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Is healing tide bugged other than it having resilience?

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Posted (edited)

So, I made this post about totems being effected by resilience because I was tired of having Healing Stream totems live on 1% after a lava burst didn't kill it: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=184061&p=1118027#post1118027



But I was wondering also - does healing tide have an extra bug also bugged (like too much health)? I cba checking, (because i'm not sure if it's just the resilience that is bugging it), but I did like 6+ lava bursts on it, and it didn't die lel


Might be worth fixing because Resto shaman's on here can faceroll even vs good teams because they just: 1.healing stream or tide 2. /AFK



That is all. :)

Edited by Bapss
+ Resilience lol :D


I think it's supposed to have resilience, otherwise in the video you linked before, Zeep would've hit way more than 50k on the totem.


As Faina said, the only thing that wasn't affected by resilience was warrior banners.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Zeepeye kill healing tide 31k+41k and totem no death. Only after 3 lavaburst 48k. LOOK IT


Seriously? :fool::shock:


1. Wrong as usual. lol

2. Your link just proves what I'm saying. >


Could you grow a brain someday maybe!? :good::appl:


3 Lava bursts? Lol, why are you always so stupid?:fool: It was 1 Lava burst, a mastery proc, and then an earth shock. On pandawow this still wouldn't get the totem below 40%, since it has twice the resilience of normal + heals itself lol.


So what is your point..? Are you trying to say that Unleash Elements is bugged again? Or are you going to spend 2 hours saying it's bugged, before realising you don't know what the fuck you're talking about again and finally go quiet? lol :p


Hey 2.9 elem retail retail


There's a reason why I farm whenever I queue as resto and why I got 2.9 retail barely even trying.. It's because I don't have autism irl like you. :crazy:


:heart: I appreciate how much time of your life you take up to idolise and fanboi me :heart:, but I feel like (as someone that you look up to) I should warn you, to stick to being a private server hero because without your queue dodging all the time you would get REKT and farmed so bad... :rofl_mini::mocking: lol.


Please Admin, give Alex the title "Шейхалекс, Dionysus Wannabe", or "Шейхалекс, Owned by Dionysus" he deserves it. :o:heart:


I know you'll take my advice Alex (1.5 resto sham retail). Cy@ :bye:;)






P.s. - I don't even care about PC games or little kids egos to be honest. I just feel bad for this kid Alex, and how no matter how much time of his life he wastes trashtalking, obsessing, or trying to become as good as me, he still always seems to be play like a retard. If he didn't dodge (like he does every season when I farm him), I could come back from not playing and instantly put him back where he belongs at 1500 in just one night lol! And I barely even log online once every couple of months anymore! So please Шейхалекс/Alex, if you're reading this, take a break, go outside, and finally admit to yourself the truth about who you are.. A salty, nerdy little kid, and no matter how hard you try to pretend otherwise, you will always be an autistic private server tryhard, forever obsessed over me & being stuck in my shadow - Afterwards you will feel better for admitting the truth. :):rolleyes:


P.s.s. - Resto shaman is OP as fuck compared to all other healers on Pandawow because of this bug - it's stupid and needs fixing. Stop trying to pretend totems aren't bugged just because you need bugs to carry you Шейхалекс. Either you are purposefully lying or just INCREDIBLY stupid (like how you thought Unleash Flame-tongue was bugged when I told you it wasn't. If you genuinely believe totems are not bugged, then you're retarded and need to get some help irl lol.)

Edited by Bapss
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