Noneedholy Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 (edited) Introductions hello, as the most of the guys know here my ingame name is "Noneedrdrood - x100" "Noneedpojke - x100" or "Skinnywigga - fun". Many people asked me why i am not doing a guide for resto druids especially for arena. Well i was busy doing other things and simply abit lazy. Well now here is my guide. My Achievements last season : 3.306 as Rdruid + Firemage - x10 3.260 as Rdruid + Firemage - x100 3.000 as Rdruid + Warrior - fun (played early in the season, sold my chars and moved to x100 than) This is about 2vs2 since the 3vs3 queues last season were horrible. Anyways i played mostly on my warrior 3vs3. structure Spell overview Gearing Reforging Glyphs useful Macros Talents How to play different combs Positioning (offensive & defensive) Tips & tricks Spell overview [ATTACH=CONFIG]93702[/ATTACH] Lifebloom This spell is actually your main Hot. Always use 3 stacks on the target that is focused from the enemys. If the hot expires your taret will get burst healed. Keeping up this hot is first priority. You can also move your 3 stacks to another person. [ATTACH=CONFIG]93701[/ATTACH] Rejuvenation This spell has 3 functions : stacking your mushroom - mushrooms aren't working here in arena. Make swiftmend avaiable. - Always keep this hot up on your targets that you can always cast swiftmend. Burst heal with genesis - If you get trained and you have NOTHING left you can spam genesis while you kite the enemy melee. As i said only if you have nothing left, not even swiftmend. [ATTACH=CONFIG]93697[/ATTACH] Regrowth - This spell is actually your main direct heal. You always try to use it in combination with soul of forrest. It also refresh your blooms. The second function if Regwoth is pretty important for you and also a reason why you can cast it even when someone is full hp and for example you want to go for a drink or something: Regworth gives your target "Living Seed" This buff absorbs 30% of the healing done by Regrowth, and heal the target for that amount the next time they take damage. [ATTACH=CONFIG]93698[/ATTACH] Swiftmend - This spell can be used Offensiv or defensiv, deepends what you want to do. It allows you to gain the proc "Soul of the Forest" which increase your cast speed by 100%. Most important to always use this spell. When you are getting trained, it's a nice instant & burst heal and right after you can clone the enemy dps or healer. [ATTACH=CONFIG]93699[/ATTACH] Tranquility - If your team drops on low HP simply use this spell in combination with Soul of the forest. NEVER USE IT WITHOUT SOUL OF FOREST. Otherwise it could be simply interrupted. In high dampening this spell is your most powerfull one. The hot and also the heal is amazing. [ATTACH=CONFIG]93700[/ATTACH] Heart of the wild - In 2vs2 you can use this spell offensive if you want to kill something with wrath or just defensive in dampening. In 3s you mostly use it only defensive because 45 seconds 25% increased heal is huge. It's one of your strongest abilitys so take care when you use it. Gearing First of all the stat priority : ~9k - 9.5k spirit > Int > Mastery > Haste > Crit Head : Prideful Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm neck : Prideful Gladiator's Pendant of Alacrity shoulders : Prideful Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders cloak : Prideful Gladiator's Drape of Prowess chest : Prideful Gladiator's Kodohide Robes bracers : Prideful Gladiator's Bindings of Prowess weapon & offhand : Prideful Gladiator's Spellblade & Prideful Gladiator's Reprieve gloves : Prideful Gladiator's Kodohide Gloves belt : Prideful Gladiator's Belt of Meditation legs : Prideful Gladiator's Kodohide Legguards boots : Meditationsfußschützer des stolzen Gladiators ring : Prideful Gladiator's Band of Meditation & Prideful Gladiator's Band of Accuracy trinkets : Prideful Gladiator's Medallion of Meditation & Prideful Gladiator's Insignia of Dominance as i see the links are updated to wod ... just select the resto set items and use the Head from the boomkin set Reforging Just reforge everything into mastery and follow the stat priority (don't forget you need like 9-9.5k spirit) your haste brakepoint is at 12.5% which grants you 1 more tick from rejuv. [ATTACH=CONFIG]93689[/ATTACH] Glyphs [ATTACH=CONFIG]93703[/ATTACH] glyph of barkskin Always use this glyph. MAIN PRIORITY 25% reduced crit chance while you have barkskin up just makes you immortal. There is no way to put this glyph out. Maybe if you play against a Hunter + Healer team you can put it out. But thats the only reason. [ATTACH=CONFIG]93704[/ATTACH] glyph of efflorescence always use this glyph. MAIN PRIORITY 20% more heal and also the aoe heal effect is caused by your wild mushroom which gives you more controll about what to heal etc. Now the 3rd glyph can be changed as you want. In 3s i prefer Cyclone and in 2s i switch between glyp hof mighty ursoc (against like dk + warrior ) or against every healer + dps team and also rogue + mage i use [ATTACH=CONFIG]93705[/ATTACH] Glyph of Fae Silence for me this glyph is simply OP. 4 seconds blanket silence as healer is really really really op. useful Macros /cast [@arena1] Cyclone /cast [@arena2] Cyclone /cast [@arena3] Cyclone /cast [@arena1] Hibernate /cast [@arena2] Hibernate /cast [@arena3] Hibernate ^ you can write them also for focus /cast !prowl /cast [@player] innervate /cast symbiosis /cancelaura Ice block /cast ice block /cancelaura Deterrence /stopcasting /cast Shadowmeld /cast !bear form /cast frenzied regeneration That are te most of the macros you will need for first. Talents Tier 1 level 15 : You always choose displacer beast. There is no other way. This spell gives you a great mobility in offensive and defensive situations. Tier 2 level 30 : here you also need to choose always cenarion Ward. This spell can be casted while sapeshifted & also while you are silenced. Pretty usefull since it heals alot. Tier 3 level 45 : Here you can choose between faeri swarm and typhoon. I actually prefer typhoon because you can stop casts and also stop priests with spectral guise etc. Faerie swarm is nice when your mate doesnt have a perm slow (Shadowpriest for example) Mass entanglement is useless at all. Tier 4 level 60 : Soul of the forest always ! The only reason why you could go on incarnation is against teams like rogue + dk or something. Teams who just die in the first minute. Otherwise aganst rog mage or w/e teams who can reset,soul of the forest is smply betther. The reason is that after incarnation you are useless against double dps (Or well not that useful as you are with soul of the forest). Tier 5 level 75 : Deepending on which comb you play you can choose between disorienting roar and mighty bash. for example with firemages im not playng with bash because he has 2 stun dr's : combustion + deep. With warriors also not because stormbolt heal and shockwave dps. You can still play it with warriors because your roar can instantly brake because of the bleeds. But i prefer roar. You need to find that out for yourself. Tier 6 level 90 : Always heart of the wild. No other way. 6% more stats and also 25% increased heal and a huge dmg buff is just amazing. How to play different combs Since the most of the people here are interested on 2vs2 ill do a 2vs2 guide for first. Comb 1 : Rdruid + mage With that comb (mostly player with a frostmage) You should burst soon in the opener within 5-6 seconds. Starting with a NS clone on heal into orb from mage. Your mage will have every single trinket proc up so he has to burst instantly in the opener. As soon as you guys have no cc or you see a guardian/shieldwall/karma popped on the enemy, you try to clone the DPS. Try to reclone until you have something for the heal so as soon as the dps comes out of your clone you can cc the heal. Or just let your mage deep poly w/e. Tbh playing with a frostmage is pretty simple so gl and hf. Comb 2 : rdruid + warrior The main cc comes from you so you have to switch alot with your clones. pounce clone healer in the opener on tripple dr if you can into your fear ( symbiosis ) you will get alot shit in the opener only with that. If he trinket or just gives the enemy dps some deff cd´s just swap with a NS clone on the enemy DPS. Now you can make a hardswap on the priest with your fairy silence. Just try to clone dps as soon as you / your mate have no cc for the enemy healer and make some pressure on him. You will see, spamming clones will change alot ;). Also keep fairy fire up on both targets, that will increase the warriors damage. these are the most played combs if you want i can add some more combs, just write it down in the comments. Positioning (offensive & defensive) ~ under construction ~ I'll add later a completly guide with screens and more but for first some text. Playing against priests : always play with typhoon and use it as soon as he go in spectral guise. You should stay on max range if he is not cc'd. Otherwise he will simply fear you. playing against rdruids : Also don't go too far in if he is not cc'd, roar into cyclone will fuck your life (and also the life from your mate lel ) Just ns hybernate him as soon as he try to push in with displacer beast or simply ns clone / against melees : be sure that you have 3 stacks of your blooms up and use swiftmend on cd into roar --> cyclone / root w/e. The rest of the time you simply chill in bear form. You can also hot yourself with cenarion ward and ironbark while you are in different forms. Positioning as resto druid is pretty simple. If you know you can go for a cyclone with stealth / displacer + roar / ns you can push in. If you have nothing and also no pressure from your team just stay back, spam moonfire / fairy fire or roots. Running around the pillars is just the most important thing as resto druids against warriors. Tips & tricks - Problems against a warrior ? Just root him with Nature's Grasp and use this 1-2 free seconds (until the enemy healer dispells) to displacer behind another pillar. If he reflect your root just NS clone him. - If you want to hybernate another resto druid follow these steps : root him --> ns hybernate let your mage spam cast poly on him ---> hybernate knockback him ----> hybernate Play always with fairy silence against hunter teams. a hunter wants to scatter you ? use your silence almost in the same second as he scatter you and you are fine. (they can't throw traps while they are silenced) your mate is on low hp and the enemy mage spam cast poly on you or you simply cant shapeshift because you are in a global. use your ursoc or dash. You won't need ursoc anyways against mages if you look at your positioning. Silence the mage with your fae silence into hardcast full clone. He cant do shit, no blink, no CS, no deep etc. Pretty usefull when he has big pressure up or if you just switch on the healer. As i said this guide is still under construction. I'll add some more things later. If you have suggestions or wishes just let me know in the comments. Also im asking here which guide i should make : windwalker : altffour warrior : markzxy priest : noneedholy thanks for your feedback & leave a thanks here Edited October 2, 2015 by Noneedholy 8
uraganuu Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 My fire mage guide for 5.4.8: SPAM PYROBLASTS!
Noneedholy Posted October 1, 2015 Author Posted October 1, 2015 uraganuu said: My fire mage guide for 5.4.8: SPAM PYROBLASTS! and stuck on 1.5 ... gg xD
Noneedholy Posted October 1, 2015 Author Posted October 1, 2015 Misty said: Where's DK/Rdruid comp? c: don't want to help people who play that comb. It's braindead op here on pandawow.
uraganuu Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 Noneedholy said: and stuck on 1.5 ... gg xD I wish! Never got that far 1
Garodar Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 This is actually really helpful. I've been playing my druid on 550 ilvl for a while now and I still didn't figured out how to play with stats or reforges. Didn't even knew Genesis is useful, lol. Thanks for the guide. :) P.S: Can you explain me how to position shroom with glyph of efloressence?
Furmetal Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 Thats actually quite good. I played a restoration druid as my main(also the class that got me into druids/world of warcraft) and there were a few tips that I didn't know. Nice one.
Djmonstertwo Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 Really good guide, you could talk a bit more about talents and glyphs, but it's very good! Good job dude x)
Deielrion Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 He's saying that glyph is the reason that out of 10 games, he meets 5 rdruids (or an rdruid in every 5) Basically, he meets an rdruid every other arena because of that glyph.
Noneedholy Posted October 1, 2015 Author Posted October 1, 2015 (edited) so.. priest gide next ? Edited October 2, 2015 by Noneedholy
Atimihcab Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 (edited) nazi guide Edited January 5, 2016 by Atimihcab
Lektzz Posted October 2, 2015 Posted October 2, 2015 It was a nice read, thanks for creating the guide. I'd like to see a priest//ww guide ;D
Noneedholy Posted October 2, 2015 Author Posted October 2, 2015 (edited) Talents updated now. + More infos about glyphs updated. Edited October 2, 2015 by Noneedholy
Adlairo Posted October 3, 2015 Posted October 3, 2015 lil question Alchemy or Engineering? atm i use Alchemy because i saw Minpojke (real minpojke) use it but i used Engineering to 2.4 here
Noneedholy Posted October 4, 2015 Author Posted October 4, 2015 (edited) i'll add professions later. But for first alchemy hm ... you can take alchemy but i prefer engineering... If you play a class without one-use trinket i always prefer engineering. 2k int isnt bad at all. Edited October 16, 2015 by Noneedholy 1
Noneedholy Posted October 27, 2015 Author Posted October 27, 2015 Hmm i'm thinking about to release today a Warrior guide :3 not sure tho
uraganuu Posted October 27, 2015 Posted October 27, 2015 Noneedholy said: Hmm i'm thinking about to release today a Warrior guide :3 not sure tho Charge+slam+slam+fear+stun+slam+execute=dead. Done :)
Noneedholy Posted October 27, 2015 Author Posted October 27, 2015 uraganuu said: Charge+slam+slam+fear+stun+slam+execute=dead. Done :) if you want to play like neik and suck like 95% from the warriors here, yes :D
uraganuu Posted October 27, 2015 Posted October 27, 2015 Haha, was just being sarcastic :D Majority of warrs are just swifty macro Slam spammers, a guide would be good for all of us to read and enjoy :D I say go for it, will make sure to follow it as I'm also playing a fury atm.
Lektzz Posted October 28, 2015 Posted October 28, 2015 Dude, I seriously want to read your WW guide, I've always tried to play with it but I had not success because I was being killed really easy in arenas :/
lickmyorbs Posted October 28, 2015 Posted October 28, 2015 uraganuu said: Charge+slam+slam+STUN + FEAR (CMON MAN GOTTA ABUSE DEM BUGS)+slam+execute=dead. Done :) :) edited
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