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Nerf fking rats


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Everyone say that the heals of the retribtion paladin are bug but, what of the feral heals? and boomkins? The ret paladin dont have a good position on the ladders becouse it's not op, but if you know how to do 1v1 every class can do a 1v5 in subwar.
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The ret paladin dont have a good position on the ladders becouse it's not op


Dartmeganz has 1 ret on 3k, two on 2,8k, a third one on 2,7k, and a last one on 2,6k...


Rets are just as OP as any other class/spec with the right comp, it's just that since this is a private server, most people here are braindead and aren't smart, therefore not good at tactics, and that's why there aren't many Rets on top of the ladder, since ret-hunt/mage require tactics.

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  • 2 months later...
Ask Crax, who's beating every1 in subwars, he already did 1vs5 more than 3 times , how he lost? pala kite/ full heal with burst, + lame+ more bug heals.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAA You're talking about Crax here man hahahahaha, Crax is one of the best ret paladins this server has, he's 2nd best ret I've met on PandaWoW, Jason then Crax. If you don't know who Jason is you didn't play at the time when that legend has.

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  • Game Masters
:( i need play :(


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who can help me unbanned ?:(:(:(


If you understand english make what I said in my previous post if you don't understand good luck

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Everyone say that the heals of the retribtion paladin are bug but, what of the feral heals? and boomkins? The ret paladin dont have a good position on the ladders becouse it's not op, but if you know how to do 1v1 every class can do a 1v5 in subwar.


There is more ret than boomy or feral on the ladder

16 Паладин Dartmeganz Fun 165 27 2701

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help me unbanned my acc pls


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pls i need play :(


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help me pls my acc banned :( 30 day now stay 14 day pls unbanned me who can help me here ? :(


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:( unbanned me ((((((((

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