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User - Furmetalisawintrader


Link to profile - http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=60195


Reason - Repitch is multiaccounting while he has one of his accounts(his main) banned.



2.8. Posting of negative messages about the relatives of players or the administration or veiled insults towards relatives.

2.16. Creating Multiaccounts, if your main account was banned. Creating more then 5 multiaccount during the ban time of main account - permanent ban to the main account.




Proof(look at IP) - http://i.imgur.com/0s5OxUn.png




What's wrong with you, posting in a russian forum to hide it so the other international users might miss this? You can't give out someone's IP address. That's a huge security issue. At this point I really hope you do get demodded from the forums.

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