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  Monika Forster said:


Do people find this funny? Anyone over 17 y/o knows you don't disrespect someone's mom... Please.

  djmercitwo said:
chiv i agree with you but you arent even 2.2 on retail. so dont talk bullshit here http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/destromath/Chiv/achievement#95:165


also you should ignore this takaa, guy isnt worth a 2k on retail, just a private abuser


Oh wow you found my smurf account, congrats. It's the account i play 1-2 time a month to cap people => make gold. http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/character/drakthul/Ww%C3%A1%C3%A1dd%C3%BA%C3%BApp/simple Main account.


  Realznk said:
god this guy made my day xDDDDD

Sry that when you played on retail you didnt come far zanked. PHS is too hard apperantly. I saw this comming that people from this server will shittalk once you hear someone playing with someone prime from retail, but you're welcome. => https://imgur.com/a/JxUal Hope you will learn to know your place now. Go keep tryharding as rsham on a bugged server since you suck on retail. xoxo


Am i fame if i show screenshots from having mitch on my PTR bnet or Proffset, owlpro, suneky, rashiper on retail ?




Just kidding, i know i'm fame for having "mitch" in my btag 4Head

Do people find this funny? Anyone over 17 y/o knows you don't disrespect someone's mom... Please.


This guy is tryharding with 3 Accounts. Don't even bother, he just want some attention

  • Like 1
  Chivy said:
Oh wow you found my smurf account, congrats. It's the account i play 1-2 time a month to cap people => make gold. http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/character/drakthul/Ww%C3%A1%C3%A1dd%C3%BA%C3%BApp/simple Main account.



Sry that when you played on retail you didnt come far zanked. PHS is too hard apperantly. I saw this comming that people from this server will shittalk once you hear someone playing with someone prime from retail, but you're welcome. => https://imgur.com/a/JxUal Hope you will learn to know your place now. Go keep tryharding as rsham on a bugged server since you suck on retail. xoxo

are you telling me that you are wadup? for this i really want to see screenshots


You guys are all full of bullshit, no idea why im wasting my time on replaying on this shit again.

Face the reality that you play on this server only because you suck vs real players, thats how it is and thats how it will ever be. Go get retail experience then i'll be bothering to answer you again.

Until then, have fun playing on a server vs players with a 80 iq.

You guys are all full of bullshit, no idea why im wasting my time on replaying on this shit again.

Face the reality that you play on this server only because you suck vs real players, thats how it is and thats how it will ever be. Go get retail experience then i'll be bothering to answer you again.

Until then, have fun playing on a server vs players with a 80 iq.


oh great another proud retail player, go back where you came from with your ugly moustache

  Chivy said:
You guys are all full of bullshit, no idea why im wasting my time on replaying on this shit again.

Face the reality that you play on this server only because you suck vs real players, thats how it is and thats how it will ever be. Go get retail experience then i'll be bothering to answer you again.

Until then, have fun playing on a server vs players with a 80 iq.


Well everybody farmed you on pandawow with any problem like i did always,wait lemme change my font too Aight so you say you playing retail with rank 1 players etc you are so pro there ,give us some picture of ur current rating cuz u are too good but u keep commentin here rofl,i

  Chivy said:
You guys are all full of bullshit, no idea why im wasting my time on replaying on this shit again.

Face the reality that you play on this server only because you suck vs real players, thats how it is and thats how it will ever be. Go get retail experience then i'll be bothering to answer you again.

Until then, have fun playing on a server vs players with a 80 iq.


HAHAHAHAHA, no wait;



Retail suck, end of story.


There are many good players here on this server (most of them played on retail), based on what you said 80 IQ? haha. This server is awesome despite the lag and its coders. :D

  \ said:
Sry that when you played on retail you didnt come far zanked. PHS is too hard apperantly. I saw this comming that people from this server will shittalk once you hear someone playing with someone prime from retail' date=' but you're welcome. => https://imgur.com/a/JxUal Hope you will learn to know your place now. Go keep tryharding as rsham on a bugged server since you suck on retail. xoxo[/quote']


hello u linked a 1.7 screenshot and maybe yeah u playing with cervantes on his 57th alt nice for u, im playing with fotmhero 2.9 r1 war from yaspresent and what? its not because u know good player that u're one too. I played 1 week on wod and i pushed 2500+ with Dartmeganz and Hitdown hello lel? Wod is too ez and the funny thing is that u're happy to link ur screenshot of u beating a 1.6 team u're pathetic asf. And btw nice armory 2k cr with worst w/l ever. http://eu.battle.net/wow/fr/character/destromath/Chiv/pvp#bgs


- - - Добавлено - - -


  \ said:
He calls his right hand Jamie and his left is Cervantes' date='everythin clear[/quote']


:mocking: :mocking:

  djmercitwo said:
people who talk shit about wod but play on a private server EleGiggle


People who talk shit about private server but stay on private server forum 4Head

  Nóneedholy said:
you must be a pro,show your retail rating faggot.


do i have to post screenshots again? its djmonster here and i wont even bother since you will say "wod rating 4Head" you are a fotm hero too

  djmercitwo said:
do i have to post screenshots again? its djmonster here and i wont even bother since you will say "wod rating 4Head" you are a fotm hero too


Ignore these clowns, let them think they are good by playing vs braindead people lmao

  djmercitwo said:
do i have to post screenshots again? its djmonster here and i wont even bother since you will say "wod rating 4Head" you are a fotm hero too


Not sure if just trolling or Keyboard warrior without checking who really respond to him




prob. keyboard warrior

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