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Retribution PvP Guide by Dartmeganz

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Hello,can you please tell me what talents and glyphs your hunter was running with while you were playing and was he optimising mastery or haste gear,thx in advance and nice guide))


Actually, since he plays mm, its crit/haste based if im not wrong, mastery is for bm.

Actually, since he plays mm, its crit/haste based if im not wrong, mastery is for bm.

I was thinking that too,and perhaps he runs with root instead of posthaste,and fervor instead of trill of the hunt? im pretty new on mop gearing up at 2k-2k1 atm as ret/hunter,if anyone has any tips or wants to que some double dps with me id be more than willing to

I was thinking that too,and perhaps he runs with root instead of posthaste,and fervor instead of trill of the hunt? im pretty new on mop gearing up at 2k-2k1 atm as ret/hunter,if anyone has any tips or wants to que some double dps with me id be more than willing to


Im 100% sure he's running fervor, and pretty sure he's using posthaste most of the time, maybe not vs melees that are not feral druids. And as far as im concerned, mm goes for a agility/crit based build, not 100% sure tho, may be haste over crit.

Yup,ive noticed a major difference since ive swapped to haste glove enchant,haste boots,wrists and haste reforging +fervor makes a huge difference,but when it comes to posthaste ive noticed its better vs everything except something like warriors/dks as they can eat traps way too easily and it usually helps my ret partner quite a bit more
Try to snaketrap/root the war before you trap


i dont have a snake trap,i play mm my snakes dont root,the disengage root doesnt do anything since warrior can just intervene/safeguard and break it... :/

i dont have a snake trap,i play mm my snakes dont root,the disengage root doesnt do anything since warrior can just intervene/safeguard and break it... :/


He doesn't mean it just to root, can be for slow aswell, the slow is fucking stupid, and if you use the root and warrior intervenes, gg cuz you can trap and he can't eat it. The way to use root as a hunter on a warrior to trap, is to go far away from the healer, root him, and then go trap, he can't get out of it cuz healer is not in range of safeguard, ofc a good healer wouldn't let this happen, but w/e, thats what you should do in a warrior/healer situation.

Posted (edited)
He doesn't mean it just to root, can be for slow aswell, the slow is fucking stupid, and if you use the root and warrior intervenes, gg cuz you can trap and he can't eat it. The way to use root as a hunter on a warrior to trap, is to go far away from the healer, root him, and then go trap, he can't get out of it cuz healer is not in range of safeguard, ofc a good healer wouldn't let this happen, but w/e, thats what you should do in a warrior/healer situation.


i really dont see the point in using snake trap as a marksman when my partner is a ret that has a slow as well as my conc shot,chimera daze and glaive toss...

about the intervene,thing is no one is retarded enough to not stack or sit close by vs a hunter,ive not met a single war/healer so far that doesnt abuse the fact that warrior can just hop onto the healer at anytime he wishes to eat trap

i still get traps dont get me wrong,but ive noticed its easier to trap a healer on cast or with a concussive shot rather than relying on my roots which a warrior can break with intervene and spell reflect on top of the healer or just intervene a banner,leap spell reflect,or even better just be a complete faggot and play mass spell reflect

I also find warrior/mw or mws in general a nightmare to face as no matter what i do they can counter my every step i try to take

Edited by sybreed
i really dont see the point in using snake trap as a marksman when my partner is a ret that has a slow as well as my conc shot,chimera daze and glaive toss...

about the intervene,thing is no one is retarded enough to not stack or sit close by vs a hunter,ive not met a single war/healer so far that doesnt abuse the fact that warrior can just hop onto the healer at anytime he wishes to eat trap

i still get traps dont get me wrong,but ive noticed its easier to trap a healer on cast or with a concussive shot rather than relying on my roots which a warrior can break with intervene and spell reflect on top of the healer or just intervene a banner,leap spell reflect,or even better just be a complete faggot and play mass spell reflect

I also find warrior/mw or mws in general a nightmare to face as no matter what i do they can counter my every step i try to take


Warrior has 3 banners, 2 mins cd each if im not wrong, one is for burst, the other is defensive and the other will be used to get out of roots, that means he'll pretty much be able to get out of roots twice every 2 mins, thats literally nothing, you should lead war far away from the heal, root him and go trap. If you're playing posthaste (which you shouldn't against a warrior), just concussive, snake trap and jump fast and trap the healer, if its a mw he'll prolly be behind pillar so war can't jump and eat it fast enough, or maybe just wyvern war, jump and scatter trap healer and done, pretty easy, up to you, but warriors struggle a lot against hunters to eat traps if the hunter is good enough and the warrior's healer doesn't know how to play vs a hunter comp (just stay in intervene range lol)

climbed today to 2250+mmr as ive gotten 548 gear,farming basically every comp other than boomkin/warlock which we went 5-4 to and a 2600 mage hpal which we would have beaten first game but lost 2nd...too much rng on bop/hos dispels,also gemmed fulll 320 crit and 340 crit metagem ...made a huge difference in my dmg
i play with a ret whom with i lose to war/healers if we dont win in the opener :D,no ammount of traps i get helps it hahahahah



If your ret is good enough you should defeat war/healer comps pretty easy, just burst in opener, if no kill just kite, kite, kite, kite and kite again till u get burst and then u will prolly be able to get the kill, cuz in first burst you got at least 3/4 of their defensives if not all of them, if u did a decent set up, and during those kites you'll prolly force the rest of the cd's, so for the 2nd set up you'll get the kill 100% if u did it right

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yup,since ive gotten basically full gear the only stuff we got a problem vs/lose to is dk/healer, warlock/healer, mage/hpal and boomy/warlock boomy/rogue
Posted (edited)
Nice necroposting guys. But guide is rly cool


There's no rule for necroposting on pandawow as far as my knowledge serves me (or maybe there is, either way no one ever got punished for it) and everyone is free to ask for a tip on a class guide, regardless of how old it is.

Edited by Garodar
  • Game Masters
Posted (edited)
There's no rule for necroposting on pandawow as far as my knowledge serves me (or maybe there is, either way no one ever got punished for it) and everyone is free to ask for a tip on a class guide, regardless of how old it is.


2.25 rule


We seldom moderate this subforum so I guess it's ok. As you said some people may want to ask questions to author therefore they can reply or even bump the thread.


To others please keep it on topic :)

Edited by Jegerm
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