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When is ring of frost going to get fixed?


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Posted (edited)

I know there are a lot of posts about this already, but i'm getting a bit bored of meeting MLS now since everyone has realised that - all you have to do is dark soul dot > deep freeze the healer, then use ring of frost on him and you win.


Seriously is the biggest bug in the game right now, even more bugged than Mistweaver bubble not working, or Warlock pet not being effect by Battle Fatigue.


Those three bugs are seriously so incredibly stupid, but ring of frost takes rank 1 for being the most stupid bug on PandaWoW.


Absolutely incredible how broken it is that you can sit 8 seconds in a cc with full dark soul dots, haunt, living bomb, flame shock AND frozen orb raping your ass, and it not break. And as if it wasn't enough that you had to sit 8 seconds cc while you go from 100%-40%, then after that you've gotta sit: a 4 sec deep, a 2 sec shadowfury a 4 sec counterspell. That's a minimum of 18 seconds that you can be stunned while getting nuked, and it doesn't take into account the warlock 6 second pet silence, or the shaman cap stun.


Gl surviving that when you're on 50% just from ring of frost.. Lol.


10/10 prio, please fix this bullshit already..

Edited by Ðionysus
Posted (edited)
Ahahaha more cry and abuse Shackle 1998 year kid Edited by Veynnzy

Lmao the hate is real! (funny thing is I know it's only because I've farmed these few and they're mad lol) :(


For example:

lol, topic starter idiot....

when he lose 1 match in 3s arena - go cry, cry, cry and cry!


Someone's seems jelly... :) But honestly, I make posts about a lot of bugs, not just this. ^^


And even better:

is he really crying around while he is playing LSD ? wow lol ...


hahahaha wtf Noneed you just made a thread only a couple days ago, crying about it.. Now you're crying about me - crying about it? Hahahahaha.


And i've play a lot more comps than LSD.. You should know that since I've already farmed you as 4 different comps already this season. :)

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