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Insulting and Might abusing

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Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). : Weegee and Børz

Realm, where you saw the violation. : Pandawow x100

Description of the violation : They insult me and my mother and abusing their "mod rights"

Proof: http://imgur.com/a/z3mdB

Comments to the situation (if it needed). : You can clearly see insults and abusing their rights. nothing more to add here.

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This is not a Chat addon dude.. really stop lying. It's your first day of become a mod and you already mute 1000 people, get so much critic, are begging your friend to report me and get me banned, even tho you ignore me and can't see i wrote something against you, just to ban me.. and now you saying that i edited this.. Well then i say the same, you edited my chat i didn't insult you. Prove me you didn't said that. you can't, because you did! It's not edited.
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He dont claims otherwise he just links some other chat XD


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Jesus guys, just because you are mods and International Technical Support, you have no rights to ban me for nothing and if you insult keep saying : "OOOH THIS IS EDITED I DID NOTHING IM AN ANGEL I WOULD NEVER SAY SMTHING LIKE THAT" ... tztztz ur behaviour.. -.-

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Weegee, admins can check my chatlog too, and then hopefully tell me, how can "retard" lead to 7 day ban. Explain me please. you are 1 day mod and cause so much trouble.. Everyone is insulting you and flaming you, ever asked yourself, why?


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When you ignore me, how can you read that i am insulting? Also, you dont ignore : Sheylalolxqt .. bitch please u lieing over and over again. Børz told it to me on his own screenshot prove.. that you begged him to report me, because you muted too many people.. and why should he report me when you ignore me u cant see that i insulted you or not.. so how comes? .. explain me please.. i know my english sucks but this is understandable if u dont get it read it over and over again.

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First of all you insulted us both , and you got banned cause of it , And i have your characters on ignore , i can show you the SS of it and its not my decision if people will flame me or not , and i can see that you were insulting from the Report which was made from Borz. Therefore i could not send you any messages.
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ey Weegee? check this http://imgur.com/a/ls2RW Børz if you show the chat, show everything of it and not just a part ;)


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Weegee, you dont have Sheylalolxqt on ignore, i can put everyone on ignore afterwards and SS it too, and Børz look who banned me? - look, who reported me You. and why? because i tell weegee a retard.. is that all it requieres for 7 days ban? - Furmetal Nemifest Weegee I BET it's a rule to stay neutral as a International Technical Support or as a mod. Isn't it?


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Furmetal im likely to be punished for plotting against two staff members? So you want to tell me staff members can do whatever they want to do?

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ey Weegee? check this http://imgur.com/a/ls2RW Børz if you show the chat, show everything of it and not just a part ;)


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Weegee, you dont have Sheylalolxqt on ignore, i can put everyone on ignore afterwards and SS it too, and Børz look who banned me? - look, who reported me You. and why? because i tell weegee a retard.. is that all it requieres for 7 days ban? - Furmetal Nemifest Weegee I BET it's a rule to stay neutral as a International Technical Support or as a mod. Isn't it?


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Furmetal im likely to be punished for plotting against two staff members? So you want to tell me staff members can do whatever they want to do?


I have the chat, but it's useless because you're showing fake edits.


It doesn't matter who reports. It matters the punishment. Check the rules of ToS.

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Michelle gets 30 day ban on his other accounts, i saw that. On his level 15 account he got 30 days ban. Wow..


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Nemifest.. ofc you could show the whole chat but it's useless and why? because you would fuck yourself with the chat XD omg, you are argumentating like little kids who got their lollipop ripped. And you really think, just because you are Staff members and 1 guy from Staff supports you that you are right? ..


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Dude Michelle and me got reported and Michelle is saying in the Thread : " I didn't insult Sheyla insulted" even tho there are screenshots and u can clearly see Michelle insulting i get banned and he gets muted really? Its like u go to court and tell the judge : i didn't did anything he did it and then the other one gets punished XD


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I am showing fake edits and you dont want to show your chat. Nice lies

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Michelle gets 30 day ban on his other accounts, i saw that. On his level 15 account he got 30 days ban. Wow..


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Nemifest.. ofc you could show the whole chat but it's useless and why? because you would fuck yourself with the chat XD omg, you are argumentating like little kids who got their lollipop ripped. And you really think, just because you are Staff members and 1 guy from Staff supports you that you are right? ..


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Dude Michelle and me got reported and Michelle is saying in the Thread : " I didn't insult Sheyla insulted" even tho there are screenshots and u can clearly see Michelle insulting i get banned and he gets muted really? Its like u go to court and tell the judge : i didn't did anything he did it and then the other one gets punished XD


Why are you tryharding to get us all 3 fired? Even though it's obvious that the first picture's is fake.


And i told you in the chat, im busy DnD. And Weegee told his part.


Read the Rules of ToS if you're worried about the punishments.


And in the further chat i wrote " I reported you, because i could make the report more understandable than weegee"


Not gonna keep arguing. Just wait till Administrator's look at the Log.

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And you wrote me : "I reported you, because Weegee told me to do so." .. GJ - Why? because you deserve to get fired.. you should be neutral as mods or whatever.. and not feign ( idk if that word is correct )

Yes you told me in the chat your busy DnD.. it isn't like 1. you could just write it 2. you could undo it 3. you meant with it that you was busy before


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I get 7 days for "retard" and got 7 days once for making mother jokes. and Michelle gets 330 minute mute for making mother jokes on a Staff member?.. Punish michelle more than me and im satisfied.. or remove this ban... :O u must be kidding "retard" for 7 days xD i told furmetal to give you a blowjob, i don't get a 30 day ban for this? Kofeek seems to have a stick in his ass to make 7 days for this.. let's wait for bukarasiks reply on my pm..

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And you wrote me : "I reported you, because Weegee told me to do so." .. GJ - Why? because you deserve to get fired.. you should be neutral as mods or whatever.. and not feign ( idk if that word is correct )

Yes you told me in the chat your busy DnD.. it isn't like 1. you could just write it 2. you could undo it 3. you meant with it that you was busy before


Yes, i told you i was DnD ( Do not Disturb / Busy )


And so what if i said that weegee told me to. As he said, he had you on ignore. Therefore he couldn't SS your insults.


And you're not making any sense with your first sentence.

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Dude, Weegee, really listen you get trouble with SOOO many people.. get mod for 1 day mute like 10 people... ask your homie to report me because hes international technical support just to increase that i get ban.. and you are really still commenting on this thread? if i was u id just gtfo and be ashamed..


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*Ironic*Eeh børz my chat is edited your's is right *ironic off*


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The thing is : Why would Weegee tell you to report me when he have me on ignore list? ( WHEN WEEGEE IS IGNORING ME HE CANT SEE THAT I AM INSULTING WEEGEE -> He cant tell you hey report him he insult me ) so .. he must had said smthing like "fake chat and report him or whatever XDD " whatever i mean u said it urself weegee was ignoring me -> cant see me insulting him and tell you to ignore me.. for what reason? I can tell you the reason, because hes just trial and your international technical support so every staff member would believe u.. simple logics #bitchmove

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