Deielrion Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 (edited) Below is a list of the main fixes applied which were placed on the 5.4.8 servers in the last 2 months, during the period from 14.04.16 to 14.06.16: Status: Applied General: - Added more achievements which are able to be tracked, and achieved via the achievement NPC (in Dalaran), such as: Noble Gardener - Fixed an issue where players could not see the dialogue on an NPC - Fixed a bug where the pet’s speed did not match the player’s mount speed - Fixed a bug with the health regeneration of mobs with a large health pool - Fixed a bug with incorrect loot obtained from bonus roll according to selected specialization - Fixed mana-loss after changing specialization - Fixed an issue with the display of the weekly cap currency - Fixed an issue with the inability to obtain currency after reaching the total cap currency, but without reaching the weekly cap currency (eg 3000/3000 valor but 500/1000 weekly cap valor) - Fixed a bug with the inability to use the resources of certain specializations after changing specialization, without needing to relog - Players can no longer buy justice points for honor points if the total number of points would exceed the maximum cap - Implemented the AI for the NPC Ethereal Soul-Trader - Добавлена проверка на наличие талантов из нескольких спеков при загрузке игрока (No idea what this means) - Fixed display of player’s name when sending in-game mail - Fixed 6 reasons for server crashes - In the bug tracker forum section, you can find all fixes applied between 13/04/16 till 07/06/16 (inclusive), with messages from Herald. Dungeons and Raids: Siege of Orgrimmar Immerseus: - Fixed the speed of the Contaminated Puddles spawned during boss phase - Fixed the damage of Swirl - Fixed an issue where the ability Swirl would constantly knock up players Fallen Defenders: - Added boss’ dialogue - Fixed the ability to interrupt casting abilities such as Burn Sha and Shock Contamination (link) - The ability (hell strike?) will now be applied to a random player - Fixed an issue where Rook Stonetoe stopped moving after using the ability Clash - Fixed an issue where He Softfoot stopped moving after using the ability Shadowstep - Fixed an issue where the bosses used abilities Clash, Noxious Poison Instant Poison and Calamity during their extreme measures phase - Fixed an issue where the bosses abilities’ were not interrupted after entering the extreme measures phase at 66% and 33% hp Norushen: - Fixed the number of items dropped by the boss in 25 player mode Sha of Pride: - Fixed a possible exploit with the buff Overcome - Fixed the ability Gift of the Titans - Fixed ability Power of the Titans - Fixed an issue where the boss would use abilities from the first phase during the second phase - Fixed the Self-Reflection which will now be applied towards players with high amounts of pride Galakras: - Fixed ability of Siege weapons to knock down Galakras - Ability (rush roar) will no longer do damage to players and towers - Fixed an issue where the debuff (Flame of Galakrond) did not stack - Dead mobs will now disappear quickly - Added valor point rewards to boss - Added bonus loot to boss Iron Juggernaut: - Fixed the boss’ dialogue after death - Fixed 25 player mode health pool - Added valor point rewards to boss - Added bonus loot to boss Kor’Kron Dark Shamans: - Implemented boss scripts - Fixed dialogue of boss’ after death - Available loot and achievements - Added valor point rewards to boss - Added bonus loot to boss General Nazgrim: - Implemented boss scripts - Available loot and achievements Malkorok: - Implemented boss scripts Other: - Added settlement mobs after Galakras/before Iron Juggernaut in the village - Fixed a problem with the healing from the Healing Tide Totem - Fixed some issues with the door..? - After the death of the Fallen Protectors, players will now spawn before Norushen - Added loot; Kor'kron Supplies for 500 bonuses in Miscellaneous section - Added NPCs; Stone Guard Rasconi Advisor Mukkdor Siege Specialist Natoj Blind Blademaster Overlord Runthak Aysa Cloudsinger Gamon Hellscream Demolisher Kor'kron Shadowmage Kor'kron Arcweaver Kor'kron Assassin Terrace of Endless Springs: - Fixed an issue where Lei Shi had 25 heroic loot in 10 normal Blackwing Descent: - Fixed options for dungeon difficulty Dragon Soul: - Fixed options for dungeon difficulty Throne of the Four Winds: - Fixed options for dungeon difficulty Baradin Hold: - Fixed options for dungeon difficulty Firelands: - Fixed options for dungeon difficulty - Fixed an issue with infinite mobs spawned by (Spirit of the Flame) - Fixed ability Leaping Flames Dungeon Finder, Challenge Mode, and Scenarios: - Mobs now added to Stormstout Brewery: Challenge Mode - Improved the script of Black Temple - Increased the number of valor points gained for the first heroic dungeon of the day, from 5 to 80 points - Increased the number of valor points gained from subsequent heroic dungeons from 5 to 40 points - Increased the number of valor points gained for the first normal scenario of the day, from 30 to 50 points - Reduced the number of valor points gained from subsequent normal scenarios, from 30 to 25 points - Fixed an issue with the rewards given for first passed dungeon/scenario of the day - Increased reward for passing Challenge Mode Dungeons; from 60 to 165 valor points for achieving Gold from 50 to 150 valor points for achieving Silver from 40 to 125 valor points for achieving Bronze World Bosses: Sha of Anger: - Исправлен баг с ренжем босса. Nalak: - Refactoring code? - Fixed an issue where the boss (eveydilsya?) underneath the boss - Fixed an issue where the auras (Thundercloud and Unleash Lightning) could be cancelled - Fixed the completion criteria for the quest Spirit of the Storm Lord Trial of the Celestials: - General scripts applied the arena - Added boss’ dialogue of Xuen - Implemented scripts to the boss Chi-Ji Arena and Battlegrounds: - Transcribed the storage of data about the player from the cross-server which should, in theory, solve the problems with the appearance of lag for a few seconds and for a smoother cross-realm experience. This arose because of an unresponsive transaction since packets were lost in the network - Fixed a bug with the speed of druids upon the entrance to battlegrounds - Fixed a bug with the disappearance of objective points of each team in Deepwind Gorge - Fixed displayed information on the number of (CP?) at the gate of the Battleground - Fixed several bugs in the central section of the Battleground Temple of Kotmogu Strand of the Ancients: - Fixed the display timer of the time left till the end of the round - Fixed the location of teleportation in all rounds - Fixed an exploit using the relics - Bombs have been added to the docks for the siege team Deepwind Gorge: - Fixed a bug with the disappearance of display points - Added a speed limit to the carrier of the Mine Cart (-Now you can cast spells yet have tezhelku. * a number of corrections to the movement tezhelek. * Prevention of death in the truck)?? Items: - Fixed the mechanic of the trinket Evil Eye of Galakras - Fixed an exploit of the item Captain Zvezdan's Lost Leg - Implemented the work of the legendary item Eye of the Black Prince - Fixed a bug with the auto-ban of the anti-cheat system after the use of the item Falling Flame and Goblin Glider - Fixed a bug with the camera angle after boarding mounts such as Reins of the Dread Raven - Fixed statistical increase rates from items such as Purified Bindings of Immerseus and Prismatic Prison of Pride - Fixed the despawning of the mob summoned by an item after removing the item such as Terracotta Fragment - Fixed duration of the elixir Elixir of Mighty Fortitude - Fixed Enchant Weapon - Bloody Dancing Steel - Implemented the summoning of AI by the items; Seed of Tranquil Growth Martar's Magnifying Glass Dynasty of Steel and Terracotta Fragment - Fixed a bug with the disappearance of the increased cooldown recovery rate of the items; Assurance of Consequence Evil Eye of Galakras Vial of Living Corruption after teleporting, or death - Fixed the item Ancient Tome of Dinomancy - Fixed an exploit with the healing of the item Juggernaut's Focusing Crystal - Implemented the work of all tokens with the Timeless Isle; for example Timeless Mail Belt - Implemented the work of the item The Flag of Ownership - Реализована работа спеллов предметов Готовность, Рассекающий удар, Вытягивание жизни, Многократная атака, Многократная атака для множества предметов(смотреть по ссылкам). - Fixed an exploit with the item Kukurus Cache Key - Fixed the items; Skeer's Bloodsoaked Talisman Black Blood of Y'Shaarj Ticking Ebon Detonator Dysmorphic Samophlange of Discontinuity - Fixed an exploit with the item Mighty Nature Protection Potion Scripted Quests: - Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to complete the quest “Podge, not Kill”? - Fixed the selection of the quest rewards from Carpe Diem - Fixed A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans! - Fixed the phasing of the quest ‘The Battle for Ebon Hold’ for Worgens and Goblins - Fixed the statistical increase from the buff ‘Strength of Mograine’ - Corrections to the quests in the starting area, where it is necessary to use the ability to Manica? - Implemented the scripts of the quest ‘Money Matters’ - Implemented the scripts of the quest ‘Gift for Funa’ - Implemented scripts of the quest ‘Gift for Yoga’ Legendary Questline: - Fixed the completion script for the The Thunder Forge quest - Fixed the problem with taking the quest ‘Secrets of the First Empire’ - Fixed problem with the taking of the quest ‘I need a Champion’ - Correction to the dialogue/scene created on completion of different stages of the quest(s) - Added the NPC Wrathion for the quest The Thunder Forge - Implemented the quest The Crown of Heaven - Implemented the quest Echoes of the Titans - Implemented the quest Heart of the Thunder King - Added dialogue to the scene after taking the quest Celestial Blessings Spells and Talents: Hunter: - Fixed Glyph of Camouflage in cooperation with the hunter’s pet - More changes to the scaling between the hunter and pet’s health - Fixed a bug where using Chimera Shot ?? - Fixed a bug where if you change pet, the effect of Kindred Spirits stopped working - Freezing Trap can now be used on summoned objects such as Lightwell and Summon Jade Serpent Statue - Fixed the interaction of Explosive Trap with Summon Jade Serpent Statue, Lightwell, Psyfiend and shaman totems - Passive spells Bite and Claw will now work properly with 50 focus instead of 75 - Corrected the damage of Bite and Claw - Spell Kill Command will no longer miss - Fixed the learning from their pets hunters hit?? - Fixed the use of spells Master's Call when the pet is (in the camp??) - Fixed interrupted auto-attacks of the hunter while casting abilities such as Aimed Shot - Hunter abilities will now be interrupted after being disarmed, with the exception of a few such as Scare Beast Priest: - Fixed a bug where Lightwell was not attackable in arena - Fixed the damage formula and mechanical work of the spell Devouring Plague - Fixed mastery scaling by the spell Atonement - Fixed the mechanics of the spell Spirit Shell - Fixed the amount of healing from Guardian Spirit - Fixed the damage and healing spells from the talent Cascade when the player is in Shadowform - Fixed dependency of the duration of the spell Psychic Horror on the number of people near the caster - Fixed the scaling of Battle Fatigue according to Echo of Light - Fixed Glyph of Deep Wells - Fixed a number of spell hops from Cascade (?) - Fixed the distribution of the spell Vampiric Embrace (?) - Fixed the scaling for Shadowy Apparitions - Changes to Holy Nova - Fixed conditions to trigger - Fixed the radius of the spell Druid: - Fixed the Tier 15 2-set bonus of the restoration druid set - Fixed the healing effect of Lifebloom after being dispelled when there are more than 1 stacks - Fixed Glyph of Efflorescence in Battlegrounds - Fixed a bug where could be overruled by a lower combo-point application - The spell Ice Block obtained from Symbiosis can now be used while feared - Fixed the casting speed of with the effect of - Fixed the amount of periodic healing of spell - Fixed the healing of the spell Wild Mushroom: Bloom and no longer heals the mushroom itself - Fixed a bug with the mushroom’s periodic healing effecting itself Efflorescence - Fixed the scaling of the healing from the spell Tranquility - Fixed the effect on the raid by the spell - Fixed scaling of and on Wild Mushroom: Bloom - Fixed radius of the spell Genesis - Fixed the duration of the spell Savage Defense - Fixed the tooltip/cooldown of the spell Faerie Swarm with the glyph Glyph of Fae Silence - Changes to Growl - Fixed the health regeneration of the spell Frenzied Regeneration Paladin: - Fixed a bug where using the glyph, Glyph of Harsh Words you could deal damage to players who are not toggled for PvP - Fixed a bug when Beacon of Light disappeared after the target was feared - Fixed the use of Word of Glory on friendly NPCs - Fixed the glyph Glyph of Harsh Words - Fixed the scaling hit by spells Holy Insight on Judgment - Fixed the duration of Repentance in PvP - Fixed the scaling of the spells; Selfless Healer Holy Radiance and Divine Light - Fixed the amount of healing from the use of the glyph Glyph of Divine Shield - Fixed the PvP scaling of the spell Sacred Shield - Fixed the scaling of auras that reduce damage taken by particular spells such as Execution Sentence - Fixed the GCD of the spell Purify Spirit if there is nothing to dispel - Corrected the formula of the healing/damage done by the spell Execution Sentence when dispelled - Fixed Glyph of Divinity - Fixed an issue with the possible duplication/double effect of Daybreak Warrior: - Fixed the damage increase as a result of Mastery: Unshackled Fury - Fixed the interaction of the spell Intervene with banners - Fixed the loss of the maximum rage of the glyph Glyph of Unending Rage after changing specialization - Fixed damage modification/effect on the spell Dragon Roar - Fixed the passive Single-Minded Fury - Fixed the damage of the spell Shockwave - Fixed Tier 15 4-set bonus for DPS warrior set Shaman: - Fixed a bug where Healing Tide Totem did not pass 10% of your health (??) - Fixed Unleashed Fury effect on Healing Rain - Fixed the spells Flurry and Unleash Wind to auto-attack with the off-hand - Fixed Searing Flames - Fixed Tier 15 4-set bonus for Elemental Specialization - Fixed Tier 15 2-set and 4-set bonus for Enhancement Specialization Battlegear of the Witch Doctor - Fixed the work of the spell Maelstrom Weapon with off-hand - Fixed healing of the spell Healing Rain - Corrected the effect of Dampening on the absorb of Stone Bulwark Totem - Fixed an exaggerated healing of the totem Healing Stream Totem - Fixed trigger conditions of the spell Maelstrom Weapon - Fixed trigger conditions of the spell Echo of the Elements Warlock: - Fixed critical chance for Warlock pet(s)/demon(s) - Fixed the mechanics of the spell Fire and Brimstone - Fixed an increase in resource and damage to pets with the glyph Grimoire of Supremacy - Fixed an exploit with the values of the APA and SPD of warlock pets - Fixed the damage of the spell Hand of Gul'dan - Fixed Glyph of Demon Training - Fixed the spell Demonic Calling - Improvements to the AI of the pet Wild Imp corrected following player - Fixed a bug where Soul Swap could be reflected - Rewrote the work of the spell Molten Core - Fixed Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion - Fixed the spell Void Shield and Shadow Shield Mage: - Fixed the coordination of the teleportation spell Portal: Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Fixed impact proc Brain Freeze with the passive Shatter when the player casts Frostfire Bolt - Brain Freeze now correctly procs the last overlay aura, but not all - A number of corrections applied to Glyph of Mirror Image - Rewrote the tooltip of Fingers of Frost - Changes to the use of Cold Snap Death Knight: - Fixed the mechanic of death runes and regeneration - Fixed the cooldown on runes during regeneration - Fixed the stacking of Shadow Infusion after pet has been transformed - Fixed the number of targets that are affected by the spell Blood Boil - Fixed Glyph of Death and Decay - Fixed the damage taken by the pet after the use of Death Pact - Fixed the Glyph of the Skeleton Glyph of the Skeleton - Fixed Glyph of Path of Frost and the damage taken after falling large distances - Fixed Glyph of Death's Embrace Rogues: - Fixed the scaling of Mastery: Potent Poisons to the spell Venomous Wound - Fixed a bug with the overlaying effect of Smoke Bomb with the use of Divine Shield - Fixed the spell Deadly Throw - Changes to the spell Sanguinary Vein Monk: - Fixed an increased duration of the spell Shuffle using the spell Blackout Kick - Fixed the damage of the spell Expel Harm - Removed modification healing of Combat Conditioning - Fixed damage of the spell Bear Hug derived from Symbiosis - Completely rewritten the work of the spell Guard - Fixed the increase of absorption of the spell Guard from Power Guard - Fixed the spell Eminence - Fixed the spell Avert Harm - Implemented the work of the spell Leer of the Ox - Rewrote the work of Summon Black Ox Statue and Summon Jade Serpent Statue - Fixed the scaling of Gift of the Ox - Fixed Tier 16 2-set bonus for Mistweaver Monks Item - Monk T16 Mistweaver 2P Bonus - Fixed several bugs of Glyph of Fortuitous Spheres - Rewrote the spell Zen Sphere - Fixed the spell Healing Sphere - Implemented the work of Nimble Brew Spells, Talents and Other: - Fixed Goblin Glider after the previous fixes - Fixed several exploits with macros on the spells that have multiple charges - Fixed the stacking of the spell Curse of the Elements and Sunder Armor - Fixed all known exploits in the spell system that reproduced using cheat programs - Fixed a problem where spamming a spell with an aura could change the cost of the spell because it was still on the GCD, for example Dream of Cenarius - Fixed incorrect calculation of damage and treatment for spells that damage the caster, for example Corruption - Improved scripting mechanism for auras that absorb healing - Completely rewritten diminishing returns and updated the groups that share DR - Implemented correct system RPPM for trinkets - Implemented work aura ‘Valor of the Ancients’ after obtaining the weekly cap - Spell category “Armor Specialization” of players have been removed, and will be re-learned because they must be issued only when wearing the armour specified, fixing the problem with inflated stats of many characters - Fixed problems with (zabagivaniem?) auras from items when entering the game - Rewrote mechanics stability, avoidance and duplication - Completely rewritten speed rating system, as well as its effect on spells Do not forget to clear/delete the cache before entering the game. I would also like to mention that despite the long period between the writing of the changelog, changes are continuously being implemented and these changes are applied in-game several times per month. **NOTE: IF THERE IS RUSSIAN WRITING, OR ENGLISH IN ITALLIC/BOLD RANDOMLY, I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT SAID SO IF YOU COULD KINDLY PROVIDE A TRANSLATION, WOULD BE GREATFUL** :) Will also edit this a bit so it's not the final thing. Edited June 20, 2016 by Deielrion 7
tiggar47 Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 This is completly useless, you translated something which is obvious, no offense dude, but still tnx for efforts :D.
Repitchx Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 tiggar47 said: This is completly useless, you translated something which is obvious, no offense dude, but still tnx for efforts :D. Aaaaahh, just seeing your name triggers me.
tiggar47 Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Repitchx said: Aaaaahh, just seeing your name triggers me. Love you too and I don't care :D
Kroz Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Seems very similar to: but thanks man, here have a kiss:
Deielrion Posted June 20, 2016 Author Posted June 20, 2016 Kroz said: Seems very similar to: but thanks man, here have a kiss: Was trying to keep it as similar as possible so people can have as close to a word-for-word translation. Unfortunately, I have to keep some of the spells in russian because they don't exist on the wowhead database. @tiggar47, I personally didn't need it because google chrome translates it for me anyway, so it's for others who don't use chrome. and NP. Edit: nevermind I just looked at the link again and realised it was english lmao. well fml. would've just copy and pasted entire thing if this was the case. I guess I can use his thread to fill the spots I couldn't translate.
Noneedholy Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Not even pandawow gms can copy paste that post from wowcircle ... can they give less fucks ?
Garodar Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 The sad part where community has to do staff's work because they are too lazy to tranlslate text (which btw takes 20 mins).
Lefap Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 I'd give you my virginity for this if it had any worth! thanks
tiggar47 Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Lefap said: I'd give you my virginity for this if it had any worth! thanks What in the mother of God is that supposed to mean?
Frostshotz Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 tiggar47 said: What in the mother of God is that supposed to mean? Think for a second. Never mind you can't.
Kroz Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 tiggar47 said: What in the mother of God is that supposed to mean? You're underage, that's why you didn't get it. :)
tiggar47 Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Frostshotz said: Think for a second. Never mind you can't. I could if I would, I would fear if I could hear, I can't reflect what I can't see. What am I? - - - Updated - - - Kroz said: You're underage, that's why you didn't get it. :) Two men sat down to play, they played all night until the breake of the day, they played for fun not for cash, with a separate score for both of them. When it came time to settle the accounts, 2 of them shared same amounts, all gained and non lost. Explain homeboy?
Kroz Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 tiggar47 said: I could if I would, I would fear if I could hear, I can't reflect what I can't see. What am I?
Señorpujo Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Deielrion said: Death Knight: - Fixed the mechanic of death runes and regeneration - Fixed the cooldown on runes during regeneration yes, i see: that picture is from today..
Adlairo Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 tiggar47 said: I could if I would, I would fear if I could hear, I can't reflect what I can't see. What am I? - - - Updated - - -? retarded
Jonte Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Señorpujo said: yes, i see: that picture is from today.. So the things that the devs "fix" doesn't even get fixed? Lol.
Señorpujo Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Jonte said: So the things that the devs "fix" doesn't even get fixed? Lol. runes work like always, all in grey randomly sometimes
tiggar47 Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 Adlairo said: retarded Calling somone like that is an insult=3 days Happy Banana Island Premium Membership.
Game Masters Jegerm Posted June 20, 2016 Game Masters Posted June 20, 2016 Wow good job what u just did is just crazy xD
Jone Posted June 21, 2016 Posted June 21, 2016 \ said: Aaaaahh' date=' just seeing your name triggers me.[/quote'] just by seeing yours gave me cancer and acne
tiggar47 Posted June 21, 2016 Posted June 21, 2016 Jone said: just by seeing yours gave me cancer and acne If I was getting cancer from his jokes I would of died back in 2015, guy's a joke :D
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