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Monk abusing , Healing through LoS

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Nope , Monk stood there the whole time.


Judging by the progress of where the soothing mist channel is, it is impossible that the paladin managed to get to the other side in less than 2 seconds unless if he had a constant speed buff, such as tiger's lust.


Yet, I don't think there are enough proofs for a punishment.


But, by closer observation, I think that the monk was able to heal through the ramp just like people are able to use intervene to go through doors.


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He didn't summon the statue That's the fact , otherwise i would see the Beam coming from the statue to the paladin but Monk was standing there the whole time and just healed him even tho there's a WALL in front of him , i cant prove more but you can see the IMG. + I don't mind if this post gets Declined i just want to point out what People can abuse During arenas.
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Its not really a bug, but i don't know how it works in retail so it could be but i dont know. If you start casting smoothing on yourself you can cast surging mists and other stuff that is instant cast while being behind walls. This will just be closed i'm sure and will be told to write in bug reports.
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Its not really a bug, but i don't know how it works in retail so it could be but i dont know. If you start casting smoothing on yourself you can cast surging mists and other stuff that is instant cast while being behind walls. This will just be closed i'm sure and will be told to write in bug reports.


In retail. If you soothing mist your target and he moves out of LoS. Your soothing mist gets cancelled automatically.

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Soothing Mist and CJL can heal/dmg on LoS, you can see that on every 5.x mw monk guild etc.. But I don't think that you can cast EM or SM on LoS , which we can call a ''bug''... Anyway this can always hapen to every monk not on purpose but he can always abuse it .. Meh like every GM would say here report a bug and wait for fixes.
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