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  mglasser said:
Guys if anyone wants to see a picture of Repitchx, then please tell me! It's awesome! He's a little white though.... He doesn't go outside much, but he does have a sunburned nose :) he's like a baby Rudolf the Red nose reindeer :)




- Nerdslayer slaying the nerds...


if any1 wants to level, pm me. :D




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  Adlairo said:
get out of this thread with your trashtalk, keep it topical


sorry, i dont like people that exploits bug. thought you didnt like them either.

  Repitchx said:
if any1 wants to level, pm me. :D




- - - Updated - - -




sorry, i dont like people that exploits bug. thought you didnt like them either.




u know i got it back right...


- - - Updated - - -


  mglasser said:
u know i got it back right...


but i guess i can still post the pic

Posted (edited)
  Adlairo said:
get out of this thread with your trashtalk, keep it topical


Nop, never. Some ppl just talk the truth instead of sucking dick. Don't like it ? Then go.


wao a fucking blond gay come in my thread, im so happy.


At least i spend 0 € contrary to you who hosted a tourny and spend over 3k bonuses.


How dare you to Call someone Gay or ugly w/e ? You are hosting a tournament at saturday, also you are ALWAYS online during the weekend (Yes ive to stay on with my toons so i can sell them)


I can tell you exactly how you recognize a nolifer like you :


Trigger him and see how he reacts.


As soon as someone triggers you, you throw out the big insults while thinking you act any politic. Already told you in the last topics that not me nor repitch cares if you or someone else post a RL pic from us or call us gay. You won't understand it because you can just justify from your point of view. Ofc you would get triggered so hard by smth like that because you simply don't have a life. Anyways, i can be toxic without insulting people like you ;D. Just telling the truth like repitch is doing it. You are a wintrader and literally everyone with a brain knows it. Look where you are in 2s or 3s on your druid without wintrading ... You get nothing to proof ... You can't even proof that ur good or smth. I (at least) can stream and be representative in the ladder. I'm only getting triggered from you because of people like you this server is an abuserfest


Whatever dude, Neff said he is just waiting for an admin respons so yeah you will get banned if you like it or not.


Anyways, already got asked to participate in the tournament with dionysus but i refused because 1. I'm going out and 2. Not playing in a tournament which get hosted by dumb bug abuser and wintrader.


So Gl hf with a "competitive" tournament and think about it why noone from the R1 players want to participate. Anyways gl hf all the rest who are not involved in this shit ;).


And nah i won't discuss because i learned alot on this Server. Don't discuss with mindless people.

Edited by markzxy3

GUYS REPITCH HERE (Repitch IRL name = Vidar)


He's really cute dont hate..




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GUYS REPITCH HERE (Repitch IRL name = Vidar)


He's really cute dont hate..






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repitchx here guys: (his irl name is vidar!)


make sure you focus on his nose :D





  • Like 1
  mglasser said:
GUYS REPITCH HERE (Repitch IRL name = Vidar)


He's really cute dont hate..




he definitely can play "connect the dots" with his acnes lmfao sad fat bull... should be insta killed if seen on the street.


aaaaand never forgetti the P.I.M.P and his scarf lololo [ATTACH=CONFIG]111583[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]111585[/ATTACH]


that nose jesus, bigger than pandawow's future... yo mark, is that your nose or did a bus park on your face lolol ugly cunts, make love


- - - Добавлено - - -


i bet markzy is singing boyfriend song when he makes love with repitchx hahaha suck more dicks, cancer shit.

  BachiMita said:
he definitely can play "connect the dots" with his acnes lmfao sad fat bull... should be insta killed if seen on the street.


aaaaand never forgetti the P.I.M.P and his scarf lololo [ATTACH=CONFIG]111583[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]111585[/ATTACH]


that nose jesus, bigger than pandawow's future... yo mark, is that your nose or did a bus park on your face lolol ugly cunts, make love


- - - Добавлено - - -


i bet markzy is singing boyfriend song when he makes love with repitchx hahaha suck more dicks, cancer shit.


omfg i love you.

we need a kid like repitch to be the model for some next lvl acne cream

repitch deletes my chars on wow, he actually thinks i care.... Don't even play wow anymore lelelelel

  BachiMita said:
he definitely can play "connect the dots" with his acnes lmfao sad fat bull... should be insta killed if seen on the street.


aaaaand never forgetti the P.I.M.P and his scarf lololo [ATTACH=CONFIG]111583[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]111585[/ATTACH]


that nose jesus, bigger than pandawow's future... yo mark, is that your nose or did a bus park on your face lolol ugly cunts, make love


- - - Добавлено - - -


i bet markzy is singing boyfriend song when he makes love with repitchx hahaha suck more dicks, cancer shit.


omfg i love you.

we need a kid like repitch to be the model for some next lvl acne cream


no hate to Noneed/ Markzxy but repitch is just a clown...


come watch my stream! IM STREAMING A SEXY PIC OF REPITCH @ https://www.twitch.tv/crazeirl

  Repitchx said:


sorry, i dont like people that exploits bug. thought you didnt like them either.


So you have to go off topic in a thread which didnt involve drama and ruin the thread for others as well? Sort your drama out in PM's if you'd like.

  Adlairo said:
So you have to go off topic in a thread which didnt involve drama and ruin the thread for others as well? Sort your drama out in PM's if you'd like.


ye if that what it takes to get it closed from a guy that abuses and wintrades.

Posted (edited)
So you have to go off topic in a thread which didnt involve drama and ruin the thread for others as well? Sort your drama out in PM's if you'd like.


no he won't, cuz he is wannabe some model lololol, the truth is he looks like hotted irl... good thing hotted went from 250kg to 240kg in 1 month, and repitchx at that time oiled his hair and got 500.000+ acnes lolololololoo, well... im comparing repitch and hotted so sad, hotted is x2 more good looking than him

Edited by BachiMita
  BachiMita said:
yo rep lube ur butthole next time






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