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Wintrader in 2s

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1.Выше + Smexaxa & Aidsbaster + Beyonceqtx

2.Fun Realm

3.Proofs for wintrading

and ,

Enjoy this videos and help us to stop this wintraders:good::good::good::good:

  • Like 1

i don't need to tell people to report you. They see what you did and report you. I dont know why you cant accept it really ...

The only one who seems to be mad here is you. You are this guy spamming everywhere with caps and posting tons of useless imgur links no ?



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lol and why is this dumb post old video with same theme ? as all know it's false.


- - - Updated - - -


  Druidaskip said:
Wao a player with only 9 posts http://imgur.com/duEG4pr ? Probably Noneed tell him "Please please post this video for me , please report him " like a kid.


Ohhh wait ! I know why you mad, cuz you got rekt TODAY ! See the date ! it was today :D abit sad ^^ http://imgur.com/vXkOKiO


No comment.


also i already have message Juster about he check my logs so don't worry he will answer you you just mad man.

  • Like 1
You keep reuploading the same 'proof' that prooves nothing. as said in another thread one of those warrs is high rated and was sold few days ago. The owner might be just simply terrible as warr. I'd love to see some new videos / ss's towards this blame :)
Posted (edited)
  Noneedholy said:
Seems like a screen where he admit that hes wintrading isnt enough hm ;) ?


23 posts what shall i say


He doesn't admit anything in the screen shot you submited. I don't know what you're on, but you're blaming a guy with no actual evidence to back up. This is what you got:

1. A screenshot where he admits he refused to que with the hunter you're blaming for win trades, because he does 0 damage

2. A video of them winning against double warr team (who were actualy trying to win), one of them was recently sold while having high rating.


From what I see the double warr vs him happened because warrior had high mmr, they play also played double warrior, because the player was bad af and just bought a high rated char.



I hope gms will see the situation from my point of view. I actualy got no reason to defend the guy, but from what I see there's only a bunch of high rated players trying to ban r1 druid, so they would move up the ladder.


EDIT: My number of posts has no meaning towards the facts. I think I made it all clear enough even for you to understand :)

Also you got 1.6k posts and act as a kid towards this thread. Again number of posts doesn't make you superior to me.

Edited by Lefap
  Noneedholy said:
Wow ok its clear who you are now ... pce lol


It should've been clear. I already explained who I am in one of these 'qq' threads. I am Cinamon / Aimedeye, known as Lefap. Co-leader of one of the alliance guilds :) . Been playing in this server for 2+ years now, haven't been an active forum user tho :)

  Juster said:
Rating already reseted for all players, new season.


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