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Nuclearweap power abuse.

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hello all


Now few days ago i made a rogue on fun, today was dueling some guys and some trash talk was going on with a rogue i dueled. After saying 3 words in Caps i was muted ? Cmon , there has to be a line. I can understand if i was spamming or something but 3 words? Seems a bit pathetic.


Proof: http://imgur.com/a/NODoi


Am i being unreasonable here?




Edited by Illicit
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Re-Upload the Picture , it seems that its Deleted. And if you Don't like the reason that you were muted for You can complain here. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&page=45


And yes 3 Messages are Registered as a Spam, + You used CAPS.

"3. Spamming: repeating the same phrase more than once in a period of 10 seconds - 60 up to a 120 minutes."


"4. CapsLock: the excessive writing messages in capital letters - 30 up to a 90 minutes."


You can read the rules here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=79032


P.S. Nuclear is just doing his Job.


And its just 30 Minutes....

Edited by Weegee
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Re-Upload the Picture , it seems that its Deleted. And if you Don't like the reason that you were muted for You can complain here. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&page=45


And yes 3 Messages are Registered as a Spam, + You used CAPS.

"3. Spamming: repeating the same phrase more than once in a period of 10 seconds - 60 up to a 120 minutes."


"4. CapsLock: the excessive writing messages in capital letters - 30 up to a 90 minutes."


You can read the rules here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=79032


P.S. Nuclear is just doing his Job.


This is Far from spam, and there is nothing excessive about it.

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