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The Random Stories RNG Thread


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New year calls for a new Game(LOL 9 DAYS LATE).


So, heres what Ill do for the new Game:

I'll have almost everyone from the English forum community written down here (around 15-25 participants) Bear in mind that you're in no matter what. Now, for the important part. With every post in this thread I'll remove one of the names (using a random number generating website) Yhen once the last name survives, a story will be written about him/her. I'll try to make it funny but Im kinda bad at humour. Then on the next day the names will be reset and I'll continue making stories about the other names. So, the more you post, the more names are out. This, however, does NOT mean that your name will be taken out. Remember, you're in no matter what.

Also, you can PM me with an idea about any story.


The stories will be purely for fun and not to make someone feel offended.

Im kind of busy irl so stories could be a bit late than theyre supposed to be.

Website: https://www.random.org/


So, let the names begin(lol puns):





8.Deielrion(sry luth, i hope i spelt that riqht >.>)




21.And of course, myself(Frostshotz)

Edited by Frostshotz
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