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How PandaWoW can/will get competitive in a few months

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Posted (edited)

As one of the first oldschool players which started durring S14, i have to say the server has improved alot.

- Tournaments

- "Big" named players and good players helps the server to get attention

- Weekly fixes

- International support team

- Reducing Chat "mods"


1.1 - Tournaments

Making tournaments on a private server is the best and most effective way to get players, alltought there aren't many players/teams and almost the same players all the time.

For the people that don't feel confident or "skilled" enough to try to compete on the tournaments, dont be. Its the best way to improve your gameplay, also there is nothing less of f*ck you should give then losing on a private server, plus it also helps your server to improve and to get known.. More people = more teams = more attention from other players.


- Try to stream all of them

- get a caster / cast it by your own. Could be a bit funny but also it gives a good overview for the players with a low experience (i'd be glad to help with that)

1.2 - Big named retail players


Yes! alot of players from retail with a fanbase, overall game knowlege and high rating has been playing on pandawow lately (Shelby, Abu, Piecez) their twitch names are Shelbytv, abuboss88 and pieceztv if anyone's interested. When players from retail with a 2800+ game experience plays on a private server, it has to mean something. Try to get more players like those to play here.

1.3 - Weekly fixes


Lately the development team of the server has been working on the classes and alot of things. Id say from a 1-100%, server is 74%~ playable (my point of view). Give them feedbacks and help them to improve by inviting your friends etc. The best way is to work with them instead of making fun of it.

1.4 & 1.5 - International Support team and taking a few people the power in the Chat


Having a multi-language team on forums/game intern is a good way to have a high player population from all around the world. Its also a good way to talk to the players and increase the server.


And yea.. about the chat mods i wont drop a word on it, you guys know what i mean.


A few things from my side and how to increase the population in the future:


- Create a twitch channel where you guys can broadcast (Such as admin gameplay, tournaments, or even when you're fixing something, stream it)

- Use social media (Twitter, Instagram etc.)

- Improve on your youngsters!!! (the most important thing in my oppinion.)

Alot of people come to the server to learn about the gameplay or even just do PvE. Try to spend abit more effort in fixing PvE's and get high rated players to write class guides on the forums for all languages. Give them abit of credits in exchange. (Best Example: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=94222&highlight=Druid+guide

- Set up weekly/monthly tournaments by the server its own. Tournaments dont always have to be about winning big money etc. It can also be a good way for good players to crash into each other and testing their skills to improve. (Look at GCDTV on twitch, they are doing it sooo well.. Its the best way to get a good reputation.


Feel free to argue and write your own oppinion down below. (Keep it polite!)


Best regards,

Chiv. :monk:

Edited by Chivy
  • Like 10

If pandawow gets better at fixing bugs , so many players will join the server INSTA .

The main reason why so many players particularly skilled ones left this server or haven't tried it yet is because of the bugs .

Lets be honest the main reason why we keep playing here its cause of the community and because its probably the best mop server out there but that doesn't mean anything .

If we want to make the server really competitive we need some improvements first .



--> BUT


All I'm trying to say is lets make the server better for us , the existing community, with all the reports that we have been posting and lets leave the "advertising" part to pandawow .


Always good to talk about these stuff though . Good post .

Posted (edited)
If pandawow gets better at fixing bugs , so many players will join the server INSTA .

The main reason why so many players particularly skilled ones left this server or haven't tried it yet is because of the bugs .

Lets be honest the main reason why we keep playing here its cause of the community and because its probably the best mop server out there but that doesn't mean anything .

If we want to make the server really competitive we need some improvements first .



--> BUT


All I'm trying to say is lets make the server better for us , the existing community, with all the reports that we have been posting and lets leave the "advertising" part to pandawow .


Always good to talk about these stuff though . Good post .



Good point.


1. Indeed there are still alot of bugs in the server, i don't know how long you've been playing here but trust me, PvE Season's where the worse. It was still a fun experience tought, but when they took off PvE Gear from the PvP scene thats when they started to improve. The only way for us to play a free-bugged server is for us first to help the server. Just an example: "If you are a vendor, would you ever go to your customers and ask them if they want to buy your product ?"


2. As far as I know, PandaWoW IS the only Server with the highest player population.. Community became also alot better. The thing that's still missing is probaly someone that can help the server with social medias. You dont know how many peopple are looking for such a server like this but has no idea that it exists.


3. It could backfire, who knows. The GCDTV thing was just an example of how pandawow should copy or maybe do the same.

Edited by Chivy
This server could be way more populated than it currently is, i suppose that it's not as populated as it could be because there still are a decently large amount of class bugs that give some classes advantages over others which makes it a bit un-balanced in PvP. And i feel like as soon as PandWoW fixes a "big" bug, there always instantly appears a new one, and this has been the deal ever since i started, therefore i see how this server doesn't gain much new/more players.
Server would be completely be over fucking populated if they worked on one server with motivation. The only thing that's driving them right now is money ($$$). My word if they work on one server and tries to perfect it, I can guarantee that the server would be a great success. This server can seriously top everyone by the way they have improved since 5.0.5, only if they continued working on it daily on one server, the would've had more than 20K+ population on one server.
  • Like 1
Server would be completely be over fucking populated if they worked on one server with motivation. The only thing that's driving them right now is money ($$$). My word if they work on one server and tries to perfect it, I can guarantee that the server would be a great success. This server can seriously top everyone by the way they have improved since 5.0.5, only if they continued working on it daily on one server, the would've had more than 20K+ population on one server.


true true

1.1 - Tournaments


Making tournaments on a private server is the best and most effective way to get players, alltought there aren't many players/teams and almost the same players all the time.

For the people that don't feel confident or "skilled" enough to try to compete on the tournaments, dont be. Its the best way to improve your gameplay, also there is nothing less of f*ck you should give then losing on a private server, plus it also helps your server to improve and to get known.. More people = more teams = more attention from other players.


- Try to stream all of them

- get a caster / cast it by your own. Could be a bit funny but also it gives a good overview for the players with a low experience (i'd be glad to help with that)


The biggest reason why people do not join tournaments is because arena is not fixed enuf to be competitive and how can it be competitive when you have pets walking through pillars in arena, ranged classes shooting through hills and walls, crowd control ignoring diminishing returns and many other inconsistencies that make arena on panda-wow a joke. And not to mention the class bugs, if you go and look at http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=181 you will find many bugs that affect arena balance. Some of those bug reports are almost a year old and they still have not been fixed (or ignored).


My friends and me wanted to stream arena gameplay, but we could not because of the current state of the game. And I do not think that viewers want to see players falling through the ground or pets walking trough walls.

Twitch promotion is not needed at all. Once its promoted on Twitch its just going to be bad name with the current realm status with all the bugs and etc... They delay quite some time now for new hot fixes. Seriously they need to focus on ONE server that is it. They need to reduce time on WOD and other bull shit.

For first need fix critical PvP bugs, we're on it now. In changelog #11 will be decide all major issues in PvP part of the game.

And need reset current arena season, also in future replace the Arena Season by 3x3 PvP Tournaments.


We have many idea, and we know how to do this, just need time.

  • Like 3
The biggest reason why people do not join tournaments is because arena is not fixed enuf to be competitive and how can it be competitive when you have pets walking through pillars in arena, ranged classes shooting through hills and walls, crowd control ignoring diminishing returns and many other inconsistencies that make arena on panda-wow a joke. And not to mention the class bugs, if you go and look at http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=181 you will find many bugs that affect arena balance. Some of those bug reports are almost a year old and they still have not been fixed (or ignored).


My friends and me wanted to stream arena gameplay, but we could not because of the current state of the game. And I do not think that viewers want to see players falling through the ground or pets walking trough walls.


I agree with you that there is still alot of issues going on. But don't forget that PandaWoW is a private server and you can't compare it to other servers or even retail since they don't have a "proffessional" or do have game designer.. The fact that they're working on it by their own right now is amazing enough. But im pretty sure if they get abit more time they will work on it. About the arena bugs.. If you think about it.. Everyone has trouble with lock dmg/casters hitting trough wall... But its also a good way to improve on your gameplay (Learning how to line, avoiding CC and much more) Trust me, you and your friends are not the only that has trouble with it :)

For first need fix critical PvP bugs, we're on it now. In changelog #11 will be decide all major issues in PvP part of the game.

And need reset current arena season, also in future replace the Arena Season by 3x3 PvP Tournaments.


We have many idea, and we know how to do this, just need time.

:good: Feel free to ask your community too! :-)

For first need fix critical PvP bugs, we're on it now. In changelog #11 will be decide all major issues in PvP part of the game.

And need reset current arena season, also in future replace the Arena Season by 3x3 PvP Tournaments.


We have many idea, and we know how to do this, just need time.


You have to ask your community for stuff aswell you can't just implement something without consulting the people that are going to use it. You should make polls for both the russian community and the international one. One problem alot of people on this server hate at the moment is the 7 days played to sell a char. Maybe that was good when it was summer but people can't play 24/7 now. Like me for example, I'm in the stage where I have to study alot, which gives me about 2-3 hours of gameplay after coming back from school. You have to notice that your players have lives and jobs/schoolwork. That was one of my examples and my way of making this server a better gaming experience. Thanks chiv for making this thread it was needed and I hope the staff pay attention and listens.


Cheers, Deathskin


There is a simple way how to know which bugs are important. Let people VOTE for bugs. Like they can just vote some bugs up and the devs gonna look on them deepends on how much votes they have. Also replacing the season for tournaments ? Nah please not ... just do both :)



For first need fix critical PvP bugs, we're on it now. In changelog #11 will be decide all major issues in PvP part of the game.

And need reset current arena season, also in future replace the Arena Season by 3x3 PvP Tournaments.


We have many idea, and we know how to do this, just need time.


Consult the community (top pvp'ers like Noneedholy, Chiv, Dionysus etc.) on what is wrong with PvP, if you guys discuss it i'm sure alot could be fixed and this server could be blizzlike.


Your reply put my hopes up, please don't ruin them.


- - - Updated - - -


There is a simple way how to know which bugs are important. Let people VOTE for bugs. Like they can just vote some bugs up and the devs gonna look on them deepends on how much votes they have. Also replacing the season for tournaments ? Nah please not ... just do both :)




i think he meant both but that he typed it wrong. understandable, not every russian can speak english flawlessly.


i think he meant both but that he typed it wrong. understandable, not every russian can speak english flawlessly.


I planned to fix it in next few months, also it's big step for my communicate with English-speaking audience.


Anyway, I mean remove $ prizes from current seasons and move it to tournaments, but yes, seasons continue anyway.

  • Like 2

For example : http://imgur.com/INfQ2Bo This is a NPC where u can get isntantly geared, enchanted with gems and spec talents etc. In my opinion this is a perfect npc for Panda WoW. another big thing is the gear if u make Griveous free more people will play in pandawow for sure, because nobody pays for Griveous gear in the item shop so it means its useless so far. And BG is boring aswell. My suggestion is this NPC + free griveous


- - - Updated - - -


@Juster i've been thinking about this many times and i think if u make griveous free u wont lose anything but u may get more people in the server ,because there is no human who buys Griveous Piece because it costs 400 bonuses and nobody really likes gearing in BG's because its boring, if u make Griveous free u win more than making it with honor, because noone buys Griveous from the Item Shop because it costs 400 bonuses and its not worth.

For example : http://imgur.com/INfQ2Bo This is a NPC where u can get isntantly geared, enchanted with gems and spec talents etc. In my opinion this is a perfect npc for Panda WoW. another big thing is the gear if u make Griveous free more people will play in pandawow for sure, because nobody pays for Griveous gear in the item shop so it means its useless so far. And BG is boring aswell. My suggestion is this NPC + free griveous


- - - Updated - - -


@Juster i've been thinking about this many times and i think if u make griveous free u wont lose anything but u may get more people in the server ,because there is no human who buys Griveous Piece because it costs 400 bonuses and nobody really likes gearing in BG's because its boring, if u make Griveous free u win more than making it with honor, because noone buys Griveous from the Item Shop because it costs 400 bonuses and its not worth.


It kinda would make it more fun, but character progression always feels good which is why it is not implemented, this also should only be on Fun realm, where you get gear anyway.

Posted (edited)
Consult the community (top pvp'ers like Noneedholy, Chiv, Dionysus etc.) on what is wrong with PvP, if you guys discuss it i'm sure alot could be fixed and this server could be blizzlike.


Your reply put my hopes up, please don't ruin them.


- - - Updated - - -




i think he meant both but that he typed it wrong. understandable, not every russian can speak english flawlessly.


Ehh, i dont know about that.. There are alot of players that are far better than us, taking only our oppinion wouldn't help much. Everyone that plays PvP is a good player so why only ask top tiers ? We all plus the server itself need to help each other and stop hating on eachother / shittalking in arenas etc. This should be the first step. But realy good that you mentioned it, appreciate.


I planned to fix it in next few months, also it's big step for my communicate with English-speaking audience.


Anyway, I mean remove $ prizes from current seasons and move it to tournaments, but yes, seasons continue anyway.

Pretty sure this would make alot more sense. So many people can wintrade durring the season or snipe low tier teams to take the money away. Putting it in tournaments would be much better, so everyone has a chance to gather it also it kinda forces them to improve on their classes. Cheers Juster, thank you for the feedback.

Edited by Chivy
There is a simple way how to know which bugs are important. Let people VOTE for bugs. Like they can just vote some bugs up and the devs gonna look on them deepends on how much votes they have. Also replacing the season for tournaments ? Nah please not ... just do both :)




This is a good idea to start with .


Someone from the pandawow team said in the past that they are working on every bug that we report . But I honestly don't believe that cause they are getting soooo many reports and I really doubt that they know the real priority of the bugs .

With that being said I think a poll like that could make their work easier and more effective .


For example I think explosive trap and frozen orb have a higher priority than a warrior hitting for 1milion in elwyn forest and gurubashi lol . and I'm pretty sure many will agree on that . even though the second one could be easier to fix , it gets sooo much attention and soo quickly that is not even required .



Ehh, i dont know about that.. There are alot of players that are far better than us, taking only our oppinion wouldn't help much. Everyone that plays PvP is a good player so why only ask top tiers ? We all plus the server itself need to help each other and stop hating on eachother / shittalking in arenas etc. This should be the first step. But realy good that you mentioned it, appreciate.


Pretty sure this would make alot more sense. So many people can wintrade durring the season or snipe low tier teams to take the money away. Putting it in tournaments would be much better, so everyone has a chance to gather it also it kinda forces them to improve on their classes. Cheers Juster, thank you for the feedback.


Top tier people cant stop shittalking about everyone and how high rated they are i dont like this community to be honest, Chiv is the only one high rated player who is not a rager and who is not shit talking about everyone, there are top tier people who are just crying everyday if they lose and that makes the community %#@!.

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