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Hacking spells WTF!!!!!!!!

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Name of the violator: Juggermage

Realm: Fun

Description of the violation : I dueled this FIRE MAGE with my Balance druid, he put a Living bomb on me, came close, used Dragon's Breath and after that, my hp was gone in a few seconds. As I watched the log I saw "Frostbolt" instant casts like 50 on me with 5k dmg each. The duel took 3 seconds, and look at the 3 screenshots of the Combat log, how many frostbolts actually hit me!

Frostbolt is not an instant cast, or tick, its a castable spell.

How can this server be hacked like this? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Proof: screenshots x 3

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  • Game Masters

You just need to learn to use your defensives abilities at the right time and maybe learn to kite better... yes even if you duel but keep in mind that fire mages got crazy burst so don't complain.


As others said there is nothing "illegal" here.

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