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Best of Each Class (PVP)

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My god this hate on dks I can't handle it anymore. DK is not an easy class for fuck sake, it's a 100 times harder than warrior. There are a few really decent brained dks on this server, I know dks have had a really bugged history with the necros and shit but that doesnt mean the players that actually played dk were bad. Sure when a dk pops their burst macro, gargoyle carries the shit out their dps but you can easily counter that if the dk doesn't know what the fuck he's doing which I've seen a shitload of times. Most dks on this server don't even know what a death rune is. I saw a dk in 2.2kmmr who was spamming blood boil on his burst...but still doing alot of dmg because of gargoyle. Back to my point, dks actually need alot of preparation and time to actually do stuff, warriors can just keep doing it. There are times when you can't even do anything as a dk if you sit blood pres because you're against a fucking warrior (sorry it got personal there). So I just want the hate on dks to just take a break. There are only 10 dks in the top 400 TOP FUCKING 400 only 10 DKS, and how many warriors? do you even wanna go there? XD If you play dk you will understand what I'm trying to say if you don't please don't argue with me and btw heres my renewed list


Mage - Magetrainer, Baz, Abuxo

Rogue - Repitch,alexis

Paladin - Dartmeganz

Hunter - Hitdown, Russian r1 hunt

Sham - Dion (Ele) Resto - Samuelito, purpolz, zankedbrutha

Monk - Only respect mingmisty atm, only monk that have won me in a winstreak of 3 XD.. ggs misty I'll win u 1 day. (This guy melds incaps pretty sick, I know most can do it but most don't so yeah) Oh yeah and kiiwi

Druid - Minpojke, noneed, cogu (balance laserpewpew)

Warlock - Waaz

Warrior - .........Markzxy, nokys, aquavit Only warriors I truly respect.

DK - Absolutezero

Priest - Shelby, Akuyama

Demon Hunter - Swifty


My honest listing of players I respect


Definition of a braindead dk = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyqET8VBKYg Using his runes like hes a warrior, not stacking up death runes for necros using death rune for blood boil when he doesnt need to... Please I'm getting cancer just watching.


did i just read demon hunter? are you talking about pandawow or retail xD


noneed its my friends forum account and im too lazy to make new one so I borrowed to reply to pujos comment that's all

And i really dont care about u believe me or not ;)


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And ye i spellsteal a lot when I'm in mood and u could clearly saw while watching me playing U should also try tsg With me if u want (just to prove my words)


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Deathskin i can crearly feel u dude ;/, and u are right Dk isnt that easy as it looks Maybe it's b uz of pve? Ppl just can't forgive pujo and others for pve abusing (To al those haters: no I'm not one of Theme i Got 2.6 As 540 lvl dk with only manaroth shoulders).

DK is not an easy class for fuck sake' date=' it's a 100 times harder than warrior.[/quote']

its weaker, that's obv

but abusers ruined it

And ye i spellsteal a lot when I'm in mood and u could clearly saw while watching me playing U should also try tsg With me if u want (just to prove my words)

tsg ... lel

play with takaa or zhalifa, im 2 bad for that comb bro. I only can play Firemage WMS


U racists ;(, i know that russians kinda hate u guys but still, some of them are pretty nice guys


Noneed i understand you but As i remember on lasers arena tournament u played as tsg, just sayin


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And y got 2nd place tho

Posted (edited)

When people say I'm only best at Ele shaman I just be like:



Edited by Bapss
Posted (edited)

Mage - frost Должанскийх aka watchmedick;fire baz

Rogue - Claimi,Alexisirl

Paladin - ret holyonee/maybe im;hpal idk

Hunter - mm/surv hitdown

Shaman - restor Alexrowrow aka solidgirl;ele idk;enh idk

Monk - ww Preepx;mw chiv

Druid - restor Minpojke;feral idk;bomy laserpewpew/talaque

Warlock - afflict Шархи,Propeloljk,funka;desrto seline

Warrior - idk

DK - melancholy ( something like this )

Priest - hpriest shelby;sp spiritx

Edited by meganz

Mage: magetrainer, wowmagex & Djfreezer

Rogue: Roguebanned (dont know his mains name)

Paladin: Rpalla i guess

Lock: Waaz, Funk and maybe Putinlock

Shaman: Dionysus for sure

Priest: noneedholy & shelby

Warrior: markzxy, Neik & Вирус

Hunter: dont really know any

Dk: Eldkpujo, Absolutezero & Godx

Druid: resto: Minpojke

Monk: Sinssito-WW & Kaillyx-MW

Mage: magetrainer, wowmagex & Djfreezer

Rogue: Roguebanned (dont know his mains name)

Paladin: Rpalla i guess

Lock: Waaz, Funk and maybe Putinlock

Shaman: Dionysus for sure

Priest: noneedholy & shelby

Warrior: markzxy, Neik & Вирус

Hunter: dont really know any

Dk: Eldkpujo, Absolutezero & Godx

Druid: resto: Minpojke

Monk: Sinssito-WW & Kaillyx-MW





Stop reading my mind...

Mage: magetrainer, wowmagex & Djfreezer

Rogue: Roguebanned (dont know his mains name)

Paladin: Rpalla i guess

Lock: Waaz, Funk and maybe Putinlock

Shaman: Dionysus for sure

Priest: noneedholy & shelby

Warrior: markzxy, Neik & Вирус

Hunter: dont really know any

Dk: Eldkpujo, Absolutezero & Godx

Druid: resto: Minpojke

Monk: Sinssito-WW & Kaillyx-MW




Hehe noneed i understand how u felt wting with such retard comp I wouldn't q with it either but thing is i cant find any good affli locks or ww monks and there are bunch of warriors (some of them abusers)to play tsg


Eldkpujo-ppl who are voting for em proboblt are 1 of many ppl from spanish pujo army (no offense) most of them are chillin on gurubashu arena and killin ppl 1v10 with their king eldkpujo(pretty sure some of pujos boys cant rven beat my sp with 0 orbs at start) pujos army cant understand what we are talking about and I'm watching ppl laughing about it,which is annoying and funny aswell


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And ye for ppl who didn't know Funkabizsax and Putinlock are same person ;)

Hehe noneed i understand how u felt wting with such retard comp I wouldn't q with it either but thing is i cant find any good affli locks or ww monks and there are bunch of warriors (some of them abusers)to play tsg


Eldkpujo-ppl who are voting for em proboblt are 1 of many ppl from spanish pujo army (no offense) most of them are chillin on gurubashu arena and killin ppl 1v10 with their king eldkpujo(pretty sure some of pujos boys cant rven beat my sp with 0 orbs at start) pujos army cant understand what we are talking about and I'm watching ppl laughing about it,which is annoying and funny aswell


WTS English


Also,excuses.If you can't find any good 'affli locks or ww monks' then you probably didn't even try to play vs him and simply came here to qq.Also, since when are these 2 classes making a good comp, I rarely play 3s so please tell me.

Mage: magetrainer, wowmagex & Djfreezer

Rogue: Roguebanned (dont know his mains name)

Paladin: Rpalla i guess

Lock: Waaz, Funk and maybe Putinlock

Shaman: Dionysus for sure

Priest: noneedholy & shelby

Warrior: markzxy, Neik & Вирус

Hunter: dont really know any

Dk: Eldkpujo, Absolutezero & Godx

Druid: resto: Minpojke

Monk: Sinssito-WW & Kaillyx-MW




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