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Price money for beeing rank 3 on x10 last season.

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ok i have some issues .. i already made a thread and asked buka What is going on with my price money, achievment etc.


price money : 150 $

achievment : gladiator achievment

mount : bonuses for mount. (no idea if you already gave them to me, just asking :D )





his answer was :

About mount and other rewards write to Juster.

i already told to my Realm GM to get my r1 title and i also got it.


so i whispered juster with the following words :




buka said i should write to you :l

for my gladiator achievment, my mount and also the price money




the answer was :


No, I wait message from gms, not from players.



so ... im kinda bit confused, what should i do now ?

should i whisper neff again to whisper juster ? or is buka able to whisper juster ? wow would be nice if someone could answer these questions :D

and who is my realm gm now ? is it jeff ? or a x100 gm ? and if its a x100 gm, who ? xD wow i'm so confused


~best regards

Edited by Noneedholy
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