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Corrupted Prison [Sha of Pride] Lock Bugged


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Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=144563/imprison I think it's the right link, not sure.


Description of the problem: When you get prisoned, there should be 2 locks around the prison, lightened oranged, E.G: http://knotty.cadzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/pride-prison.jpg When the player's step on the lightened lock, the prisoned player doesn't get free'd, causing a hard wave to be encountered.


How it must work: When 2 player's stand on the orange lock, the prisoned player should be released.


Date when you tested it: 05-12-15


Realm (x100/x5/Fun): 100x


Priority of the problem: 8/10


Comments: Thanks to my baby girl, Stayfjurt/Aidsfest, for pointing this out.

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