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I'm constantly being asked or asking other players what they think the best stat priority for a specific class/spec is and why, not only is it interesting to get a different point of view but it has helped me understand a lot more about the game. I am by no means one of the top players on the server but I think this thread could be beneficial for everybody, so if you could please list the class/spec you are playing, the stat priority you use and why you use it that would be great especially those of you who are top players (chiv etc.) I know you guys get asked a ton anyway. so to start it off:


Elemental Shaman

Mastery>Haste Reforge and Intellect>Mastery Gems


A lot of elemental Shamans prefer Haste>Mastery but the reason I go with Mastery>Haste is I believe it scales a bit better and the 75 percent without proc chance you have of all spells hitting twice is pretty OP


Thanks in advance for anybody that participates


Destruction Warlock:

Hit(6%)>Int=mastery(explained later)>Crit>Haste





Why int=mastery? Because in MoP int is automatically in all gear + I get mastery/int gems(orange) and you can't reforge int.


2nd build: why haste? 10%haste adds and extra tick to immolate, along with faster casts, but the damage loss isn't that good(destro scales insanely good /w mastery)


rogue build i go for:


my haste is around 11% i think because faster energy regeneration along with slice and dice is nice

but i always go agility but if i cant then i'll go mastery/crit


Fire mage: Int>crit>haste>mastery if not full gear. Then crit>int>haste>mastery for full gear. I do this because I'm able to shoot alot more Pyros than the average Joe with that setup.

Feral dudu: Agility>Mastery>Crit I do this because Agility also adds to alot of healing power and crit potential. Mastery over Agi is IN NO WAY GOOD for a full gear druid.

Balance dudu: Full Crit for starsurge procs OR full haste for certain BGs where you can freely cast your spells.

UH DK: Full Strenght as it adds to everything you do. Full crit build is only viable for 2s arena where more bursty builds are viable.

Ret pala: Strenght>Haste>crit. Some prefer Haste>Str>crit to add another HoW in their burst sequence.

Shadow Priest: haste in all gems, reforge every other stat into more haste.

Arms warrior: full crit, reforge haste and mastery into more crit

enhancement shaman: I go Agi>mastery and reforge crit and haste into mastery


Enhancement: Agility and Mastery, little bit of Haste - Because Agility gives me good attack power for my auto attacks however Mastery gives me good in magical effects.


Elemental: Mastery and glitchy-mitchy into Haste - Unexplainable.


Restoration Shaman: Crit and Spirit - Crit for mana return, Spirit for having something back when I can't crit.


Windwalker: Haste, till I hit 11 regeneration, then crit. Meanwhile getting good Agility - Haste for my energy regen, so I can use more heals and abilities, Crit to have higher heals and ability attacks. And Agility to top of Crit and dmg/heal increase overall.

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Demonology warock:










Pretty much, there is no wrong spec as demonology warlocks, because the only good thing blizz did with demo is make every build viable.

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Got bored...

PvP Arms: Full crit, you can try and match gem sockets for bonuses but you wanna go as much crit as possible for more enrages... Crit>Str>Mastery>Hit/Expertise cap>Haste; this is the reason most warriors on fun take Tusks of Mannoroth. 3 gem sockets which aren't scaled down + it having 2 raw primary stats is really good compared to haste/expertise and you don't lose the 4 piece socket bonus.

PvP Fury: Crit>Mastery>Strength>Hit/Expertise I guess, you can only do damage in fury if you crit with bloodthirst which has a double % chance of critting compared to your normal abilities. If you crit, you get enrage which increases your damage dealt by a % according to your mastery (Note: use 2x2h not 2x1h... don't be a lil bitch. you can't go bigdick with only 1h weps). Also, raging blow can hit up to 200k in burst lmao

PvE arms and fury is basically the same.


PvP Frost Dk: Anything is really viable since your performance is orientated on your gameplay, not your build. Str>Crit/Haste/mastery (depending on your playstyle). I personally prefer to go str>crit>mastery>haste simply because I can switch between unholy dk and frost dk without having to change gear. strictly speaking, you should probably go :

str>crit>haste>mastery for 2h frost - most of your damage comes from obliterate > frost strike. Obliterate deals physical damage I believe so mastery doesn't affect it.

str/mastery>haste/crit for 2x1h frost - most of your damage comes from frost strike > howling blast and mastery scales with both of these abilities

PvP Unholy dk: Str > Crit > mastery > haste in my opinion. Str for massive necrotics and crit is just really strong for aoe, especially during burst as Uragunuu said despite him having an argument with Faina before lol.

PvE Frost Dk: Very much same stats.

PvE Unholy Dk: I believe it goes Crit > str > haste > mastery but not entirely sure


PvP Holy Paladin: Int > Crit > spirit > haste. Holy paladins generally try to cast as minimal as possible since they can and it's better to avoid being kicked and 1 shot. This is why you want to prioritize crit after intellect because it increases your chance of getting procs with holy shock and getting the 100% haste buff. I personally like to dps quite a bit as hpala because they actually deal quite a bit of damage, especially if you take holy prism. (I've hit 25-30k holy shock follow by 25-35k holy prism to execute a warr)

PvP Ret Pala: Str > Haste/Crit > mastery. Many ret paladins argue that haste is a primary stat after strength because it reduces the cooldown of your abilities that generate holy power as well as your GCD. However if you look at the high rated paladins, they go str > crit simply because they know that haste is only good if you're on your target all the time. If you take crit, it just means that during the time that you are on your target, you're dealing more damage than you would have previously.

PvE Ret Pala: Haste > Mastery > Crit > str. I find this one funny because it's almost completely reverse compared to pvp. This is because you are actually able to stay on your target all the time. You'd have different talents (such as Sanctified Wrath over Avenger).


Cba for more but I might add some later...


PvP Affliction Warlock: Int > Hit 6% > Haste > Mastery > Crit

PvE Affliction Warlock: Int > Hit Cap for PvE (forgot how much) > Mastery > Haste > Crit


will add more later

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