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Below is a list of the main fixes applied which were placed on the 5.4.8 servers in the last 2 months, during the period from 14.04.16 to 14.06.16:


Status: Applied




- Added more achievements which are able to be tracked, and achieved via the achievement NPC (in Dalaran), such as: Noble Gardener

- Fixed an issue where players could not see the dialogue on an NPC

- Fixed a bug where the pet’s speed did not match the player’s mount speed

- Fixed a bug with the health regeneration of mobs with a large health pool

- Fixed a bug with incorrect loot obtained from bonus roll according to selected specialization

- Fixed mana-loss after changing specialization

- Fixed an issue with the display of the weekly cap currency

- Fixed an issue with the inability to obtain currency after reaching the total cap currency, but without reaching the weekly cap currency (eg 3000/3000 valor but 500/1000 weekly cap valor)

- Fixed a bug with the inability to use the resources of certain specializations after changing specialization, without needing to relog

- Players can no longer buy justice points for honor points if the total number of points would exceed the maximum cap

- Implemented the AI for the NPC Ethereal Soul-Trader

- Добавлена проверка на наличие талантов из нескольких спеков при загрузке игрока (No idea what this means)

- Fixed display of player’s name when sending in-game mail


- Fixed 6 reasons for server crashes

- In the bug tracker forum section, you can find all fixes applied between 13/04/16 till 07/06/16 (inclusive), with messages from Herald.


Dungeons and Raids: Siege of Orgrimmar




- Fixed the speed of the Contaminated Puddles spawned during boss phase

- Fixed the damage of Swirl

- Fixed an issue where the ability Swirl would constantly knock up players


Fallen Defenders:


- Added boss’ dialogue

- Fixed the ability to interrupt casting abilities such as Burn Sha and Shock Contamination (link)

- The ability (hell strike?) will now be applied to a random player

- Fixed an issue where Rook Stonetoe stopped moving after using the ability Clash

- Fixed an issue where He Softfoot stopped moving after using the ability Shadowstep

- Fixed an issue where the bosses used abilities Clash, Noxious Poison Instant Poison and Calamity during their extreme measures phase

- Fixed an issue where the bosses abilities’ were not interrupted after entering the extreme measures phase at 66% and 33% hp


- Fixed the number of items dropped by the boss in 25 player mode


Sha of Pride:


- Fixed a possible exploit with the buff Overcome

- Fixed the ability Gift of the Titans

- Fixed ability Power of the Titans

- Fixed an issue where the boss would use abilities from the first phase during the second phase

- Fixed the Self-Reflection which will now be applied towards players with high amounts of pride




- Fixed ability of Siege weapons to knock down Galakras

- Ability (rush roar) will no longer do damage to players and towers

- Fixed an issue where the debuff (Flame of Galakrond) did not stack

- Dead mobs will now disappear quickly

- Added valor point rewards to boss

- Added bonus loot to boss


Iron Juggernaut:


- Fixed the boss’ dialogue after death

- Fixed 25 player mode health pool

- Added valor point rewards to boss

- Added bonus loot to boss


Kor’Kron Dark Shamans:


- Implemented boss scripts

- Fixed dialogue of boss’ after death

- Available loot and achievements

- Added valor point rewards to boss

- Added bonus loot to boss


General Nazgrim:


- Implemented boss scripts

- Available loot and achievements




- Implemented boss scripts




- Added settlement mobs after Galakras/before Iron Juggernaut in the village

- Fixed a problem with the healing from the Healing Tide Totem

- Fixed some issues with the door..?

- After the death of the Fallen Protectors, players will now spawn before Norushen

- Added loot; Kor'kron Supplies for 500 bonuses in Miscellaneous section

- Added NPCs; Stone Guard Rasconi Advisor Mukkdor Siege Specialist Natoj Blind Blademaster Overlord Runthak Aysa Cloudsinger Gamon Hellscream Demolisher Kor'kron Shadowmage Kor'kron Arcweaver

Kor'kron Assassin


Terrace of Endless Springs:


- Fixed an issue where Lei Shi had 25 heroic loot in 10 normal


Blackwing Descent:


- Fixed options for dungeon difficulty


Dragon Soul:


- Fixed options for dungeon difficulty


Throne of the Four Winds:


- Fixed options for dungeon difficulty


Baradin Hold:


- Fixed options for dungeon difficulty




- Fixed options for dungeon difficulty

- Fixed an issue with infinite mobs spawned by (Spirit of the Flame)

- Fixed ability Leaping Flames


Dungeon Finder, Challenge Mode, and Scenarios:


- Mobs now added to Stormstout Brewery: Challenge Mode

- Improved the script of Black Temple

- Increased the number of valor points gained for the first heroic dungeon of the day, from 5 to 80 points

- Increased the number of valor points gained from subsequent heroic dungeons from 5 to 40 points

- Increased the number of valor points gained for the first normal scenario of the day, from 30 to 50 points

- Reduced the number of valor points gained from subsequent normal scenarios, from 30 to 25 points

- Fixed an issue with the rewards given for first passed dungeon/scenario of the day

- Increased reward for passing Challenge Mode Dungeons;

  • from 60 to 165 valor points for achieving Gold
  • from 50 to 150 valor points for achieving Silver
  • from 40 to 125 valor points for achieving Bronze


World Bosses:


Sha of Anger:


- Исправлен баг с ренжем босса.




- Refactoring code?

- Fixed an issue where the boss (eveydilsya?) underneath the boss

- Fixed an issue where the auras (Thundercloud and Unleash Lightning) could be cancelled

- Fixed the completion criteria for the quest Spirit of the Storm Lord


Trial of the Celestials:


- General scripts applied the arena

- Added boss’ dialogue of Xuen

- Implemented scripts to the boss Chi-Ji


Arena and Battlegrounds:


- Transcribed the storage of data about the player from the cross-server which should, in theory, solve the problems with the appearance of lag for a few seconds and for a smoother cross-realm experience. This arose because of an unresponsive transaction since packets were lost in the network

- Fixed a bug with the speed of druids upon the entrance to battlegrounds

- Fixed a bug with the disappearance of objective points of each team in Deepwind Gorge

- Fixed displayed information on the number of (CP?) at the gate of the Battleground

- Fixed several bugs in the central section of the Battleground Temple of Kotmogu


Strand of the Ancients:


- Fixed the display timer of the time left till the end of the round

- Fixed the location of teleportation in all rounds

- Fixed an exploit using the relics

- Bombs have been added to the docks for the siege team


Deepwind Gorge:


- Fixed a bug with the disappearance of display points

- Added a speed limit to the carrier of the Mine Cart

(-Now you can cast spells yet have tezhelku. * a number of corrections to the movement tezhelek. * Prevention of death in the truck)??




- Fixed the mechanic of the trinket Evil Eye of Galakras

- Fixed an exploit of the item Captain Zvezdan's Lost Leg

- Implemented the work of the legendary item Eye of the Black Prince

- Fixed a bug with the auto-ban of the anti-cheat system after the use of the item Falling Flame and Goblin Glider

- Fixed a bug with the camera angle after boarding mounts such as Reins of the Dread Raven

- Fixed statistical increase rates from items such as Purified Bindings of Immerseus and Prismatic Prison of Pride

- Fixed the despawning of the mob summoned by an item after removing the item such as Terracotta Fragment

- Fixed duration of the elixir Elixir of Mighty Fortitude

- Fixed Enchant Weapon - Bloody Dancing Steel

- Implemented the summoning of AI by the items; Seed of Tranquil Growth Martar's Magnifying Glass Dynasty of Steel and Terracotta Fragment

- Fixed a bug with the disappearance of the increased cooldown recovery rate of the items; Assurance of Consequence Evil Eye of Galakras Vial of Living Corruption after teleporting, or death

- Fixed the item Ancient Tome of Dinomancy

- Fixed an exploit with the healing of the item Juggernaut's Focusing Crystal

- Implemented the work of all tokens with the Timeless Isle; for example Timeless Mail Belt

- Implemented the work of the item The Flag of Ownership

- Реализована работа спеллов предметов Готовность, Рассекающий удар, Вытягивание жизни, Многократная атака, Многократная атака для множества предметов(смотреть по ссылкам).

- Fixed an exploit with the item Kukurus Cache Key

- Fixed the items; Skeer's Bloodsoaked Talisman Black Blood of Y'Shaarj Ticking Ebon Detonator Dysmorphic Samophlange of Discontinuity

- Fixed an exploit with the item Mighty Nature Protection Potion


Scripted Quests:


- Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to complete the quest “Podge, not Kill”?

- Fixed the selection of the quest rewards from Carpe Diem

- Fixed A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans!

- Fixed the phasing of the quest ‘The Battle for Ebon Hold’ for Worgens and Goblins

- Fixed the statistical increase from the buff ‘Strength of Mograine’

- Corrections to the quests in the starting area, where it is necessary to use the ability to Manica?

- Implemented the scripts of the quest ‘Money Matters’

- Implemented the scripts of the quest ‘Gift for Funa’

- Implemented scripts of the quest ‘Gift for Yoga’


Legendary Questline:


- Fixed the completion script for the The Thunder Forge quest

- Fixed the problem with taking the quest ‘Secrets of the First Empire’

- Fixed problem with the taking of the quest ‘I need a Champion’

- Correction to the dialogue/scene created on completion of different stages of the quest(s)

- Added the NPC Wrathion for the quest The Thunder Forge

- Implemented the quest The Crown of Heaven

- Implemented the quest Echoes of the Titans

- Implemented the quest Heart of the Thunder King

- Added dialogue to the scene after taking the quest Celestial Blessings


Spells and Talents:




- Fixed Glyph of Camouflage in cooperation with the hunter’s pet

- More changes to the scaling between the hunter and pet’s health

- Fixed a bug where using Chimera Shot ??

- Fixed a bug where if you change pet, the effect of Kindred Spirits stopped working

- Freezing Trap can now be used on summoned objects such as Lightwell and Summon Jade Serpent Statue

- Fixed the interaction of Explosive Trap with Summon Jade Serpent Statue, Lightwell, Psyfiend and shaman totems

- Passive spells Bite and Claw will now work properly with 50 focus instead of 75

- Corrected the damage of Bite and Claw

- Spell Kill Command will no longer miss

- Fixed the learning from their pets hunters hit??

- Fixed the use of spells Master's Call when the pet is (in the camp??)

- Fixed interrupted auto-attacks of the hunter while casting abilities such as Aimed Shot

- Hunter abilities will now be interrupted after being disarmed, with the exception of a few such as Scare Beast




- Fixed a bug where Lightwell was not attackable in arena

- Fixed the damage formula and mechanical work of the spell Devouring Plague

- Fixed mastery scaling by the spell Atonement

- Fixed the mechanics of the spell Spirit Shell

- Fixed the amount of healing from Guardian Spirit

- Fixed the damage and healing spells from the talent Cascade when the player is in Shadowform

- Fixed dependency of the duration of the spell Psychic Horror on the number of people near the caster

- Fixed the scaling of Battle Fatigue according to Echo of Light

- Fixed Glyph of Deep Wells

- Fixed a number of spell hops from Cascade (?)

- Fixed the distribution of the spell Vampiric Embrace (?)

- Fixed the scaling for Shadowy Apparitions

- Changes to Holy Nova

- Fixed conditions to trigger db.pandawow.me/?spell=15290

- Fixed the radius of the spell wowroad.info/?spell=62618




- Fixed the Tier 15 2-set bonus of the restoration druid set

- Fixed the healing effect of Lifebloom after being dispelled when there are more than 1 stacks

- Fixed Glyph of Efflorescence in Battlegrounds

- Fixed a bug where db.pandawow.me?spell=1079 could be overruled by a lower combo-point application

- The spell Ice Block obtained from Symbiosis can now be used while feared

- Fixed the casting speed of db.pandawow.me?spell=50769 with the effect of db.pandawow.me?spell=114108

- Fixed the amount of periodic healing of spell db.pandawow.me?spell=33763

- Fixed the healing of the spell Wild Mushroom: Bloom and no longer heals the mushroom itself

- Fixed a bug with the mushroom’s periodic healing effecting itself Efflorescence

- Fixed the scaling of the healing from the spell Tranquility

- Fixed the effect on the raid by the spell db.pandawow.me?spell=145518

- Fixed scaling of db.pandawow.me?spell=134735 and db.pandawow.me?spell=110310 on Wild Mushroom: Bloom

- Fixed radius of the spell Genesis

- Fixed the duration of the spell Savage Defense

- Fixed the tooltip/cooldown of the spell Faerie Swarm with the glyph Glyph of Fae Silence

- Changes to Growl

- Fixed the health regeneration of the spell Frenzied Regeneration




- Fixed a bug where using the glyph, Glyph of Harsh Words you could deal damage to players who are not toggled for PvP

- Fixed a bug when Beacon of Light disappeared after the target was feared

- Fixed the use of Word of Glory on friendly NPCs

- Fixed the glyph Glyph of Harsh Words

- Fixed the scaling hit by spells Holy Insight on Judgment

- Fixed the duration of Repentance in PvP

- Fixed the scaling of the spells; Selfless Healer Holy Radiance and Divine Light

- Fixed the amount of healing from the use of the glyph Glyph of Divine Shield

- Fixed the PvP scaling of the spell Sacred Shield

- Fixed the scaling of auras that reduce damage taken by particular spells such as Execution Sentence

- Fixed the GCD of the spell Purify Spirit if there is nothing to dispel

- Corrected the formula of the healing/damage done by the spell Execution Sentence when dispelled

- Fixed Glyph of Divinity

- Fixed an issue with the possible duplication/double effect of Daybreak




- Fixed the damage increase as a result of Mastery: Unshackled Fury

- Fixed the interaction of the spell Intervene with banners

- Fixed the loss of the maximum rage of the glyph Glyph of Unending Rage after changing specialization

- Fixed damage modification/effect on the spell Dragon Roar

- Fixed the passive Single-Minded Fury

- Fixed the damage of the spell Shockwave

- Fixed Tier 15 4-set bonus for DPS warrior set http://www.wowhead.com/item-set=1172




- Fixed a bug where Healing Tide Totem did not pass 10% of your health (??)

- Fixed Unleashed Fury effect on Healing Rain

- Fixed the spells Flurry and Unleash Wind to auto-attack with the off-hand

- Fixed Searing Flames

- Fixed Tier 15 4-set bonus for Elemental Specialization http://www.wowhead.com/item-set=1170

- Fixed Tier 15 2-set and 4-set bonus for Enhancement Specialization Battlegear of the Witch Doctor

- Fixed the work of the spell Maelstrom Weapon with off-hand

- Fixed healing of the spell Healing Rain

- Corrected the effect of Dampening on the absorb of Stone Bulwark Totem

- Fixed an exaggerated healing of the totem Healing Stream Totem

- Fixed trigger conditions of the spell Maelstrom Weapon

- Fixed trigger conditions of the spell Echo of the Elements




- Fixed critical chance for Warlock pet(s)/demon(s)

- Fixed the mechanics of the spell Fire and Brimstone

- Fixed an increase in resource and damage to pets with the glyph Grimoire of Supremacy

- Fixed an exploit with the values of the APA and SPD of warlock pets

- Fixed the damage of the spell Hand of Gul'dan

- Fixed Glyph of Demon Training

- Fixed the spell Demonic Calling

- Improvements to the AI of the pet Wild Imp corrected following player

- Fixed a bug where Soul Swap could be reflected

- Rewrote the work of the spell Molten Core

- Fixed Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion

- Fixed the spell Void Shield and Shadow Shield




- Fixed the coordination of the teleportation spell Portal: Vale of Eternal Blossoms

- Fixed impact proc Brain Freeze with the passive Shatter when the player casts Frostfire Bolt

- Brain Freeze now correctly procs the last overlay aura, but not all

- A number of corrections applied to Glyph of Mirror Image

- Rewrote the tooltip of Fingers of Frost

- Changes to the use of Cold Snap


Death Knight:


- Fixed the mechanic of death runes and regeneration

- Fixed the cooldown on runes during regeneration

- Fixed the stacking of Shadow Infusion after pet has been transformed

- Fixed the number of targets that are affected by the spell Blood Boil

- Fixed Glyph of Death and Decay

- Fixed the damage taken by the pet after the use of Death Pact

- Fixed the Glyph of the Skeleton Glyph of the Skeleton

- Fixed Glyph of Path of Frost and the damage taken after falling large distances

- Fixed Glyph of Death's Embrace




- Fixed the scaling of Mastery: Potent Poisons to the spell Venomous Wound

- Fixed a bug with the overlaying effect of Smoke Bomb with the use of Divine Shield

- Fixed the spell Deadly Throw

- Changes to the spell Sanguinary Vein




- Fixed an increased duration of the spell Shuffle using the spell Blackout Kick

- Fixed the damage of the spell Expel Harm

- Removed modification healing of Combat Conditioning

- Fixed damage of the spell Bear Hug derived from Symbiosis

- Completely rewritten the work of the spell Guard

- Fixed the increase of absorption of the spell Guard from Power Guard

- Fixed the spell Eminence

- Fixed the spell Avert Harm

- Implemented the work of the spell Leer of the Ox

- Rewrote the work of Summon Black Ox Statue and Summon Jade Serpent Statue

- Fixed the scaling of Gift of the Ox

- Fixed Tier 16 2-set bonus for Mistweaver Monks Item - Monk T16 Mistweaver 2P Bonus

- Fixed several bugs of Glyph of Fortuitous Spheres

- Rewrote the spell Zen Sphere

- Fixed the spell Healing Sphere

- Implemented the work of Nimble Brew


Spells, Talents and Other:


- Fixed Goblin Glider after the previous fixes

- Fixed several exploits with macros on the spells that have multiple charges

- Fixed the stacking of the spell Curse of the Elements and Sunder Armor

- Fixed all known exploits in the spell system that reproduced using cheat programs

- Fixed a problem where spamming a spell with an aura could change the cost of the spell because it was still on the GCD, for example Dream of Cenarius

- Fixed incorrect calculation of damage and treatment for spells that damage the caster, for example Corruption

- Improved scripting mechanism for auras that absorb healing

- Completely rewritten diminishing returns and updated the groups that share DR

- Implemented correct system RPPM for trinkets

- Implemented work aura ‘Valor of the Ancients’ after obtaining the weekly cap

- Spell category “Armor Specialization” of players have been removed, and will be re-learned because they must be issued only when wearing the armour specified, fixing the problem with inflated stats of many characters

- Fixed problems with (zabagivaniem?) auras from items when entering the game

- Rewrote mechanics stability, avoidance and duplication

- Completely rewritten speed rating system, as well as its effect on spells


Do not forget to clear/delete the cache before entering the game.

I would also like to mention that despite the long period between the writing of the changelog, changes are continuously being implemented and these changes are applied in-game several times per month.



Will also edit this a bit so it's not the final thing.

Edited by Deielrion
  • Like 7
  tiggar47 said:
This is completly useless, you translated something which is obvious, no offense dude, but still tnx for efforts :D.


Aaaaahh, just seeing your name triggers me.

  Kroz said:
Seems very similar to: http://forum.wowcircle.com/en/showthread.php?t=5493


but thanks man, here have a kiss:




Was trying to keep it as similar as possible so people can have as close to a word-for-word translation.


Unfortunately, I have to keep some of the spells in russian because they don't exist on the wowhead database.


@tiggar47, I personally didn't need it because google chrome translates it for me anyway, so it's for others who don't use chrome.

and NP.


Edit: nevermind I just looked at the link again and realised it was english lmao. well fml. would've just copy and pasted entire thing if this was the case. I guess I can use his thread to fill the spots I couldn't translate.

The sad part where community has to do staff's work because they are too lazy to tranlslate text (which btw takes 20 mins).
  Frostshotz said:
Think for a second.


Never mind you can't.


I could if I would, I would fear if I could hear, I can't reflect what I can't see. What am I?


- - - Updated - - -


  Kroz said:
You're underage, that's why you didn't get it. :)


Two men sat down to play, they played all night until the breake of the day, they played for fun not for cash, with a separate score for both of them. When it came time to settle the accounts, 2 of them shared same amounts, all gained and non lost. Explain homeboy?

  tiggar47 said:
I could if I would, I would fear if I could hear, I can't reflect what I can't see. What am I?



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