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can't see invites/duels


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Hi,just I have priest and shaman,the shaman is cool,but when I'm with my priest,and I invite my friends,but it don't show,and when I do duels,it don't show that the duel started.I deleted wtf interface cache,restarted settings at interface and nothing happens,can someone help me?
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Do what I say/Answer those questions so I can think of a solution:


Do you have an addon that works specificly on your priest?


Does your priest has an alt-code nick(or chinese)?


When did this start?


Have you tried making another priest to test if it is only on him?


If you right click the chat tab and go to settings, you can mark and unmark what will show up in your chat. Make sure that system and announcements are marked(and everything else that seems like it).


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