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Howl of Terror


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Spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=5484




* Procs off of auto attack

* Procs off of dots

* Procs off of pet damage

* Doesn't have a max CD reduction of 20 seconds


What should happen:


* Shouldn't proc off of auto attack

* Shouldn't proc off of dots

* Shouldn't proc off of pets

* Should be max 20 seconds


Priority: 10/10


Realm: x100/fun




Dot part:


Pet part + auto attack:


This is what I mean about some spells have a hidden description. Everything isn't in the tooltip.


P.S: It's really funny how all these warlock players never report anything bad for their class. Really disgusting how they rely on bugs.

Edited by Repitchx
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Or the formula just say that the CD can't be reduced more then 100% Not sure but thats how it looks like.




As i said im not sure about that ICD but i'm pretty sure about that there is smth that the cooldown can't be reduced more then 20 seconds. You will see it in every video. Idk what is it yet but there is something.


Guess someone should test that on retail.

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exactly what i've said, there could be 2 explanations to saylance's 16-11 sec

1. говорю по-русски ибо сложно - накопленные частоты, т.е. если в 1 секунду не было сделано атаки по локу и кд не уменьшилось то эта доп-1 сек возможность переносится во вторую секунду итд

2. опять почему-то накопленные частоты - существуют предварительные расчеты насколько и до какого предела может идти обновление кд, при этом обновление кд отключается как только кд было снижено на 20 секунд.

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  • 10 months later...
P.S: It's really funny how all these warlock players never report anything bad for their class. Really disgusting how they rely on bugs.


you're not only wrong, others classes do the same exact thing. stop fucking attacking every warlock, not our fault that pandawow keeps fucking bugging out our class

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