!


There are some ways to cast http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51505/lava-burst even much faster when you are in http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114049/ascendance and increase the chance of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77756/lava-surge to proc by a lot! this how ele shaman is and should be played as I believe.


but, this doesn't mean that shamans ain't bugged, we have lowered damage, lowered healing and etc..


the forum is full of bug reports and here's one of them:



So, stop saying that our http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51505/lava-burst is bugged or working incorrectly!

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Why do you care, lol? If the reports are indeed false, they'll be ignored.


Also, there is a problem which some procs are procced twice, this might or not be affecting Lava Surge, this is the best shot that the people that complain have.




Meh, thats pretty much it, the staff receives lots of false and vague reports everyday just because the player lacks of knowledge about the game.

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procs are procced twice


There is a possibility of procs proccing twice, but that's only if you have flame shocks on more than 1 target. Since it can cause procs in between the procced procs-Having higher chance getting procs. But Lava surge can't have procs that are proccing twice if u only have flame shock on 1 target.


Tested it many times.

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ele proc rate or haste definitely 100% is not bugged.


Only thing that could be bugged is mastery proc, - and I can't comment on if it is, or isn't.


For the same reason that nobody else can prove it - because it's so insignificant that if it is I cant even notice the extra 20k dmg per minuite (if it is bugged).


So i agree with OP.

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