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Problem by playing Nightelf Mistweaver


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Posted (edited)

Im making this thread to represent everyone that plays Nightelf in the PvP scene. Maybe some of you realized, when you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=58984/shadowmeld to avoid cc (Hoj, NS Hex/Poly etc.) you still get caught in CC which is pretty annoying and can backfire you realy hard. Using meld when you have no trinket or other gateways from enemy cc can be realy helpful, but since its bugged here i'd be happy for any chance for a fix. Thank you!


Server: 100x + Fun


Prio: 10/10


Proof: http://imgur.com/a/m9zVY



Chiv. :monk:

Edited by Chivy
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Yesterday I was dueling a moonkin and he used his shadowmeld, but I could still see him because I was literally over him, so I attempted to rake him but I "missed" or something like that.


There must be a pattern regarding what kind of CC is it, maybe even related to your ms.

Posted (edited)
  faina said:
nice binds

misty - the problem is with randomness, as you see he is in meld and in CC - thats not the matter of a fucking skill, just a problem with meld

i made same topic btw, but most of my proof bumps got deleted, b/c "its a spam" http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=150733


Good to see you made a similiar thread in the russian section, hopefully we get any fixes soon. Thank you man :)





  Furmetal said:
Yesterday I was dueling a moonkin and he used his shadowmeld, but I could still see him because I was literally over him, so I attempted to rake him but I "missed" or something like that.


There must be a pattern regarding what kind of CC is it, maybe even related to your ms.


You cant compare arena to a duel. In an arena game you play vs decent people that know their dr's etc. in duel people just randomly press buttons and throw random chain cc and f*** up their DR. It's about the meld, you should ever be able to eat Hoj, Hex etc. Just watch any old regionals games and you'll see alot of players (Minpojke, Sharpstorm) eating 6 sec fear, or ns hexes.. It doesnt work here which is annoying. Alot of healer classes are very good with nightelf as racial. But without meld, its hard to even play nightelf with non-working spells. PS: I have daily ~29-35 ms.. so it cant be my connection lol

Edited by Chivy
  Chivy said:
Alot of healer classes are very good with nightelf as racial.


It amazes me how few rogues actually go Night Elf, most prefering human for the extra burst, neglecting the fact that Shadowmeld provides WAY more damage and flexibility. Sad panda is sad

  Antilogic said:
It amazes me how few rogues actually go Night Elf, most prefering human for the extra burst, neglecting the fact that Shadowmeld provides WAY more damage and flexibility. Sad panda is sad


so true!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
One strange thing that i've experienced with Hunter's is that when i meld Wyvern, is that i get cc'd through it still, which can lose you matches due to having no trinkets available and attempting to negate cc if you, obviously, have used all your defensive cd's.
  Adlairo said:
One strange thing that i've experienced with Hunter's is that when i meld Wyvern, is that i get cc'd through it still, which can lose you matches due to having no trinkets available and attempting to negate cc if you, obviously, have used all your defensive cd's.


Experienced this on my restoration druid while trying to cap.



  • 1 month later...

you can meld death coil 100% of the time, scatter works 2/10 of the times


you also cant meld blind, and it's completely useless, because if you actually manage to meld it, the blind animation makes your character walk in a circle and it breaks the meld

  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Coz GMs sucks dicks so they are lazy to even read this (or something else) or test something when they call themselfs "developers" PS: ive used shadowmeld as Hpriest on wyvern string, ofc ive got it -_- same spinning fire blossoms. Like this works russian brain i could say.
  • 10 months later...
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