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  1. he was blatantly kickbotting with 0 delay against me earlier. cool guy
  2. "nobody knows about this yet." knew about this back in grievous season, so dont get your hopes up about them fixing this
  3. hmm, ur probably right. in duels it almost ALWAYS failed but in arena its working 24/7. strange lol.
  4. you can meld death coil 100% of the time, scatter works 2/10 of the times you also cant meld blind, and it's completely useless, because if you actually manage to meld it, the blind animation makes your character walk in a circle and it breaks the meld
  5. Name: Howtomage Full prideful perfectly enchanted/socketed. The character has some nice transmogs and nice tabards with alot of donor mounts. http://imgur.com/a/Gsulv Screenshots http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-3086553.html 700+ tax hf
  6. Name: Howtomage Full prideful perfectly enchanted/socketed. The character has some nice transmogs and nice tabards with alot of donor mounts. http://imgur.com/a/Gsulv Screenshots http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-3086553.html 700+ tax hf
  7. http://s18.postimg.org/jcddanug7/Wo_WScrn_Shot_032215_131746.jpg http://s7.postimg.org/5sudeq01l/Wo_WScrn_Shot_032215_131748.jpg same same
  8. have a full pve mastery/haste human fe lock with challenger mog. everything 2/2 except for belt. (Can cap today for 2/2 on belt) has some destro shit too, msg me ingame dogmagex
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