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Selling Pwow acc here's the info:

Druid is Night Elf male, got 3 sets 550 ilvl (resto/balance/feral) fully gemmed enchanted perfectly. It has Challanger set, season 11/12/13 xmogs, typical druid green set 226 ilvl, beutiful red set, boneshreder set, also have all 3 cosmetic heads. Professions are Engineering and Jewelcrafting. Rating is low, have 4K honor points,1315 valor points, 2422 Conquest points.Not much exalted reputations.

Rogue is Human female, got 2 sets 550 ilvl (subtlety/combat) filly gemmed enchanted perfectly. It has challanger set, tier 12 heroic full set/ tier 13 normal set/ tier 14 5 items/ tier 15 3 items/ season 9 full set/ assassination full set/ a lot of weapon xmogs, and a lot of other xmogs. Professions are Tailoring and Engineering. Rating is 1521, have 4K honor points, 3050 Conquest points, 2600 justice points, 1205 valor points. 41 Exalted reputations, and has 2 vicous mounts.

Palading is Human male, got 3 sets 550 ilvl (holy/retribution/protection) fully gemmed enchanted. It has a lot of xmogs that are really pretty. Professions are Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting. Rating in 2v2 is 1633, in 3v3 1413. Have 4K honor points, 6775 Conquest points, not much exalted reputations, has 2 vicous mounts.

Warrior is Human female, not fully geared but 535 ilvl, fully gemmed enchanted. It has a lot of xmogs, full tier 13 sets. Professions are Blacksmithing and Tailoring. Rating in 2v2 is 1265 not capped has 4k honor, 870 Conquest points, 1200 Valor points. Not much exalted reputations.

Death knight is human female, 85 lvl with 90 lvl starter kit crafted malevolent set and some xmogs.

These are my characters on x100 realm

I got one geared character on Fun realm

Mage is human female, not full prideful but 523 ilvl with cool xmogs, fully gemmed and enchanted. Profession is Tailoring. No rating, have 1225 conquest points.

Donated Mounts are Emerald Hippogryph, Heart of the Aspects, Hearthsteed, Iron Skyreaver, Jade Pandaren Kite, Swift Spectral Tiger. All characters have a lot of Misc items

Photo's of my chars:


Dear pandawow staff's dotn remove my Post, there's no point, i will repost it

Have a nice day :)

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Nah nah i get banned for trying to sell my account?


- - - Updated - - -


Even blizzard let's to sell accounts if you're not intresting in the game anymore


Uh.. Blizzard is NOT allowing players selling their own account.


http://i.imgur.com/BmYWZxJ.png] Read the ToS before "knowing"


Stated here: http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/legal/wow_tou.html

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I have, check on Blizzard paladin named Dmozis


"You don't own the account.


You cannot sell what you don't own. That's fraud.


It's a contractual agreement with Blizzard where the ability to assign use resides with one party--Blizzard."


Quoted by a Blizzard employee on World of Warcraft forums. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7415156050#3

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