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Shadow sight isn't working.. Meaning that anyone who can stealth can sit in it all game, and nobody can find them... They just wait it out untill 100% dampening and the game ends or until the enemy team leaves..


Please fix. 10/10 prio. everyone is doing it.


- - - Updated - - -


Also, please make sure that when stealthers take the crystal, that they can't stealth.


Also, eating food should break stealth for rogues/druids. Ty.

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Also, eating food should break stealth for rogues/druids. Ty.


It indeed breaks stealth, but you can restealth, like:


Stealthed > begins to drink/eat > stealth breaks > continues eating > restealths > continues eating/drinking.

^ This is legit.


Also, wasn't this alredy reported?


Anyway, the same fix applied to the crystals are the fix for the power-ups on BGs and hunter traps, they all work the same way(mechanic, on-step to activate an aura, the bug is more complex and I alredy explained it in another thread).


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