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Hi! My name is Dave and this is my first thread on this forum is kinda short but i hope ill make something from this.

Plz fix bm hunter, warr dmg! Its just retarded to see 50K bites, to see at the end of arena dat a hunter did 5x more dmg then u, to see how u die in 20 sec against kfc :diablo: in retail (mop) nobody played bm NOBODY, everyone played surv or mm, but here, yes they are all playing bm cuz is broken.I dont wanna mention dks :shock: i beg u to try and fix this classes cuz is fvcking annoying! I hope it will happen! Thank u for reading this thread!

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I would not really say it's pointless since it's clear that warrior, DK and Bm are huge problems on Pandawow right now.


Dk got already reported there as you can see. If somebody would care now we could start making this server great lel

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I would not really say it's pointless since it's clear that warrior, DK and Bm are huge problems on Pandawow right now.


Dk got already reported there as you can see. If somebody would care now we could start making this server great lel


I know dk's are broken and BM. But I can find hardly anything wrong with Warriors, or melee classes in general. The only common thing they all have together is Physical Vulnerability and I'm too lazy to test that passive ( to see if it overscales ). If someone could figure out what's wrong with warriors, only... that would make my day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As i remember yesterday one assassination rog almost took me 1v2 cuz he almost oneshtoed me and my lovk in 3 sec so what he did was.. Hewas playing with rdudu and i was in cc and the very first open he made the lock was nearly dead and then i tryed to heal him but he changed on me almost killed me trhu barskin so i had to trinket the 1 sec poison stun that left and had to ursoc. Anyone else had seen anything like that? Also for wars ye i see dmg change but its not a lot just small dmg change that its hardly noticable and some time i saw on 3v3 war rog that oneshot .. Rog hits for 240 ambush and 90k bleeds he was sub but i think Find Weakness and Colossus Smash stack?


As for BM there is or was a bug with their pets beeing unable to root them so i was amazed if i was wrong or wtf is goin on so i tested that and in the duel i instantly started to root pet with treants but .. Immune also tryed to cast root but still the same

Edited by Vezir
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As i remember yesterday one assassination rog almost took me 1v2 cuz he almost oneshtoed me and my lovk in 3 sec so what he did was.. Hewas playing with rdudu and i was in cc and the very first open he made the lock was nearly dead and then i tryed to heal him but he changed on me almost killed me trhu barskin so i had to trinket the 1 sec poison stun that left and had to ursoc. Anyone else had seen anything like that? Also for wars ye i see dmg change but its not a lot just small dmg change that its hardly noticable and some time i saw on 3v3 war rog that oneshot .. Rog hits for 240 ambush and 90k bleeds he was sub but i think Find Weakness and Colossus Smash stack?


As for BM there is or was a bug with their pets beeing unable to root them so i was amazed if i was wrong or wtf is goin on so i tested that and in the duel i instantly started to root pet with treants but .. Immune also tryed to cast root but still the same


assassination is all about globaling you and it's likely that he had pve gear so take that into account

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