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Wintrading in 3vs3 / FUN

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1. Diabolique / Aphaeleon

2. Fun

3. Noone saw this guy getting rating, he just got it over night like 200 rating over 1 fucking night. Actually there also appeared some new people in the ladder. Like people who wintraded with this guy :


4. Just look at his logs, he traded obviously with alot of characters and i guess ^ there are enough proofs. also i want to mention this posts :






There are already many reports about this guy, wintrading in 3vs3.


5. Please clear our server from all this wintrading scrubs. So many people are complaining right now about this guy because NOONE ever saw him getting rating. He was 2.4 last time he queued against real teams and just went to 2.7, while wintrading with his mates / alt accounts.


Let me make it abit more clear for you !


I will explain it how he wintraded actually. Yeah i will since i think everyone already knows it that you dont loose rating when you dont join arena. Got posted multiple times in forums.

I will explain it who i think did it.


Team 1

http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4721526.html --> lowgeared char on 2600 (How can you have 2 kills overall and 2.6 cr in 3s ? I guess he never killed something ;) Also no trinket equipped.

http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-4-4456074.html --> Diabolique Hunter

http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4724340.html --> same here, 1 kill overall and not even a trinket.


Team 2

http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-2352445.html --> Nice ! not even fullgear and 2.6 in 3s already.

http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4967766.html ---> half tyrannical and 113-8 stats in 3s loool ok.

http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-4-4706094.html ---> diaboliques 2nd Hunter (Aphaeleon)


I won't explain how to wintrade here because i cba even more wintrader right now, but as you see there appeared like 6 new people in the ladder out of nowhere and NOONE ever queued into this guys the last few days.


I hope that some highranked staffmember can check their logs because it's actually pretty hard to find 100% proofs for a wintrade. But i heard that wintrade suspicions are enough to check their accounts. Also there are many reports atm.


Look how i asked him multiple times who did he farm because he got that much rating :) He cant even answer this simple question.


cheers to dionysis for the research.

Updated ! 12.02.2016







Oh do i see "glühwein", Diaboliques alt :) ?

Interesting .. also this curious 9x Glad retail player who obviously wintrade ? haha my ass

Thanks to telpin for catching them & recording :)

Edited by Noneedholy
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1)i don't got ban for kickbotting. if someone got this ban so it's not me. but who cares? you think that i have 300 accounts, lol.

2)i am not wintrading. you have no proofs u just trying to flame me.

3)you have proofs in screenshots and video how i beat you and your friends but it's not enough for you? ok, keep flaming.

4)close this thread and just ban noneedholy he can not follow rules.


- - - Добавлено - - -


check your stream and ask your friends: warlock and rogue and look at my rating in video at your stream channel. because if i see this VoDs at twich so you can check it too.

check date when it was.

if it's not enough i can upload video in youtube.

stop trying to report someone without reason.

i hope ban comming soon and you'll stop it.

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New thread with same informantion.

Not enough flood in another threads? :facepalm:


You keep denying that you are a wintrader and saying nobody give any proof... So he give you proof why it's obvious you cheated for rating (other than the fact that we know you suck already).


Why so mad?

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Just read rules before reporting here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802

Specify the following:

1)Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat).

2)Realm, where you saw the violation.

3)Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably).

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

4)Proof: screenshots or video.

5)Comments to the situation (if it needed).

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Diabloque you provide the proof yourself.


How's this for proof?


1. Diabloque cannot even name which team he supposedly farmed to get the 250 rating (makes no sense considering how much he usually brags about winning). Why he can't tell you? Because he wintraded.


2. This is a kid who screenshots all games vs 1500 teams, but expects us to believe he didn't screenshot how he got 2700? Obvious lie. Why lie? Because he wintraded.


3. Just as his rating suddenly spikes, so too does the rating of all these obvious wintraders below:


Team 1

Zaqewq --> lowgeared char on 2600 (How can you have 2 kills overall and 2.6 cr in 3s ? I guess he never killed something ;) Also no trinket equipped.

Diabloque --> Diabolique Hunter. Always lose to top teams yet is magically now rank one lol. :rofl_mini:

Neikqq --> Again 1 kill overall and doesn't even own any trinkets lmao. You also believe he farm all the top teams half-naked? :mocking:


Team 2

Фаптайм --> Nice ! not even fullgear and already is 2.6 in 3s. xD

Dornivan ---> half tyrannical and 113-8 stats in 3s loool ok.

Aphaeleon ---> diaboliques 2nd Hunter (Aphaeleon)


If anyone were to say Diabloque didn't wintrade (which nobody would. Everyone is in agreement that Diabloque is a wintrading noob). But, if someone did argue that Diabloque didn't wintrade, then what about all of these above? I guess they didn't wintrade either, and got all the top ranks while being half-naked and in tyrannical gear lol? :D


4. He expects us to believe this is a coincidence? How stupid he think we are lol? Just as others start wintrading, he gets 2700+ but then cant say who he beat? :rofl_mini: Why do they show up at the exact same time he get his rating? Because he wintraded.


5. Who do we all know that has a history of making multiple accounts and pretending he's not the same guy? Diabloque. He does it all the time on these forums (with Felxtwo, Iwannadance, Qeloq and Ivandorn). Again he incriminates himself. And blatently wintraded.


6. Who do we know also who has a history of cheating and using kickbot? Diabloque. But kickbot isn't enough to carry him, so instead he wintraded.


7. AND AS IF ALL OF THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH - IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT LEFT IN YOUR MIND - his silence in response to the question:


"Who did you farm the 250 rating from?"

is the closer. He cannot answer it. The simplest of questions! And he cannot answer, because he knows that he didn't farm any of the top players, and that he wintraded.


8. This noob has NEVER ONCE beat me in arena, and none of the top teams even seen him queue. And yet now he is higher rating than me lol? :rofl_mini: It is IMPOSSIBLE for him to have gained this rating any other way than from wintrading.


The proof is all there in front of you. If the Admins can't connect the dots the they are seriously stupid as fuck.



Ban this cheater or riot!!

Edited by Bapss
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Just read rules before reporting here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802

Specify the following:

1)Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat).

2)Realm, where you saw the violation.

3)Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably).

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

4)Proof: screenshots or video.

5)Comments to the situation (if it needed).


1 Aphaeleon & Diabolique Neikqq Zaqewq Фаптайм Equilibrum , Neikqq is not real Neik, Aphaleon and Diabolique are same person i think.

2 Fun

3 Wintrader

4 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167352

5 you suck wintrader

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Just read rules before reporting here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802

Specify the following:

1)Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat).

2)Realm, where you saw the violation.

3)Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably).

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

4)Proof: screenshots or video.

5)Comments to the situation (if it needed).


Link your Twitch, you even whispered me you will log your alt hunter to play with me and you logged on Aphaeleon when you were on Gluhwein first, and Gluhwein later got banned for kickbotting.

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waiting for GM/Moderator for close all fake reports without proofs and ban forum members for don't respect forum rules.

I asked you many times to follow rules but you don't wanna listen.

Stop ruin forum rules. Read rules before make report.

Stop flame/flood/insulting. Don't say that you don't know that not allowed.

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Noneedholy, they will perma ban you if you continiue your shit doing all over the forum-


I don't see any reason why he should get perma-banned. Imagine if you are better then these wintraders and they get away by stealing 10-20 people's titles and pride who queueu against each other almost all the time to show off their skills. Wheres your point ? He and all other players (Alex, Funk etc.) are just defending their places in the ladder. And then this guy who is 36 years irl, probaly virgin, looks like Pshero², lives in germany and im pretty sure lives from the city without doing a shit and wintrades 24/7 on a private server and tries to act innocent on the forums because he is russian and thinks he will get away with it. (Sorry if i hit you abit too deep with a few information of you irl) but thats how i roll.


The fact that you are avoiding the truth by flooding our threads yourself makes you alone a looner. You should probaly go retail where we all have been and re-start from the start and then come back. But what am i even typing for.. Your english is so fucking bad because you had no school education that you wont probaly understand the half im talking about and come around with some random xaxax jaja shit to act cool and protect yourself. I hope you get insta banned for wintrading and everytime i see you queueing i will snipe you instantly to make you cry irl.

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