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Rate and MMR gains

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  • 2 months later...



- - - Updated - - -




There you see that ppl with 84 wins got 2.8 cr. On Pandawow 84 wins equals like 2.3 cr lol ...


Also another proof :




27 wins almost 2.5 .... Should be enough i guess ? There we already see that MAX +23 per win (How it is on Pandawow and became on retail after WoD) after 1.5 rating is not correct.

Edited by Noneedholy
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Noone has it since it doesnt exist on the web i guess ... i think we have to do some tuning by ourselfes ....


MMR, is a script, not a.. formula which would be in websites as these etc.


You can find MMR "formula" and script in old core, but you'll have to modify it and get it as CLOSE as 5.4.8, which is the hard part, same as core.

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  • 1 month later...
ye thats what he said first, but he told me he will take another look at it in january (2nd of january to be exact)


he said he might change some codes, it wont be blizzlike as for now, but he will try to make it at least better.


They should make it like old A.T. Keepo

Edited by Garodar
Forgot Keepo
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