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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


I hope you won't find this post loitering. I started writing it, having exactly the same problem, and found Nemifest posted a solution nearly when I was finished with it. So I decided to post the original message anyway, just in case some other dumb asses like me have this problem, and like me do not notice that the link provided by Nemifest is not a link to Juster's guide...

EDIT: the problem persist, so maybe I was too quick to call names on myself...

EDIT2: Solved it myself, solution on the end of the post.


Original message:

  VanBraun said:
(Looks like I'm in a good flow for ressurecting topics today...) I happen to encounter exactly the same problem. Dreadly 17325 update.

What happens to me:

I've installed PandaWoW, it works like a charm. I'm playing on enUS configuration, can't into russian :c

But still, I have ruRU configuration in my downloads. Will relate to it in a second.

Situation is as follows; with a working PandaWoW client I download Juster's .MPQs and launchers, and follow his guide step by step. I copy .MPQs to enUS Data folder, and rename them from wow-update-ruRU-[version].MPQ to wow-update-enUS-[version].MPQ. I go back to main directory, on the way changing folder properties, to ensure that not a single one is 'Read-Only' nor any acces rights are missing, and launch PandaWoW-32-Models (or 64, checked for both).

Error http://s018.radikal.ru/i517/1604/bf/cec4629e244d.png shows up.

On the contrary I go to PandaWoWru in my downloads, just to check if it generally works for me. I put the files inside, like in the guide, start -Models launcher and.. oh gosh, it works beautifully. All the WoD models!

So I see now, that generally it works, but not for my enUS configuration. I go back to my main game folder and start tinkering, monkey style. Situation I manage to get is as follows:

under PandaWoW/


PandaWoW-32-Models.exe (original copies of files from Juster's guide)


PandaWoW-64-Models.exe (original copies of files from Juster's guide)

and under PandaWoW/Data/enUS/ the four crucial files:


wow-update-enUS-17327.MPQ (renamed copies of files from Juster's guide)



and also some additional ones, that I thought would fix the situation (as they were working with PandaWoWru)

wow-update-ruRU-17327.MPQ (original copies of files from Juster's guide)




I then tried replacing wow-update-enUS-17325.MPQ with renamed into enUS wow-update-ruRU-17325.MPQ, also putting original ruRU one, as it is certainally working at PandaWoWru configuration. Later on, I even started doing senseless things like putting the three original and renamed .MPQs into an MPQ folder, the way originally downloaded files from Juster's topic were packaged. I don't know why I thought it would help, maybe because of the late hour...

So... After doing all this walkarounds I finally noticed, that Nemifest linked a different topic, not Juster's one, but Lanstus' guide. With renewed hope I jumped at this video, downloaded the files provided and.. still no luck.

I noticed that Lanstus is working with enGB configuration, so I replaced my enUS folder with new enGB one, containing downloaded files, and corrected my Config.WTF file to link to

SET locale "enGB"

SET installLocale "enGB"

unfortunately it doesn't help. I got rid of the 17325 error, game launches after I hit PandaWoW-64-Models, but WoD models are not displaying.


I don't know... Getting a little crazy here... I think I'll try to do a clean reainstal of everything and then follow Lanstus' guide again, but any advice or insight would be welcome.


Thanks in advance...


EDIT2: Fixed. Holy ... it works. I don't know why. I didn't even reinstall, just got rid of all localization folders (both enGB and ruRU), and Config.WTF file. Copied Config.WTF file back from PandaWoWru, changed its localization to enGB, then copied all localization (Data/enGB) files downloaded from Lanstus' guide, copied and renamed Juster's .MPQs and.. pooof, worked like a charm. Enjoying WoD models on English version now.

Thank you Nemifest.


I just hope this won't be count as junkposting, and if someone will have simillar problems, will maybe be able to learn from this example...

Edited by VanBraun



Ok lemme fix this problem right away. WoD models from PandaWoW do NOT work on enUS version, what you gotta do is:


1) Go to your WoW folder and in the WTF folder you will find a file named "Config"

2) Open this "Config" file and change following:

- SET locale "enUS" -> SET locale "enGB"

- SET installLocale "enUS" -> SET installLocale "enGB"


This way the game will start using the files from the enGB folder you created instead of the enUS.


Let me know if this fixes it, it should but if it doesn't I have few other solutions that could.


I know that VanBraun sort of posted this already but I just made it bit more simple. :)

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