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I saw that people here have problems understanding what and how GMs, Mods, and other "staff members" work. Let me bring some light on the matter.


First of all visit this thread to see who all are working for PandaWoW at the current time: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46714


So let's get started shall we.

First let's think from a players point of view, at some point we will find a hacker on this server or a spammer or just someone that breaks the rules. So we start spamming in the World chat or English chat the we found a hacker in a BG or somewhere else, we maybe even make a ticket. And then we think that the problem will be solved since most of us have played Blizzards version of the game. We think to ourselves that the person on the other end of the chat or the ticket will ban or mute the person that you so gladly reported and now you sit there glad and happy that you helped out the community. So yeah that's how most of us think.


So let's get into the facts, do you know who reads the tickets? Do you know who reads the in-game chat? Well of course you do it's the GMs right? Well yeah that would be true if this server operated as Blizzard did back in Vanilla and The Burning Crusade. We have come a long way in this game. And all servers assign work and ranks how they please. And this server changes as I sit and writes this, I worked here for over a year and I also plan to work here again. And I must say both the community and the staff has changed so much since I started working here back in 2014.


I still remember the "interview" I had with Zeox after I applied to work here and now you just have to send in some decent info about yourself to get to work here. We all changed even the community, long time ago we were few (the English community), we had a small forum and a small amount of guilds and players on this server but within a year we grew and now we are here. We joined a Russian server and we knew there would be no fluent English speaking GMs, Mods or staff members when we started and that is something we have to remember now as well. We are still minority and we will continue to be one on this server. And still we come here a crave demands we tell them to get more GMs more Mods and more staff members since we the English community can't behave in-game or on the forums, the amount of "shit talk" about the Staff on this side of the forums is way bigger then the other side of it... and we are still a minority. And that is not the worst of all, now we got our wish we wanted more GMs and Mods etc. and now I see people complain about them you even report them. You ask for something and they give you it and you just don't give a fuck. Yes there are mods that are new that doesn't know so much about their job but that is in my opinion okay then have none at all, since they can learn from their mistakes they are human as well.


Please think about what you ask for before you make demands. Think about this. This topic will probably be closed so if you have any questions about this then you can PM me on the forums.




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We all changed even the community, long time ago we were few (the English community), we had a small forum and a small amount of guilds and players on this server but within a year we grew and now we are here


I'm touched. Awesome post!

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