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2 profession 1 item.


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sup guys, can i get a honest answer on this 1 simple question, why the heck pretty much all 2k+ run (tailoring+engineering profession), as i know (or thought) u cant use the active enchant from eng + the pvp trinket u cast, is that sht buged cus ALL, and i mean even human 1s, that already have 2 dps trinkets use that, and even more they use the parachute+ 4k AP from Tailoring on cloack, i mean, that have to be freaking buged cus every1 know how should work, i wont post any pics cus we all know what will happen........... or not......, and hunters....... o boy, sucks to be melee atm.



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well u can forget blacksmithing since its only make 1 room for a gem, its the only use for that profession for pvp anyways, but what i ask (if it's no obvious) is if u can use the 1920 stat boost + the click-to-use trinket from pvp whitout the global that should happen after use any1 of those. thats my question. I know u can use it even whit the cd but its just a bit wear that every1 use that.


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well u can forget blacksmithing since its only make 1 room for a gem, its the only use for that profession for pvp anyways, but what i ask (if it's no obvious) is if u can use the 1920 stat boost + the click-to-use trinket from pvp whitout the global that should happen after use any1 of those. thats my question. I know u can use it even whit the cd but its just a bit wear that every1 use that.



Thank you for letting me know, that I should take a look on you.

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Thank you for letting me know, that I should take a look on you.

u can, and SHOULD look at every char that i have, and be fascinated how well i play all of them whitout any hacks,sht,bug abuse or any kind of those things that I use to see in every high rating chars, and sorry if whit this post U or any1 here get mad, cus if is true that ppl can use 2-3 profession in 1 item, and no1 say it cus dunno why reason, and then gms fix it + ppl cant use it anymore.............. mate im super fine whit it. IMHO (you, gm's, the players that can do a real report, the whole server if must) if ppl can actually want to try fix the server, and try change the PtW that pw has become lately, this will become again a very good free server to play, and just to say it, im here since 5.0.5, so yea i saw pretty much all the changes the server has made ok!



Just for ppl who dont get it:

PtW= Pay to Win

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hey im not sherlcok, but i can really make like 10 picks in less than 1 minute of ppl using 2 profession in 1 item..

im not stupid of course i will test it, and if possible make a video about, is not that hard on x100, and even less on FUN


But 2 professions on 1 item isn't a bug?

I find it funny that some people refuse to enchant their gloves with the standard enchant alongside the engineering enchant because they thought you couldn't do it on retail, but it turns out you can use the bs socket, standard enchant and the eng enchant. There's nothing weird about it. The 1920 str on demand as well as the pvp trinket is very strong, especially when a lot of classes on this game are heavily burst-orientated.


Also, in what way is Pandawow ptw?

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In the way that u can see full geared chars whit 0 rating, only way u get full geared whit 0 rating is buying it right? pls dont tell me that ppl will get full gear doing bgs.... that... pls dont.

And i see just fine that u enchant ur gloves whit engineering but u cant enchant cloack whit tailoring+eng, just cant be, and ppl do it, thats the whole thing of my post, idc if ppl abuse this, cus well its a free server.....


and if u enchant ur gloves whit 1920 boost stat from engi and u have http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103342/prideful-gladiators-badge-of-conquest, it should trigger 1 gcd when used on the gloves or the other way, and this is what i believe is wrong here, again i have not tested, but if a lot of chars are running tailoring+engineering....cmon. smth is not right ok.

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You can have 2 professions on a glove + standard glove enchant so I don't know what everyone is talking about...


The only dodgey thing I sometimes see are people with 3 different professions i.e tailoring + blacksmithing + engineering.


You could get all professions on retail too.. For example, do scribe for shoulder enchant, tailoring for cloak, engi for hands, blacksmith for wrists/gloves, leatherworking for legs, but ultimately in the end only the last 2 professions you did will actually work and the other enchants go red when you highlight over the item (idk about the blacksmithing sockets tho actually)

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Still early morning but most players run it because it it's basically a 2nd trinket,and as far as I know you can't use them both together and no one does,but yo space them out for example you use the gloves in the first deep just to put some pressure and force some cooldowns then you use your on-use trinket to go for a kill. However you can't have the Tailoring enchanting + a parachute enchant which you can report anyone if you see
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Nah. If you're human and playing engineering you're a noob. Any other race tho it's OP, cause you play with proc trinket not on use.

ma men, dont make me post some pics whit humans+eng profession, pls just dont, u and me will get permaband from elwyns's forest hahaha, seriously.


and HotzQT, yes u can actually use it like that, but not every 1 can actualy use it (pretty much every1 use swifty style (heck i do), im not complaining about it, but again its just weird.

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In the way that u can see full geared chars whit 0 rating, only way u get full geared whit 0 rating is buying it right? pls dont tell me that ppl will get full gear doing bgs.... that... pls dont.

And i see just fine that u enchant ur gloves whit engineering but u cant enchant cloack whit tailoring+eng, just cant be, and ppl do it, thats the whole thing of my post, idc if ppl abuse this, cus well its a free server.....



I geared bord through bg and did random arenas until I was 550 then I reseted my rating. And according to this thread about the proffesion, I think it's just a visual bug. I lost my crit when I replaced blacksmithing with tailoring. Also with the pvp trinket and the glove 1920 boost stat, It does cause a global cooldown for 10 sec after using it making it so u can't use both at the same time. Don't know if that's what you're talking about but yeah.

Edited by Deathskin
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i think u cant loss any stat cus BS only give u 1 socket (like forever) but im not sure 100%, well if the gcd is triggered is all good, i will test it tho, no matter what, and man, u rly love ur chars, cus gearing from bgs its really annoying but a nice challenge ahah, peac Edited by frakerober
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2 of my characters were fully geared by doing BGs exclusively. And I don't just mean the pvp set, no, I mean pvp+pve for ALL specs. Some people dislike arenas, you know, and even tho it's much slower to gear it, it's very possible.

Blacksmithing allows you to use TWO extra sockets, one on the gloves and one on the Bracers. Some people who HAD blacksmithing and then unlearned it, may experience visual bugs like showing the sockets there all gemmed but they don't get any stats from them.

Training engineering on a Human class is in no way dumb. Besides the 1920 stat boost, the Nitro Boost and the Goblin Glider are a must for any pvp oriented player.


Stacking on use trinket with the engineering glove enchant is an exploit and should be reported.

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Stacking on use trinket with the engineering glove enchant is an exploit and should be reported.

i will try test it today on FUN realm cus its faster, just to clearify it,guys i dont have video card so the resolution will be low xd, or at 1920x1080 will be slow as f**k. peac

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Blacksmithing allows you to use TWO extra sockets, one on the gloves and one on the Bracers. Some people who HAD blacksmithing and then unlearned it, may experience visual bugs like showing the sockets there all gemmed but they don't get any stats from them.


Training engineering on a Human class is in no way dumb. Besides the 1920 stat boost, the Nitro Boost and the Goblin Glider are a must for any pvp oriented player.

I was talking in terms of arena... Ofc engineering is most OP in world PvP.


Stacking on use trinket with the engineering glove enchant is an exploit and should be reported.

Did you mean to say that? They share a cd right? It's not an exploit

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