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icc gunship battle not working


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Hello,this is my first post here and i want to report that the Gun Ship battle in ICC dont work at all. It would be very nice if look at this problem cuz this is raid from LK and its really sad that this part of the raid dont work. It is very important cuz this completes the raid in all ways and you can take a lot of achievements which also is really nice. As i see there are post since 2014 and nobody checked them i hope that someone will take a look over this problems cuz ppl are reporting here to help you guys see whats wrong and etc. A lot of ppl play more PVE than PVP so it would be really nice if someone look at all those reports.


1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc : Gunship Battle http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=201873


2. Description of the problem. : after we kill Lady Deathwhisper we must take the elevator to go to the next part of the raid the gunship battle,but when we do it the ship is sitting there no mobs on the ship ,no one talk to so the battle could start,with one word The battle dont work the mobs are not there,Muradin/High Overlord Saurfang are not there.


SS of the ship so that you can see that there is no one to start the battle,there is only the gnome which gives you Goblin Rocket Pack,but Muradin(alliance) si not here also for Horde High Overlord Saurfang is not here.



http://imgur.com/2QTeEBb , even the gunship cannons are not there.with one word nothing is where it's supposed to be



3.How it must work. : ''The Gunship Battle is a unique event that serves as the third boss encounter in Icecrown Citadel. During the event the Skybreaker and Orgrim's Hammer race to the second level of the Citadel. All players can talk to a goblin/gnome on their gunship and obtain a jetpack that allows them the jump between the two ships''


note: After you kill Lady Deathwhisper you take the elevator and go up to the ship then you talk to a gnome and he gives you http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=49278http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=49278 , then you go to talk to http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=36948 / http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=36939 ,depends in which faction you play. then the gunship battle must start,and you use Gunship Cannon,to attack the opposite faction ship. After you finish it you will find a chest with items and gold ,then the ship will take us to http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=37813 .


4.Date when you tested it. 18.09.2015



5.Realm: x100


6.Priority of the problem. : 10/10

Edited by Flufy
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Yes! 10/10 ! I want to get very cool shield for transmog from this gunship, I dont have unlimited bonuses to buy everything from the website,although something must work in-game too,right? :D very cool



P.S Adam Lambert - Whataya Want from Me.mp3 my fav song

Edited by nikifor96
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and you can still buy the items with bonuses.

ye i thought so and is this the rason why they dont fix raid bosses? for example http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=33288, http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=32865 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=32906 ?

You're overreacting.

im not overreacting :) this things should work. this is just ridiculous :D this raids are from LK , and after your comment i think that most of the ppl in the server are right that the gms on purpose dont fix things.



There is another way to skip this event(by simply using the teleport after Lady Deathwisper


i do this every time, this is not the point. i can ask the same question -why dont they fix it instead skipping it? this is raid ,normally ppl do the raid boss after boss ,if i can skip every boss were is the fun in the hole thing?

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There is another way to skip this event


why do you give me advice how to skip it?the report is that it dont work and need to be fixed,as every dungeon/raid/instance,I dont need ways to skip it.


and you can still buy the items with bonuses.


ok,give me 50 bonuses for every item from every bugged loot and I will buy it?ofc I must buy the whole loot from ragnaros/deathwing/ICC Gunship,because it dont work?sry,I play wow to do pve and pvp,not to create chars and sell them to buy items which are not added in-game


Because it's script is hard to find and fix it for the patch due to expansion changes.


lol?what's the point of useless fixes like 2 tabards and reps?****** was with erased data and they are almost better than pwow(not yet,but will be soon) and they fixed more bugs than pandawow in 2 months?Because their staff members are more experienced and know how to do their job,not drinking vodka and fixing 2 tabards,because it's easier than ICC gunship,and anyways,half of the bug reports are declined,because they don't speak english and don't understand it(Uragaanu said it) lol

Edited by nikifor96
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