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Pve Gear on demand in x100


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In crossover bgs and arena with fun realm many people with legendaries cloacks in bg and full pve, tyranical as contend sets, guys its really injust because im on x100 right now, i never got a legendary cloack or pve sets on x100 and they crash people in bg, please create a pve sellers on x100 with conquest of course.
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It's the same as it was before.

On x100 alone, you were already queueing BGs where you face fully geared people. It's the same now.


Also, PvE gear isn't actually THAT good as people claim it to be, since it scales down to ilvl540 in arenas and BGs. However, people still use them for the set bonuses.

For example, a PvE geared shadow priest does more burst, but lower damage overall then a pvp geared shadow priest. It sort of evens out.

Besides, you can aquire the same gear doing the instances that work on x100 and don't on Fun.

Edited by uraganuu
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