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Relative insults in georgian

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Name: Bbal

Realm: Fun

Reason: He got mad cuz he died

Proof: http://imgur.com/ZwZ0aiQ

Well, he told me Sheni dedas muteli movtyan,that's means I fuck your mum pussy,or i fuck your mum,i can't use translator becouse he writed in english keyboard,also you can't write in georgian in game cuz pwow dont let you or idk

If you want translate here we go:

http://imgur.com/SqqBioN I can't translate perfectly cuz of google translator suck , ask ever1 whos know georgian and they will say same as i said.


Pd: you can ask any georgian about that and they will say same,that's relative.

Please bann him

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  • 2 weeks later...
When you translated from english to georgian on your screenshot you don't get the same sentence that Bbal said in your first screenshot. And when i type "Sheni dedas muteli movtyan" in google translate from georgian to english, there's really nothing legit that comes up.
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