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Warriors = 28.64%

Paladins = 2.16%

Hunters = 6.48%

Rogues = 4.32%

Priests = 3.24%

Death Knight's = 2.16%

Mage's = 7.56%

Druid's = 14.59%

Shamans = 19.45%

Warlocks = 2.16%

Monks = 9.18%


This is fotm in a nutshell. All calculated based on top 100 on the ladder in percentages. Might wanna add that.


Pretty ironic when compared to retail while it was on 5.4: Warlock was the most voted class along with Mage and Druid. Warrior and Shaman look still pretty realistic.

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Pretty ironic when compared to retail while it was on 5.4: Warlock was the most voted class along with Mage and Druid. Warrior and Shaman look still pretty realistic.


I'll get retail data and compare these 2 when I have time just to see the difference.

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Having fun getting rekt? :p Inc comments like "you play bug spec" or "you abuse damage bug spec, you bad". :bomb:

Edited by Garodar
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Having fun getting rekt? :p Inc comments like "you play bug spec" or "you abuse damage bug spec, you bad". :bomb:


demono n00b spec -> affli skilled Kappa

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Oneshotx, who ever u russian scripting dog are who plays in this server 12h a day for long period of time, we already understood that you're mentally unstable and need to heal your ego by posting these pics. Contact your parents and ask where did they go wrong with your parenting. Thanks.
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Do you honestly think it would be a good idea to share all your screenshots here? If everybody did this then there would be even bigger arguments that there are right now, and it's already kinda sad how many arguments there are right now.
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  • Game Masters
Do you honestly think it would be a good idea to share all your screenshots here? If everybody did this then there would be even bigger arguments that there are right now, and it's already kinda sad how many arguments there are right now.


But he is doing it just to create more drama. He likes drama and thats why he keep posting screen shots simple as that.

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