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Necrotic strike formula is wrong

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86k absorb ? Holy shit mate your doing something EXTREMLY wrong.


>can't tell if sarcasm or if I was misunderstood :p

86k per necro, where getting 4 necros in a row is effortless (just double blood boil and icy touch), hence 4(86) = 344k absorb as soon as the arena starts.. (I tend to use blood boil twice as soon as the gates open cause why not)

>can't tell if sarcasm or if I was misunderstood :p

86k per necro, where getting 4 necros in a row is effortless (just double blood boil and icy touch), hence 4(86) = 344k absorb as soon as the arena starts.. (I tend to use blood boil twice as soon as the gates open cause why not)


Do you think that this is balanced?


Be honest with us.

>can't tell if sarcasm or if I was misunderstood :p

86k per necro, where getting 4 necros in a row is effortless (just double blood boil and icy touch), hence 4(86) = 344k absorb as soon as the arena starts.. (I tend to use blood boil twice as soon as the gates open cause why not)


86k is by far not the max here .. but even that is op .... im getting constantly 80k + necrotics and with proccs 100k +

and ^ that is broken as fuck.


I would also like to know why im getting 100-20% in like 2-3 seconds against a dk .. thats so weird, they are supposed to kill you slowly not oneshotting in their burst. It's a unholy DK not a frost dk in s12 (or was it s11 ? cant remember exactly )


Well, I've gotten 101k in 1 hit but that was with the 530 PvE trinket which gives an additional ~13k strength.

I've hit 70-80k per death coil which I think is a bit high... but yeah, it is broken, but many other things are.

Parry, priest bubble, sotf working twice if you take the cyclone -> regrowth root etc etc


I personally don't use necro strike as often as others because if you can kite the duration of the necro, then your kinda fine. I generally prefer the raw pressure, though I know theoretically how to win, it obviously doesn't always work out the way I intend it to.

Let's talk about feral bleeds, shall we? What is more OP, a 20k necro or 80k bleed ticks? Rip 80k rake 80k all u do is /afk and let the enemy die. DK necros are the last thing to be fixed in this server IN MY opinion.


I will have to agree with Felxprod here. Last thing to be fixed, feral bleeds dmg is at least 5x times more retarded than necros. Fix your shit Pandawow

Posted (edited)
Take a look at feral bleeds on retail. Besides people who use pve trinkets for bursting' date=' the bleeds on Pandawow are working as intended.[/quote']

yes and even on retail feral was way stronger btw...

let's stop to talk about feral bleeds .. this is fucking stupid. Necrotic strike is bugged and theres no doubt about that.


- - - Updated - - -


I've hit 70-80k per death coil

lol .. thats fucking broken m8 ... Deathcoil shouldn't hit that much by far.

Every other bug you listed is by far not that much important as a DK who just stomps you in 2 minutes cuz of his huge dmg.

And yes as i said, 80k deathcoil : ROFL


I will have to agree with Felxprod here. Last thing to be fixed' date=' feral bleeds dmg is at least 5x times more retarded than necros. Fix your shit Pandawow[/quote']

ok lol .. you obviously never played retail. Feral is COMPLETLY fine here and tbh one of the best working specs here on pandawow. Thats also a reason why you will NEVER see a feral on highrating. Think about that.

It's kinda bit funny how Dk's are trying to change the subject now to feral bleeds ... to a spec that isnt even representative in arena (on pandawow)

Edited by Noneedholy
yes and even on retail feral was way stronger btw...

let's stop to talk about feral bleeds .. this is fucking stupid. Necrotic strike is bugged and theres no doubt about that.


- - - Updated - - -



lol .. thats fucking broken m8 ... Deathcoil shouldn't hit that much by far.

Every other bug you listed is by far not that much important as a DK who just stomps you in 2 minutes cuz of his huge dmg.

And yes as i said, 80k deathcoil : ROFL



ok lol .. you obviously never played retail. Feral is COMPLETLY fine here and tbh one of the best working specs here on pandawow. Thats also a reason why you will NEVER see a feral on highrating. Think about that.

It's kinda bit funny how Dk's are trying to change the subject now to feral bleeds ... to a spec that isnt even representative in arena (on pandawow)


I'm having a hard time believing Felxprod is playing a dk and defending it. Was just quoting him, dont hit me so hard


Feral bleeds do more dmg than intended, I don't care what you say, everyone knows it; there are high rated ferals here aswell.


Also, on topic, nerf dk! too stronk Kappa

everyone knows it



there are high rated ferals here aswell.




Also' date=' on topic, nerf dk! too stronk Kappa[/quote']

yes obviously 2k player.


Call me 1 highrated feral. Really want to know


I got to 2.1k on mine, then only met DKs, SPs and frost mages....or warrs with PvE weapon....or classes with bugged PvE set bonuses...couldn't climb any higher.

I repeat, besides the ones who use PvE trinkets for absurd bleed during burst, feral bleeds are working as intended.

feral bleeds are working as intended.


Tbh if i play on my war i still outdamage ferals with pve trinkets ;D Not even with a PvE trinket it's a challange to beat a feral.

But i guess the dk player here can never accept that. First time they hit 2.2 and they can't belive that it's just their class who is bugged as fck. Overall i guess useless to discuss.

They need to close this post, it's gone way off topic.


Yes because some DK player need to change the subject.

Someone already tested deathcoil / necrotic again ? would like to hear new updates :3

uraganuu you could take a look or ?

I got to 2.1k on mine, then only met DKs, SPs and frost mages....or warrs with PvE weapon....or classes with bugged PvE set bonuses...couldn't climb any higher.

I repeat, besides the ones who use PvE trinkets for absurd bleed during burst, feral bleeds are working as intended.


i yet have to meet someone with a pve item lol



yes obviously 2k player.

Call me 1 highrated feral. Really want to know


Sarcasm is for winners, doesn't suit you well. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, don't throw shit at people just cause you feel like it. Be respectful if you expect anything from people. Regarding high rated ferals, I did play against some ~2.5k on Fun. I'm not good at russian names, but even played Hioshiru above 2.2. Every class has it's high rated.


I do respect your opinion, however retarded it may seem. Necros too high, death coils hits too much..but what's next? Soul Reaper? Maybe dk's should be removed from MoP, it's too op

. Be respectful if you expect anything from people.

i said that like 10 posts ago, i dont expect anything from people who call specs like "feral" OP. That just proves me their clueless from the game.

I did play against some ~2.5k on Fun.

3.2+ on fun was last s. R1 (noone cares about the wintrader off-season) 2.5k is nothing ....

Every class has it's high rated.

For example baz ? The only mage who played above 2.5 last season (and that even on 3.2) Or you want to tell me that firemage is op also ? Rofl in arena i meet like 10x more dk's than ferals. And if i meet a feral i just destroy him doesnt matther on which class im playing atm.

Soul Reaper?

190k soul reaper ticks are too high yes. As i said if you would have played RETAIL dk you would have know that you needed actually skill to be highrated in 3s. Here you just gonna shreck everything as shadowcleave. (If you want to belive it or not, shadowcleave wasnt representative at all. Only few highrated ones who just played good. Yes on retail in s15, DK wasnt a good class at all ( Compared to other melees like war & ww monks) Belive it or not but i dont expect anything from you. If you actually never played retail just dont talk here. Calling ferals op make you look ridiculous

Posted (edited)

;D Not even with a PvE trinket it's a challange to beat a feral.

Hehe, of course, ferals are in top 3 classes best for 1vs1 combat.

Yes because some DK player need to change the subject.

Someone already tested deathcoil / necrotic again ? would like to hear new updates :3

uraganuu you could take a look or ?

I tested DK today in all 3 specs and both variations of gear, PvE and PvP. UH DK still does the same necrotics. Frost DK does a little bit less absorb, but considering it's a burst spec, it's intended. Blood spec necrotics barely tickle.

i yet have to meet someone with a pve item lol

Alliance side is full of people using PvE items, especially trinkets. I tested today on my feral with 2 of the 566 PvE trinkets. I put up a 70k Rip on a UH DK, while in full PvP gear(no PvE trinkets) I did up to 47k on him in full burst. I tested with a DK because they have alot of armor.

70k Rip tick on PLATE is ridiculous, but only because I was crippleing my Resilience by alot(so basically I can put 2 bleeds on a target that will kill 900k HP, but I die in 3 hits versus anyone). On cloths it can go up to 100k/tick.

Besides rogues, not many classes and specs can afford the loss of the PvE trinkets. You trade a huge chunk of survivability for ~30% more damage, and mind you this is ONLY because the PvE trinkets are bugged, granting double(or more) then their intended stats. (for example, the PvE trink that's supposed to give 13k Agility, gives 44k).

So, to end this discussion, feral bleeds are working as intended but there IS the occasional druid who's using those trinkets to completely devastate anyone. That doesn't mean bleeds are bugged, that means Trinkets are bugged and the people using them are abusing a bug.

Edited by uraganuu

Oh really, Soul Reaper aswell ? Ok, I will open a new thread about that Kappa. I did play retail and dk was fuckin op in 5.4.8. so were monks. BEASTS :D


So let's count. Necros, death coils, soul reaper. What else should be nerfed ?

Posted (edited)
I did play retail and dk was fuckin op in 5.4.8.

are you fucking kidding ? i said If you have no clue about what you are talking, be quiet !

Oh ofc you want a proof now ...




WOW ! 5% Dk's above 2.2k cr the whole s15, they must be REALLY OP ! There were even more paladins xD but okay they were "op" nice try mate

Some dk's managed it to get on highrating doesnt mean the class is op. Also if you get stomped by dk's as 1.5 player it doesnt mean that they are op.

For example livin, the only firemage above 2.4 was 3.1 and why ? he played his fireplay to the perfection thats all. You could play every class at highrating ofc but you had to play it perfectly than.

Edited by Noneedholy
Oh really, Soul Reaper aswell ? Ok, I will open a new thread about that Kappa. I did play retail and dk was fuckin op in 5.4.8. so were monks. BEASTS :D


So let's count. Necros, death coils, soul reaper. What else should be nerfed ?


IMO, Soul Reaper is working as intended. It's a finisher and it's supposed to "finish" someone off. I don't know why the whole drama about SR, tho, when there are finishers alot more devastating(hello Shadowburn, Hello Kill Shot, hello Execute)

IMO' date=' Soul Reaper is working as intended. It's a finisher and it's supposed to "finish" someone off. I don't know why the whole drama about SR, tho, when there are finishers alot more devastating(hello Shadowburn, Hello Kill Shot, hello Execute)[/quote']

You can't compare Shadowburn with soul reaper. Also not kill shot. Kill shot and war execute does WAY less damage than soulreaper. With all proccs and also reck up i do 130-140k execute on my war. Soulreaper is doing 20-30k more dmg as intendet. But tbh idc thats not the problem why dk is so OP on pandawow atm. There are other things like coil and necrotic. So read my previous post @reinhartmvp91 . You have my proof and now don't tell me anymore that DK was op in s15. there were like almost less dk's than paladins (5% LOL) No way they are op. Proof me something else.

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