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@Shadrissa @Zeox @ Juster @Bukarasik


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About Selling Chars.

Hello, im in pandawow since March 2014 and there is some changes that i think could be better than the actually choices that were made by admnistration. One of them is Selling Chars time needed.


»First of them: [7 Days] Actually getting 7 days to sell a char is a lot, for exemple. i have actually 4 accounts, all of them got minimun 3 - 4 chars with all specs geareds and donator tmogs like challenge mode, all time im getting high price offers, but ive got about 3 - 4 days in /played of them, its a bullshit thing because it will be harder to gear chars to sell and getting day farmed for it. If at the website had best chars to sell, for exemple: *Shaman Full 3 specs pvp/pve / challenge mode and rating reseted. Some1 that wants to buy a good char would buy bonuses for that, but if the owner stay 7 days played with that char, he gonna loose time for gearing other chars trying to farm day on the actual. 90% of the players who actually got chars to sell, doesnt like to farm 7 days before selling it.


»Second: [shop plataform] When minimal char price used to be 400+tax, the problem was getting full starter chars on the shop. i think there should exist a minimal time to sell, like 2 - 3 days. More than it, at site should be added an place to search char for name and actually shows the item level equipped and with possibility to be equipped. For exemple (550/582)


»Third and Last: [Minimal Price] If the minimal price is 700+tax, and challenge mode is 800 bonuses. the cost of the char with challenge mode is not good for selling. Exemple, if ive geared an rogue, bought an challenge mode for 800 bonuses, when i want to sell it, no1 gonna pay more than 850+tax for it, giving an win of 50 bonuses for gearing and selling char. My opinion, Or challenge mode should be cheaper ( cuz its only for tmog, it doesnt affect the gear and stats (strengh, intellect etc..) or the minimal price should go down for 500- 600 bonuses+ tax.


Thanks for understanding. I hope you guys understand the point that i want to say. Sorry for my english.


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so true , greed is real , more money for even less work


i would drag my balls through 500 miles of broken glass across the sahara desert and run through a minefield with a vodka bottle up my ass to see blaston's next level tactic wls playstyle just to get accepted into KGB as a true russian to see an old video of your asscheeks clapping tomboy - its ok to be gay then hear you fart loudly


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I remember back at 2014 where chars used to be sold for maximum 200-400 bonuses with full multi specialization gear, transmog, misc items, etc..


Now you can barely find a 550 for a minimum of 770! this should be changed.

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i would drag my balls through 500 miles of broken glass across the sahara desert and run through a minefield with a vodka bottle up my ass to see blaston's next level tactic wls playstyle just to get accepted into KGB as a true russian to see an old video of your asscheeks clapping tomboy - its ok to be gay then hear you fart loudly



Plz dont off topic dude.

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Machmollo be quiet you stink. Cogman got the point. Noone cares about ur useless suggestion and also there was given an answer already like 10 times by juster so idk why you even try it.



And no one cares about your druid or your gf baaz titles. You arent forced to comment here, just leave this season you have no respect here

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About Selling Chars.

Hello, im in pandawow since March 2014 and there is some changes that i think could be better than the actually choices that were made by admnistration. One of them is Selling Chars time needed.


»First of them: [7 Days] Actually getting 7 days to sell a char is a lot, for exemple. i have actually 4 accounts, all of them got minimun 3 - 4 chars with all specs geareds and donator tmogs like challenge mode, all time im getting high price offers, but ive got about 3 - 4 days in /played of them, its a bullshit thing because it will be harder to gear chars to sell and getting day farmed for it. If at the website had best chars to sell, for exemple: *Shaman Full 3 specs pvp/pve / challenge mode and rating reseted. Some1 that wants to buy a good char would buy bonuses for that, but if the owner stay 7 days played with that char, he gonna loose time for gearing other chars trying to farm day on the actual. 90% of the players who actually got chars to sell, doesnt like to farm 7 days before selling it.


»Second: [shop plataform] When minimal char price used to be 400+tax, the problem was getting full starter chars on the shop. i think there should exist a minimal time to sell, like 2 - 3 days. More than it, at site should be added an place to search char for name and actually shows the item level equipped and with possibility to be equipped. For exemple (550/582)


»Third and Last: [Minimal Price] If the minimal price is 700+tax, and challenge mode is 800 bonuses. the cost of the char with challenge mode is not good for selling. Exemple, if ive geared an rogue, bought an challenge mode for 800 bonuses, when i want to sell it, no1 gonna pay more than 850+tax for it, giving an win of 50 bonuses for gearing and selling char. My opinion, Or challenge mode should be cheaper ( cuz its only for tmog, it doesnt affect the gear and stats (strengh, intellect etc..) or the minimal price should go down for 500- 600 bonuses+ tax.


Thanks for understanding. I hope you guys understand the point that i want to say. Sorry for my english.





Meh, just fix the fuking bugs that are in bug tracker and solve the fuking lags, then everithing will be ok

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Unfortunately, the minimal price and minimal played time for selling chars won't be changed, so the administrator said.


More than it' date=' at site should be added an place to search char for name and actually shows the item level equipped and with possibility to be equipped. For exemple (550/582)[/quote']

but that can be considered as a proposal to improve the website. You should write about it to Juster/Zeox.

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