Jagekass Posted June 25, 2016 Posted June 25, 2016 Name of the violator : Corazøn Realm Fun realm Description of the violation, He got me ddosed and spammed my skype everywhere basically You should write what the violation is , Ddosing threatning, ddosing Proof: screenshots or video. http://i.imgur.com/AR1wDMs.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Lr4xYto.png http://i.imgur.com/0mPPezq.png http://i.imgur.com/KLcSt0u.jpg Comments to the situation (if it needed). Not really many comments here though i did get ddosed and lost my internet for about an hour. I know when showing screens i post my skype on here but the whole server has it already............
LICHER Posted June 25, 2016 Posted June 25, 2016 Jagekass, there is no such violation as ddos or etc. So, all i Can recomend you is to read the rules first of all. The thread is declined.
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