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End of Season + Rewards/Tournament


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Let me start by saying that I don't expect an answer/reply. But I was wondering:


1. When season will end?

2. What titles will be given for what ranks?

3. I heard real money prizes are going to be saved for a big PandaWoW Tournament now, which I 100% support and think is a brilliant idea! Is it true?

4. Will any bonuses be rewarded?

5. How will WoWCircle players effect ranks? If say for example, the r3 player on a ladder is someone from WoWCircle, will the r4 player on the ladder then become the 3rd?


And those were all the questions I can think of atm.


Don't expect an answer, but it just is a FAQ atm ingame, so I thought i'd make a post trying to clear it up.



Edited by Bapss
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Just putting it out here.


I think the fact that players will have to go all the way to 2800 for 1500 title is fckin' stupid.


They should change the ranking/reward system a bit. 20th place last season was like 2900 or something. Challenger isn't a damn 2900 title (even 'tho 2900 pandawow is 2200 Retail, so its pretty far still).

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Just putting it out here.


I think the fact that players will have to go all the way to 2800 for 1500 title is fckin' stupid.


They should change the ranking/reward system a bit. 20th place last season was like 2900 or something. Challenger isn't a damn 2900 title (even 'tho 2900 pandawow is 2200 Retail, so its pretty far still).


What's the point anyways? Do you wanna run around with a Challenger title to prove and so everyone can see that you are 1,5k exp in arenas..? And you said it yourself, 2900 here is 2200 retail, so what do you think 1500 here is on retail? Also you're talking about 2s, and 2s should not reward titles at all.

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What's the point anyways? Do you wanna run around with a Challenger title to prove and so everyone can see that you are 1,5k exp in arenas..? And you said it yourself, 2900 here is 2200 retail, so what do you think 1500 here is on retail? Also you're talking about 2s, and 2s should not reward titles at all.


Since it does give out rewards, they should make it a bit more balanced.

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Since it does give out rewards, they should make it a bit more balanced.


If you're talking about bonus and mount rewards, so do you really think that would be a good idea? Giving free bonuses to everyone who got 1,5k? 80% of all players will get free bonuses...

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Honestly, I'd rather them fix the rating system. On live, you can get 2k with 30-35 wins, on here, it's 60-70 depending on your win/loss ratio. And by the way, Kaily has around 300 wins and like 35 losses, Noneed has 200 wins and 33 losses, yet they're the same rating. Don't you think that's a little weird?
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Honestly, I'd rather them fix the rating system. On live, you can get 2k with 30-35 wins, on here, it's 60-70 depending on your win/loss ratio. And by the way, Kaily has around 300 wins and like 35 losses, Noneed has 200 wins and 33 losses, yet they're the same rating. Don't you think that's a little weird?


Do you realise that it's heaviily dependent on their partner's mmr as well? Kailly often plays with someone who has much lower mmr than himself so they play vs players who sometimes have 1k less rating than kailly himself.. obviously he's going to get very little to 0 rating and it's an easy win... Someone else on the otherhand might go 20-20 and still have like 1.4k rate (which is insanely high for those wins) but only because their partner is 3k so they win like 30-50 per win and lose nothing.

p.s I know someone who's 26-6 on retail and is only 1.7 so..

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It never was, not even on retail. The best they can go here is making it the way it was on retail.


It was balanced on retail, as long as every class could go above 2,7k in 3s, (which there were) then that's what i call balanced. There will always be a team that counters others, one way or another, there's not really anything you can do about that.

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2200+ arena rating representation. Keep in mind, that Druid have more % then DKs, but Druids also had 3 viable specs to play in high rated arenas, DKs only had one, so if we would even those % between all of the Druids specs, that would make it more like DKs %, same goes for Paladin and Rogue, Paladins had 2 viable specs while Rogue really only had 1.


Druid 15.2% (152)

Paladin 13.2% (132)

Priest 11.2% (112)

Hunter 9.7% (97)

Shaman 8.8% (88)

Warlock 8.6% (86)

Warrior 8.4% (84)

Rogue 7.6% (76)

Death Knight 7.4% (74)

Mage 5.3% (53)

Monk 4.4% (44)


(Credit for "Arena Representation" statics goes to Dolci, Kel'Thuzad - US)


Sorry for long post on just 1 comment but i had alot to say for those who think that WoW is/isn't balanced.

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2200+ arena rating representation. Keep in mind, that Druid have more % then DKs, but Druids also had 3 viable specs to play in high rated arenas, DKs only had one, so if we would even those % between all of the Druids specs, that would make it more like DKs %, same goes for Paladin and Rogue, Paladins had 2 viable specs while Rogue really only had 1.


Druid 15.2% (152)

Paladin 13.2% (132)

Priest 11.2% (112)

Hunter 9.7% (97)

Shaman 8.8% (88)

Warlock 8.6% (86)

Warrior 8.4% (84)

Rogue 7.6% (76)

Death Knight 7.4% (74)

Mage 5.3% (53)

Monk 4.4% (44)


(Credit for "Arena Representation" statics goes to Dolci, Kel'Thuzad - US)


Sorry for long post on just 1 comment but i had alot to say for those who think that WoW is/isn't balanced.




Shaman: 18%

Warlock: 18%

Warrior: 18%

Mage: 18%


~ every other class.


don't say im salty and retarded, it's true, whether you like it or not.

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