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Season end / season rewards


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@Juster @shadrissa or every other admin here, when will we get a statement WHEN does the season end and what we will get for which ranking.

Would be nice to know something since ppl are already going for 3.2 again :D


"what we will get" lmao . I hope you are not asking pandawow to give rewards to " r1's " considering this season was an abusefest for one more time .

If I were pandawow I would maybe give rewards to the 3s bracket just to encourage players to play more 3s .

But 2s ?? are you kidding me ?? LOL

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"what we will get" lmao . I hope you are not asking pandawow to give rewards to " r1's " considering this season was an abusefest for one more time .

If I were pandawow I would maybe give rewards to the 3s bracket just to encourage players to play more 3s .

But 2s ?? are you kidding me ?? LOL


abusefest?was til alt f4 was fixed.

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abusefest?was til alt f4 was fixed.


am I allowed to laugh or will I get banned ? kappa

I think you have no idea whats going in the ladders right now .

the amount of bugs in server right now is mindblowing . better than last season but it is still horrible.

you don't have to abuse intentionally. bugs by themselves ruin everything

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am I allowed to laugh or will I get banned ? kappa

I think you have no idea whats going in the ladders right now .

the amount of bugs in server right now is mindblowing . better than last season but it is still horrible.

you don't have to abuse intentionally. bugs by themselves ruin everything


why is this guy crying so hard LMAO

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why is this guy crying so hard LMAO


you are the one bitching about bugs and abusers all the time . which is completely fine but your post seemed as if you wanted a prize for getting r1 ? that's what I understood at least and if that's the case ... that' not you and it makes no sense lol . I just wanted to say that giving prizes this season is a dumb/not fair idea. that's all .


I'm obviously not crying but when someone says that abusing was something in the past ... Lmao I cant let that just go by. you feel me

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He is the only Smart-ass here.He knows everything about everything.

Just listen to him.He will probably give wrong answers on all your questions.

Not to mentio he is best 3s player here.


you can call me whatever you want but I'm not the one who reports cheat death bug and posts a stolen rogue guide as if it was yours . like holy shit look at what you say before you criticize others.

Edited by podara33
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you are the one bitching about bugs and abusers all the time . which is completely fine but your post seemed as if you wanted a prize for getting r1 ? that's what I understood at least and if that's the case ... that' not you and it makes no sense lol . I just wanted to say that giving prizes this season is a dumb/not fair idea. that's all .

go away. You are just one of this guys who are looking for dispute.

Back to topic please

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you are the one bitching about bugs and abusers all the time . which is completely fine but your post seemed as if you wanted a prize for getting r1 ? that's what I understood at least and if that's the case ... that' not you and it makes no sense lol . I just wanted to say that giving prizes this season is a dumb/not fair idea. that's all .


I'm obviously not crying but when someone says that abusing was something in the past ... Lmao I cant let that just go by. you feel me

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you can call me whatever you want but I'm not the one who reports cheat death bug and posts a stolen rogue guide as if it was yours . like holy shit look at what you say before you criticize others.


What MMR are you? Im like 2.2k and i own.I best. Stfu.

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go away. You are just one of this guys who are looking for dispute.

Back to topic please


Im in the topic regarding the prizes. I didnt want to argue . I didnt even offend you why do you have to take it like that lol


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What MMR are you? Im like 2.2k and i own.I best. Stfu.


Top kek

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PandaWoW arena is such a joke... Even the 3s ladder is shit.


Players like

"Федямортал, Awbeex, and Coldsiemensx" do nothing but dodge "Neik, Dionysus, and Темныйберлин" and then have to tryhard queue with skype over 500 games vs random teams, only to get the same rating as Dionysus and Neik who play only 200 games.


Less than half the games, and the same rating. I wonder why lol? :D


It was the same with the Rank 1 Team on the xFun last season. A Russian MLS got farmed hard by Dionysus WLS and then just tryhard dodged for months until they could get titles.


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So if you want to get rating on PandaWoW, I made a pro guide for you below!



How to Get Rating on PandaWoW


Most importantly: Getting rating on PandaWoW is mostly ALL about dodging/sniping.


In 2s: Dodge any comp you might lose to (like Akuyama does and automatically log offline as soon as you see Neik/Noneedwar log online).


In 3s: Just dodge the players with are better than you and then spam nolif4r queue into low rated, random teams (like how Федямортал, Awbeex and Coldsiemensx get their rating).


Follow these steps you'll be r1 in no time!


Hope you enjoyed my guide. :)



P.s. - It was not a troll guide either. Most of the high rated players on PandaWoW only have it because they tryhard dodge/snipe. It's sad as fuck lol.


I can't even blame people for dodging/sniping in 2s, because it's unbalanced bracket. But playing 3s this way is so pathetic and sad lol.

Edited by Bapss
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PandaWoW arena is such a joke... Even the 3s ladder is shit.


Players like

"Федямортал, Awbeex, and Coldsiemensx" do nothing but dodge "Neik, Dionysus, and Темныйберлин" and then have to tryhard queue with skype over 500 games vs random teams, only to get the same rating as Dionysus and Neik who play only 200 games.


Less than half the games, and the same rating. I wonder why lol? :D


It was the same with the Rank 1 Team on the xFun last season. A Russian MLS got farmed hard by Dionysus WLS and then just tryhard dodged for months until they could get titles.


- - - Updated - - -



So if you want to get rating on PandaWoW, I made a pro guide for you below!



How to Get Rating on PandaWoW


Most importantly: Getting rating on PandaWoW is mostly ALL about dodging/sniping.


In 2s: Dodge any comp you might lose to (like Akuyama does and automatically log offline as soon as you see Neik/Noneedwar log online).


In 3s: Just dodge the players with are better than you and then spam nolif4r queue into low rated, random teams (like how Федямортал, Awbeex and Coldsiemensx get their rating).


Follow these steps you'll be r1 in no time!


Hope you enjoyed my guide. :)



P.s. - It was not a troll guide either. Most of the high rated players on PandaWoW only have it because they tryhard dodge/snipe. It's sad as fuck lol.


I can't even blame people for dodging/sniping in 2s, because it's unbalanced bracket. But playing 3s this way is so pathetic and sad lol.


na, ill just do 3 dps in 3s and own

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Малолетка 1998 года, иди проспись, против рандом тим никогда бы не взяли 2.6+ и у меня куча скринов, где ты отфармлен в разных сетапах этого сезона, включая ВЛШ с Нейкой. О каком додже идет речь? У нас есть твинки еще, которыми рерольнулись с Орды на Альянс на 2.4+ ммре, так что закрой калитку. И вообще, если бы оно так и было, то додж - дело каждого, за это никогда не лишали наград, что на офе, что на пиратках.
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whos that lel



Малолетка 1998 года' date=' иди проспись, против рандом тим никогда бы не взяли 2.6+ и у меня куча скринов, где ты отфармлен в разных сетапах этого сезона, включая ВЛШ с Нейкой. О каком додже идет речь? У нас есть твинки еще, которыми рерольнулись с Орды на Альянс на 2.4+ ммре, так что закрой калитку. И вообще, если бы оно так и было, то додж - дело каждого, за это никогда не лишали наград, что на офе, что на пиратках.[/quote']

50 IQ fag spotted. Speak english or go away.

You don't dodge ? Well that's nice man ! If you say ur not dodging and you reck them WLS i would really like to que abit into you if you dont mind :) OFC this time i won't play with a firemage and also not with a destro lock. No i will tryhard as fuck with the most OP shit because you care so much and trashtalk as soon as you win against someone, doesnt matther if his comb is maybe just bullsh*t or not. So just poke me when ur in que and i will farm you abit as WLS / WMS w/e you will see it by urself. And ye play on ur main.

Edited by Noneedholy
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whos that lel




50 IQ fag spotted. Speak english or go away.

You don't dodge ? Well that's nice man ! If you say ur not dodging and you reck them WLS i would really like to que abit into you if you dont mind :)


Хороший финал! 4-0. Хорошие игры против шаттера с рестор шаманом. Иди учись играть, пёс, а не реви на форуме.

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Nice (Dodgeful Gladiator) Veynnzy,


respond in Russain on an obviously English thread. Everyone know if it was non-stop queues on here, that out of the people who play here Темныйберлин, Dionysus, + Neik/Noneedwarr would EAAAAAAAAAASILY be R1.


Just tell us a time to queue 3s and we'll take your rating in one night, like we did the first time I got back from not playing for a month. Since then you haven't queued once, unless we're offline.

So if you're not being super faggots and tryhard dodging, prove it and give me a time/date that you will queue please :)


All you ever do is trashtalk, but never queue lol.


Just queue vs Темныйберлин + Dionysus + Shockwavejk for one night and you will be 1500 rating by the end of it lol

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