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Hello, thanks for checking this guide out! Afterall since many players are making a guide, I'd like to make one for those new-incomers to this specialization of Shamans.


I'll be going through each section of Enhancements to clear things up, and let you understand them, so you also can skip through and find the one u need to. It's mostly known for Turbo cleave in arena, or yolo. Because of it's high potential burst.




-Enhancement overall:


As you've noticed, Enhancement is a very strong class with low survivability, it's an offensive class which is likely a warrior with enhanced abilities, like orcs drank the demonic blood to infuse themselves etc.


Enhancement goes with 4 elemental totems, Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Which grants them various increase in offensive and defensive states.

Enhancement can do high damage with few "stacked" spells. It has many abilities and spells which gives them better advantage than other classes, can shapeshift like a druid, Ghost Wolf.

Enhancement's resource is mana. You use your offensive & defensive abilities and spells with mana, you can get low in mana if you keep spamming the same spell, as an example; Purge purge purge purge, drains a lot of mana when you're against HoT class, however it's very good to spam that 1 buttom, to gain higher survivability or offensive advantage.

Enhancements is the class u want to go with when you want to do fast things. Slangy.




Enhancement shaman have optional/situational talent chosing, I'll go through the talents, showing which is best for Enhancement.



[spoiler= Tier 15 Talents]

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108271 Astral Shift is a bad choice in overall, though it does grant you 40% reduction in ALL school magics, physical dmg etc. But it's only for 6 seconds and a 1.5m Cooldown, you can possibly use it against double dps combination in 2v2, against rogue etc, however it's a bad choice to choose.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30884 Nature's Guardian is mostly the talent you'll be chosing in 2v2, 3v3 arenas. It grants you 25% increased HP once you've fallen below 35% HP, this is also good against DPS combination classes, it grants you high survivability, and a bit of a good defensive state. You'll be using that most of the times.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108270 Stone Bulwark Totem is a 50/50 choice, because it gives u an absorb shield 37k ( if you're full prideful ) every 5s for 30s. It's really good when clutching in surviving, putting the totem when you're low hp and trying to survive while kiting, DoT's on you, the shield will absorb the DoT's while you're trying to survive, however, it's not that good in arena's, stick with Nature's Guardian. It's good in World PvP etc.



[spoiler= Tier 30 Talents]

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108273 Windwalk Totem is very good in 2's and 3's, especially against classes which roots you or your partner'(s) It can give u high advantage in survivability or offensive playstyle. Use it against Rooting classes, if not, the enemy team can split up ( LoS ) your team.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=63374 Frozen Power is good in 2's, maybe in 3's but I highly doubt it. It's good when you're trying to split up the enemy from each other to make it harder for them to survive. Rooting the healer, dragging the DPS. It's very good against classes which kites you a lot, Mages, Druids etc. You force druids to shapeshift which makes them be in global CD, till u snare them instead of Root. after 2-3 casts. Use it against kiting classes, good against them.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51485 Earthgrab Totem is very strong talent, it can be very good in 2's, 3's and 5's, highly in rbg. You root ALL enemies within 10 yards of the totem, then snares them. As a healer in arena, which can only dispell every 8 seconds, makes it hard for them to get to their dragged partner and heal them. It's good in Crowd Control. It's very good when you're trying to kite, just not as good as Frozen power. Frozen power talent roots them, 2-3 times, repeat after DR. And Earthgrab Totem is 30s cd, with 20s on ground, rooting once, snaring rest of the time till it's destroyed or time run out. Use it against classes when you're trying to split enemies up.



[spoiler= Tier 45 Talents]

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108287 Totemic Projection is very good when you're trying to place your totems at your sight, or stun with Capacitor Totem. Lazy enemies will most likely not kill your totem, more skilled enemies will either kill the totem or move away from your LoS, so you can't place your totems ontop of them for the Crowd Control. This totems is good when you're going with Stone Bulwark Totem, use Totemic Projection to place the totems on your sight, so it's absorb it. The shield doesn't absorb you if you're not in LoS. In overall, this talent will be your best choice.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108285 Call of the Elements is 50/50 depends on what combination enemy team you're facing, it's good for defensive spells, Twice Healing stream totem, Twice Capacitor totem, Earthbind totem etc. Use it against classes when you know you'll need that "extra" help, but do know. That good enemies will kill your totems. Which will make this talent NOT come in handy.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108284 Totemic Persistence is a bad talent, though it does make u have 2 healing totems up, ground and capacitor totem up. However it's a bad choice, gives u small benefit.



[spoiler= Tier 60 Talents]

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=16166 Elemental Mastery is good in burst, it grants 30% increased haste in spell and melee for 20s, making u grant more Maelstrom Weapon procs faster, though it's bad, only grants u benefit for 20s with 1.5m Cooldown, use it in Duels, yolo combs etc.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=16188 Ancestral Swiftness is your best choice in this talent tree, it grants you 5% spell haste and 10% melee haste, making u grant more Maelstrom Weapon procs overall and maskes your spells cast faster, it also grants u a ability which makes your next Nature spell INSTANT, which means that u can cast your instant heal, Hex, Lightning Bolt and Healing rain. It's mostly best with Hex, making the enemies not being able to Counterspell it. Goes with 1.5m Cooldown.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108283 Echo of the Elements is a bad choice overall, as I've read in few forum posts on Blizzard 5.4.7 patch, it has around 5% proc chance. Making your previous last casted spell ( Heal or Direct damage ) Be duplicating and casts again. You can use this with in Duels, yolo combs etc.



[spoiler= Tier 75 Talents]

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108282 Conductivity is a bad choice to choose in this talent tree, this spell only works with Healing rain, which means you're required to use Healing rain to make this talent activate. Don't use this in any situation.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=147074 Rushing Streams is mostly a bad choice, it does heal a bit more, but your totem will mostly get destroyed, which makes the talent useless. Only for few seconds. Don't use this talent in any situation. Best for Restoration or Elemental spec.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108281 Ancestral Guidance is your best choice in this talent tree, It heals you no matter what heal / damage you're doing, it also heals 3 other targets in your team. It's very good in burst, it can heal 50% in few situations and just 20-30% in most. Use this spell in overall.



[spoiler= Tier 90 Talents]

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117013 Primal Elementalist is bad choice for this spec, it does grant you survivability and offensive state. Depending on which totem guardian you summon, Earth Elemental Totem is mostly for defensive, giving it taunt, Itself dmg reduction, stun and master damage reduction and healing increased by 20% and 10% till cancelled or destroyed/time run out. Don't use this talent, ever.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117012 Unleashed Fury is a bad choice for this spec, it does grant you 30% increased dmg by Lightning Bolt and 10% from Lava burst, and 8 procs from windfury. You'll most likely NOT use Lightning Bolt, and Lava Burst is from Elemental spec. Doesn't benefit you at all, only like 5% which is nothing.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117014 Elemental Blast is far the best talent to choose in this tree, it 12s Cooldown dealing high amount of damage and gives u a buff for 8s, the buff can give defensive stat attribute or offensive, 3500 Critical Strike, Haste or Mastery. This talent is the best, use it overall.






There's many ways of setting up your Glyphs, making yourself more defensive or offensive. I'll go through the glyphs, showing which is best for Enhancement.


[spoiler=Major Glyphs - MUST -]

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=101052 This glyph is a required for this spec! It provides you 10% reduction damage in all schools, physical damage etc. Will proc when the Shield is triggered.

http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Healing_Storm ( Removed in Wowhead.com ) This glyph is highly recommend and REQUIRED! For each proc stack of your Maelstrom Weapon it also increases your direct healing by 20% - Meant for Healing surge. So for 5 procs of Maelstrom Weapon, increases your Healing surge by 100% This glyph is required for my opinion, you choose.


[spoiler=Major Glyphs - Situational/Optional]

http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Shamanistic_Rage This glyph is very good against Caster classes, once you use it when you're controlled by a harmful spell, it dispells the harmful spell. As an example; If a Mage used Deep Freeze on you, and you use Shamanistic Rage. It dispells it, really good! Use it against Casters!

http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Healing_Stream_Totem This glyph is nearly as good as Shamanistic rage, it grants 10% reduction in 3 elements, Fire, Frost and Nature for your partners too! Switch this around with your other optional glyphs.

http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Spiritwalker's_Grace This glyph is very good. It makes your Spiritwalker's Grace's duration 5s longer, but remember. Few classes can steal / purge it.

http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Capacitor_Totem This glyph isn't that good, but very good in some situations, it makes the duration on Capacitor totem 2s faster, making the enemy'(s) have a bit of panic time because they either don't have the time to destroy it, or move off LoS. Use this glyph went you need fast CC.

http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Hex This glyph is good, very good in some situations. It makes your Hex's cooldown lower by 10s, making it 35s cooldown, which makes u have more CC's every 10s faster. Use this spell when you want more/faster CC on your enemy.



[spoiler=Minor Glyphs]

http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Totemic_Encirclement This glyph is a MUST, it makes you summon 3 useless totems when you've used 1 totem ability. Confuses the enemy team, if it's a clicking target frame enemy. Use this glyph at ALL times.

All others is your choice.





There's many macro's which gives u high advantage in your playstyle, and increasing your both offensive/defensive gameplay, making u have faster reaction etc. I'll go through the macro's, showing which is best for Enhancement. These are the ones I know so far, I do NOT want to link from other's guide, therefore, sorry if you don't want the one you're looking for.


[spoiler=MUST macro's]

-Focus/Main- Windshear macro, this makes u stop casting, and use Windshear either on your main target or focus target. I've modified it with Alt, you can replace alt with ctrl or shift:



/use [mod,alt,target=focus] Wind Shear

/cast Wind Shear


-Focus/Main- Hex macro, this makes u stop casting, and use Ancestral Swiftness and Hex either on your main target or focus target. I've modified it with Ctrl, you can replace ctrl with alt or shift:



/use [mod:ctrl,@focus] Ancestral Swiftness

/use [mod:ctrl,@focus] Hex

/cast Ancestral Swiftness

/cast Hex


-Partner/You- Cleanse Spirit macro, this makes u stop casting and use Cleanse Spirit either on your partner or you. Replace the name at @NAME. I've modified it with Ctrl, you can replace ctrl with alt or shift:

#showtooltip Cleanse Spirit

/cast [mod:ctrl, @Allahuakbaqx] Cleanse Spirit

/cast Cleanse Spirit


-Totem Frames- This Macro places your Totem frames below middle of your screen. You can modify it with changing the numbers, remember not to screw it up:

/run TotemFrame:ClearAllPoints(); TotemFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",0,-280); TotemFrame:SetScale(0.9)

As an example: http://i.imgur.com/5mautg6.jpg


Burst Macro/Swifty- This is just a basic macro if you want to just have one bind using all your offensive CD's.

#Showtooltip Ascendance

/use Prideful Gladiator's Badge of Conquest

/cast Feral Spirit

/cast Bloodlust

/cast Ascendance

/cast Spiritwalker's Grace

/cast Fire Elemental Totem

/cast Stormlash Totem

(Fill in whatever else you have, potions etc)




-Stat attributes


There's optional choices for your stat priorities, but the best ones will be explained. I'll go through the stat priorities, showing which is the best for Enhancement.



Mastery increases your Fire, Frost and Nature damage done by XX%

This stat is more offensive and less defensive/survival, increasing your abilities etc.

Critical Strike increases your abilities & spells to be crit, making them do higher damage or healing than usual - Extra Damage / Healing - Higher.

If you want to be Offensive with your Enhancement shaman, your 1st priority is Agility > Mastery > Critical then Haste ( If possible ) You should gem out of Haste, into Mastery, if you can't Mastery, then into Crit. Same with gems. Gem into Agility then Mastery, and a bit Critical, if you want to. Remember to have 6% Expertise and 3% Hit chance both MINIMUM - Meta should be agility & crit one, or you can get the PvP power & resilience one, I recommend agility.




Critical Strike increases your abilities & spells to be crit, making them do higher damage or healing than usual - Extra Damage / Healing - Higher.

Haste increases your casting speed and attack speed, making your spells cast faster and make u attack faster, giving you faster proc of Maelstrom Weapon etc.

If you want to be Offensive with your Enhancement shaman, your 1st priority is Haste > Agility/Crit then Mastery ( If possible ) You should gem out of Mastery, into Haste, if you can't Haste, then intro Crit. Same with gems. Gem into Haste then Agility/Crit, and a bit of Mastery, if you want to. Remember to have 6% Expertise and 3% Hit chance both MINIMUM - Meta should be agility & crit one, or you can get the PvP power & resilience one, I recommend agility.



[spoiler=Offensive/Defensive - Balanced]

Mastery increases your Fire, Frost and Nature damage done by XX%

This stat is more offensive and less defensive/survival, increasing your abilities etc.

Haste increases your casting speed and attack speed, making your spells cast faster and make u attack faster, giving you faster proc of Maelstrom Weapon etc.

If you want to be Offensive with your Enhancement shaman, your 1st priority is Agility > Mastery/Haste then Crit ( If possible ) You should try to get over 65% Mastery and over 38% Haste. You should gem out of Crit, into Mastery, if you can't Mastery, then into Haste. A bit different with gems, you should be more offensive in gems. Gem into Agility/Mastery, and a bit of PvP power, if you want to. Remember to have 6% Expertise and 3% Hit chance both MINIMUM - Meta should be agility & crit one, or you can get the PvP power & resilience one, I recommend agility.



- Gameplay


There's optional choices of your gameplay. I'll go through them, showing the the best for Enhancement.



Your rotation wise, I will NOT explain everything in every situational etc, just the basic stuff.

Once you begin to get close to your enemy, use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8050 if he's not a physical damage dealer, if the enemy you're approaching a physical damage dealer, use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8042 To reduce their damage done by 10% then you can use Flame Shock, to keep a DoT on them.

Then use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=17364 once you've become in melee range of them, you attack them and apply a debuff on them, increasing your critical strike chance by 25% for your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lightning Shield trigger proc, Earth Shock and Elemental Blast. Main ability

Use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=60103 When you're at 5x stack of Searing Flames, or lower. To fill up your damage. At this point you should have 3+ Maelstrom Weapon procs, you spend the procs with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=73680 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117014 This does will do high damage to your enemy. When you've used that, you should try to reapply Flame Shock since your abilities will be increased with the buff you'll get from Elemental blast. Your Flame Shock will either tick faster, have increased Critical strike or have it's damage increased, once you've applied Flame shock, if you're close to your enemy use Stormstrike, if you're not use Fire Nova, to get another AoE damage out of your target. Now you should be close to your target, you use Stormstrike, fill up with Lava lash. This is pretty much your main rotation, also remember to use your totem spells to give yourself some advantage of your gameplay.



[spoiler=What you should keep up]

You should try to keep http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=3599 at ALL times, this totems gives u procs ( http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Searing_Flames ) which increases your Lava Lash ability by 8% each stack, can be stacked up to 5 maximum. Up to 40% increased damage done by Lava Lash.

Your weapon imbues is obvious, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=160098 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=32911 ( Removed the correct spell here's a better example: https://i.gyazo.com/6fd19c239237cf8278c648dbeb325d73.png ) These are far the BEST imbues. Keep them up at all cost.

You should keep your http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=324 at all times, keep it up at all cost.

Keep up http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5394/ whenever you've lost HP, this will heal you every 2s for 15s with 30s cooldown.



- Gear Etc


There's optional choices to have Enchants/Off-set, depending on which stat priority you're going with.


[spoiler= Balanced - Best choice]

Your best choice for having the most Balanced stat priority - Mastery/Haste with enchants & off-set. ( The items is Horde, do know that )


Your neck item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103346

Your back item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103344 Reforge from Hit to Haste.

Your wrist item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103414

Your waist item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103410 Reforge from Crit to Haste.

Your feet item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103412 Reforge from Crit to Haste.

Your 2 rings is: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103349 & http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103348 - Reforge from Hit to Haste. Reforge from Crit to Mastery.

Your trinkets should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103342 & http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103531 Reforge from Crit to Mastery or Haste, recommend to Mastery.

Your shoulder enchant should be 200 Agility and 100 Crit

Your back enchant should be Tailoring 4000 Attack power

Your chest enchant should be 80+ All stats

Your wrist enchant should be 180 Mastery or Haste

Your hand enchant should be Engineering 1920 Stat increase

Your leg enchant should be 285 Mastery and 165 Crit

Your feet enchant should be 140 Agility and minor speed increase ( 8% )




[spoiler= Offensive]

Your best choice for having the most offensive stat priority - Mastery/Crit.


Your neck item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103346 Reforge Haste to Crit.

Your back item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103344 Reforge from Hit to Crit

Your wrist item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103415 Reforge from Hit to Mastery

Your waist item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103410

Your feet item should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103413 Reforge from Haste to Mastery

Your 2 rings is: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103349 & http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103348 - Reforge from Hit to Crit. Reforge from Haste to Mastery.

Your trinkets should be: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103342 & http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103531 Reforge from Crit to Mastery, if you want.

Your shoulder enchant should be 200 Agility and 100 Crit

Your back enchant should be Tailoring 4000 Attack power

Your chest enchant should be 80+ All stats

Your wrist enchant should be 180 Mastery or Haste

Your hand enchant should be Engineering 1920 Stat increase

Your leg enchant should be 285 Mastery and 165 Crit

Your feet enchant should be 140 Agility and minor speed increase ( 8% )




Thank you for looking on my guide, hope you liked it, and made it improve your playstyle with this guide. If you have any questions or think something else is better than my guide, please do tell me.

If you liked this guide, please give me a "thanks" Or just land a comment, will appreciate it really much.


I did NOT use any other guide's words here, did NOT steal anything from other player's guide. Otherwise, credits will be given.


Thanks to Chivy for making me think of this, check his Monk guide out right here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=165920

Edited by Nemifest
  • Like 12

Nice guide - just a shame that Windfury Weapon + Glyph of Purge still don't work though lol.


I'm thinking of making an elemental/resto advanced guide. If this comment gets 10+ likes I'll do one of them idk which though.

  • Like 2

Thanks, really appreciate you liked the "little" work I've put on this guide.


As chivy wrote "Hopefully more people are ready to make more guides in the future" Would be really awesome to see more player tune into making a guide for other player's to see and improve themselves with it.


Also, it would be really cool to see a section for each class guides! ( We need players to make a guide for each class, then we might have a possibility of changing the administrator's mind. Hopefully )


I never played an enha shamy before, maybe cus i dont like hybrid class, but i will try lvlup all melee classes and for sure this will be 1, even if i know i suck at it, its rly good to know few things of enha (for arenas), i do saw few videos, and the burst its insane, here dunno, maybe cus i have not face that many enha shamys, but hey, great guide mate, give u a thanks of course.



Thanks Frakerober, great to see u try Enhancement 1st than other melee's heh :)




I can make a guide for you, as the long time I've teached you elemental, don't deny it. I've changed to Enha for the reason of ele got fixed. Further out I got to 2.3k with enha shaman, where you wintrade at 5v5.

Thanks Frakerober, great to see u try Enhancement 1st than other melee's heh :)




I can make a guide for you, as the long time I've teached you elemental, don't deny it. I've changed to Enha for the reason of ele got fixed. Further out I got to 2.3k with enha shaman, where you wintrade at 5v5.


you have not taught me anything, stop claiming such stuff, reaching 2.3K? that proves nothing, there is something called: boosting you in arena, and you know that 100%


anyone can boost you for rating/wins/etc..


bye :D

you have not taught me anything, stop claiming such stuff, reaching 2.3K? that proves nothing, there is something called: boosting you in arena, and you know that 100%


anyone can boost you for rating/wins/etc..


bye :D


Lets get to the point then. Ancestral swiftness being much better than echo of the elements, nature's guardian being better than stone bulwark don't deny that I've told you this way long time ago.

I also showed u the best trick on Elemental's haste trick. Yet you still can't beat me when I'm elemental, been months ago I've changed to Enhancement, what a depression.


Yes, I did get boosted in 2v2 with my main by another dps. My main is Enha, alt is resto which is 2.3k too, I know that 100% yes, matter of fact I know that I didn't wintrade, nor wouldn't do it the most obvious place, also being unknown to cover your own track on it.


Also, since you're most likely still claiming Elementals is bugged, and keep acusing the actual fix of your loses is very nice, I used to do that when it was my 1st time playing another class, afterall I got boosted, fortunate.

Could you tell me what bad I'm doing, so I can get something new.

many things.

for example:

Stone Bulwark Totem better then Nature's Guardian because absorb much more then 37k

Windwalk Totem better then Earthgrab Totem because enemy always trying to stop your burst (if u have at least 2.8k in 2's 2.5k in 3s)

Echo of the Elements better then Ancestral Swiftness because with echo you can do 250-300k crits (so you can oneshot mage without block)

Rushing Streams better then Ancestral Guidance because totems healing much more then Ancestral Guidance (so you can heal more then your healer in 3v3)

Nature's Guardian is mostly the talent you'll be chosing in 2v2, 3v3 arenas.

Ancestral Swiftness is your best choice in this talent tree, it grants you 5% spell haste and 10% melee haste, making u grant more Maelstrom Weapon procs overall and maskes your spells cast faster, it also grants u a ability which makes your next Nature spell INSTANT, which means that u can cast your instant heal, Hex, Lightning Bolt and Healing rain. It's mostly best with Hex, making the enemies not being able to Counterspell it. Goes with 1.5m Cooldown.

Echo of the Elements is a bad choice overall

Rushing Streams is mostly a bad choice, it does heal a bit more, but your totem will mostly get destroyed, which makes the talent useless. Only for few seconds. Don't use this talent in any situation. Best for Restoration or Elemental spec.

Ancestral Guidance is your best choice in this talent tree, It heals you no matter what heal / damage you're doing, it also heals 3 other targets in your team. It's very good in burst, it can heal 50% in few situations and just 20-30% in most. Use this spell in overall.

Nature's Guardian give you max hp (if it was for current hp sure u should get it). So you just have bigger hp bar but it don't help u staying alive a lot. I am aggree too that current absorb + absorb every 5 seconds much better then buff for hp.
Nature's Guardian give you max hp (if it was for current hp sure u should get it). So you just have bigger hp bar but it don't help u staying alive a lot. I am aggree too that current absorb + absorb every 5 seconds much better then buff for hp.


are you fk what how can you be so retarded NG literally saves your life when it procs and stone bulwark can be killed and then its useless forever, also stone bulwark is dispelable / spellstealable so its shit


the reason SBW is even viable here is cuz of the bugged absorbs


not like you, an abuser, would like to admit that


- - - Updated - - -


Echo of the Elements better then Ancestral Swiftness because with echo you can do 250-300k crits (so you can oneshot mage without block)


like if this was fixed Echo would be like half of the damage u described you're such an abuser

  • Like 1

With half damage you can not oneshot mage without block...Because mages not so stupid for don't using ice block.

But when u do 300k dirrect damage in 1 second (it's just half hp) mage just dead.

Posted (edited)


As everyone obviously know, SBT is bugged, it either absorbs too much, or less. This post is with NO abuse, unlike you.

Everyone knows if you face a shaman in arena, wait for his burst, as you took mage for an example: A good mage will always save block for shaman's burst. Obvious. Echo of the elements is bad. Look in retail guides. The talent guide is mostly for high rating arena, mostly.

Healing streams is bad, and can be destroyed easily. Waste, however Ancestral guidance is better, can't be purged/dispelled.

Please do know, that this guide is made from retail play, not in abuse. I can easily do that too.


All your disprove is invalid, Pandawow is made like retail, lets wait till Pandawow fixes things, and see your disprove. Pathetic abuser.


Also, Enhancement shaman is made for direct burst timed class. Which means it's not supposed to BURST a class from 100% to 20% It's made for 50% to 10%

Edited by Nemifest
  • Like 1

Enh shaman its like warlock/warrior/mage who can burst 100%-0% for 6 seconds.

Private server will never be like retail... Always some bugs.

2 years bugged dmg of warrior/warlock/mage and noone cares so?

Everyone from top-20 abuse smth. Who have better abuse / scripts get better rating.

Enh shaman its like warlock/warrior/mage who can burst 100%-0% for 6 seconds.

Private server will never be like retail... Always some bugs.

2 years bugged dmg of warrior/warlock/mage and noone cares so?

Everyone from top-20 abuse smth. Who have better abuse / scripts get better rating.


Enhancement shamans isn't made for 100%-0%


Can you for god sake, Iwannadance have something valid?

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