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Healing Stream combat bug


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1. Name of not working spell:

Healing Stream Totem


2. Description of the problem:

Healing Stream Totem puts you in combat when it heals your teammates who are in combat - and it shouldn't.


3.How it must work:

It should have no effect on whether you are in/out of combat. (Couldn't find link or vod of a shaman drinking sorry..)


4.Date when you tested it.



5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug.



6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities.





If someone can find an example of it working properly, feel free to post and I will edit this post.

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Is there any other way to get in combat as a shaman ? Cause ive seen in arena many times shamans going in combat the first 6 seconds of the game (I have an addon that shows if someone is in combat or not) . I am not sure if they were using healing stream totem at the very beginning of the game but if this bug is real then they are doing it on purpose to get in combat and not get sapped by the enemy rogue for example . this happens to me a lot especially with shamans . I don't think ive seen any other class entering combat so randomly .
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Fire elemental totem seems to sometimes put them in combat.


Also i'm 100% certain that healing stream is keeping Shamans in combat so they can't drink many times. It's not always but most the time.


It's like being a resto druid, and not being able to drink if you have hots on someone.. Sort of annoying :D

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ive seen shamans popping earth elemental or fire elemental (I'm not sure which one) in the first seconds of the game and they are instantly in combat. like all of his team gets in combat . and not being able to drink is not the problem LOL . the problem is that it counters rogues . basically no opener . basically rogue's team loses by default .

shamans too stronk for us lil rogues...

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I agree getting in combat vs rogues is OP, and maybe slightly more important bug. After all, I am first to report fire ele combat bug afaik.


But being able to drink vs many teams is problem too. So don't say "not being able to drink is not the problem" please lol.

Edited by Bapss
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I agree getting in combat vs rogues is OP, and maybe slightly more important bug. After all, I am first to report fire ele combat bug afaik.


But being able to drink vs many teams is problem too. So don't say "not being able to drink is not the problem" please lol.


i sounded arrogant i know but this bug mostly affects rogues lets be honest since the opener is probably the most important thing to them. and 3s games here don't last that long .

we agree that is has to be fixed so lets not argue about it .

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