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explain this please


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DK & warr both at 15,6k strength


DK has 15,8% parry

Warrior has 19%









are DKs nerfed or are wars overpowered in terms of parry?



both have 3% base parry, the rest comes from strength

lets compare warr/dk stats by substracting the base parry..

(19-3)/(15,8-3) = 16/12,8 = exactly 1,25

meaning warr gains 25% more parry than the DK. Is this a hot fix by blizzard or something? Doesn't really sound fair to me



unholy dks get a 35% bonus strength which would kinda balance it and cause this to make sence but that's not the case with my frost dk - he's pretty much f-ed up. So if it's a hidden nerf I suppose it was meant for unholy only or something



----- EDIT ------

bug reported here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157497&p=970106#post970106

I believe the issue is just for human DKs

Edited by dotadoom
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DK & warr both at 15,6k strength


DK has 15,8% parry

Warrior has 19%









are DKs nerfed or are wars overpowered in terms of parry?



both have 3% base parry, the rest comes from strength

lets compare warr/dk stats by substracting the base parry..

(19-3)/(15,8-3) = 16/12,8 = exactly 1,25

meaning warr gains 25% more parry than the DK. Is this a hot fix by blizzard or something? Doesn't really sound fair to me



unholy dks get a 35% bonus strength which would kinda balance it and cause this to make sence but that's not the case with my frost dk - he's pretty much f-ed up. So if it's a hidden nerf I suppose it was meant for unholy only or something


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well, this thread was about the parry rating; I don't know about the damage

I just want my missing 6% parry at full gear back; I remmber I had a solid 31% and now it's under 25% (haven't played with my dk for months and I am not sure when they nerfed it, but it's probably because unholy dks had a lot of parry due to the 35% passive strength bonus which is not the case with blood/frost spec)

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