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Posted (edited)

Short Story.

Panaccea(The Cyber Boyfriend)


Chapter I:

One day I was on my main character Miredi(x100) and I was so bored I had no idea what to do.

Few minutes later I remembered that I need Bloody Coins for the mount and I headed to Timeless Isle to collect some.


Chapter II:

After killing some low geared players I decided to farm some Timeless Coins.

Then after killing some rare Elite my "Target" was spotted and that target was Panaccea(The Cyber Boyfriend).

After I was scouting him while in stealth I spotted few of his friends and since I had censer on, I went and tried to kill him and I eventually failed since he used cooldowns.

After short stun lock he started chasing me and I managed to sucessfully escape him.

He was aware of my presence and they were cautious.


Chapter III:

After escape I spotted him again with his friends and I managed to kill one, they didn't manage to save him due to my high damage output.

After short delay I killed his friend again and sucessfully escaped.

Then I respeced to remove censer and started teasing him, he grew mad and he finally reached breaking point.


Chapter IV:

After his point break he wanted to play foolish mortal and chase down the Titan.

He went stealth and used Censer to become hostile and be able to kill me.

After his stealth broke because of his health loss from Censer effect I sapped him, 1 second after he trinketed and began to chase me, I was out of stealth because NPC aoe broke my stealth.

So he saw me and trinketed sap and started chasing me.


Since we both used Nitro Boost and Glider we were out of running options and my plan was sucessful once again.

After that I blinded him and waited for his bleeds to wear of, then I went free restealth and sapped him once again.

After short delay of 2 seconds I went yolo burst with all procs because he had no trinket, he just melted.


Images from the following events will have translation below.


Here lies Panaccea(The Cyber Boyfriend)



Him: Paralytic Poison

Him: So retarded talent:

Me: Easy

Here cries Panaccea(The Cyber Boyfriend)


Him: Yeah right

Me: Here lies Panaccea's corps

Him: Rogue

Him: It's hard to kill feral on PandaWoW

Him: Because we are squishy

Him: It can't be compared with retail


Here cries Panaccea(The Cyber Boyfriend) Part Two


Him: Nah

Him: I had ursoc

Him: which I used

Him: which is pretty worthless here

Him: because bearform is useless here

Him: I mean warrior

Him: in duel or in arena

Him: with 520k hp

Him: crits 150k in bear form GG

Him: what you want me more to say


Here cries Panaccea(The Cyber Boyfriend) Part Three:



Me: Tactics

Him: Rogue WP

Him: don't shit me

Him: You didn't want anything

Him: You just shited yourself when I trinketed

Me: Yeah, and that too.

Here cries Panaccea(The Cyber Boyfriend) Part Four:



Me: xD. I won't tell anyone just stop crying


Him: I AM Crying out loud because I just got rekt!!!

Thats it :D


Roasted? Or you will deny it just like when I murdered you :D

Edited by tiggar47
  • Like 1
My bloody coins say different ;)


Proof or it never happed, Bloody Coins can be farmed on other players.

You never kill me because I either kill you or run away.

Proof or it never happed, Bloody Coins can be farmed on other players.

You never kill me because I either kill you or run away.


You died somewhere with a rake on you, while you had full bleeds therefore keep telling that to your self ;)

Posted (edited)
You died somewhere with a rake on you, while you had full bleeds therefore keep telling that to your self ;)


Your statement doesn't mean anything, I don't tell stories without legit proof.

Once again, it never happend.

Edited by tiggar47
Your statement means anything, I don't tell stories without legit proof.

Once again, it never happend.


Ye, keep telling that to your self ;)

Pretty unprofessional from a chat mod ;)


Power Abusing one :D


I provoke you, you get mad and then I mute you for being bad, thats Weegee.

Pretty unprofessional from a chat mod ;)


Whats unprofessional there? That a rogue can kill me with skin + ursoc?


Or that i told him that i farmed them at Ti and that he's denying it lol.


- - - Updated - - -


Power Abusing one :D


I provoke you, you get mad and then I mute you for being bad, thats Weegee.


And when did that happen that i muted someone because i was mad?

Whats unprofessional there? That a rogue can kill me with skin + ursoc?


The fact that you're even getting down to this discussion is unprofessional.

The fact that you're even getting down to this discussion is unprofessional.


What i can't speak now? lol


- - - Updated - - -


He's still a child, what do you expect?


Ye, irony coming that from a 14 yo ;D


- - - Updated - - -


Not like i care anyways, if he achieved something by killing me, good for him.


- - - Updated - - -


For me its funny to see kids like him get satisfaction from killing people in world PvP.


But sure, kill me as a feral when you get the opener and when i chase you.


He can dream about killing me in other specs.


He already seen how it goes when im resto, he cant kill me 2v1 meanwhile they both burst lmao.


And the fact that i legit told him how druid is on this server he says its qq (Meanwhile he plays a rogue lmao)


- - - Updated - - -


But sure, what ever floats your boat. ;)



Not like i care anyways


Liar, you've always been a liar and you will stay a liar.

I got evidence of you power abusing, you provoke people till they insult you, you've tried that with me aswell but you did not suceed.


Your place is not with PandaWoW staff team, your arrogancy is endless.

Liar, you've always been a liar and you will stay a liar.

I got evidence of you power abusing, you provoke people till they insult you, you've tried that with me aswell but you did not suceed.


Your place is not with PandaWoW staff team, your arrogancy is endless.


Show me the evidence ;)


Where have i provoked someone? And then abused my power hm?


And ye like i said, cant care less if i die by a rogue lmao esp a clicker rogue ;D

Show me the evidence ;)


Where have i provoked someone? And then abused my power hm?


And ye like i said, cant care less if i die by a rogue lmao esp a clicker rogue ;D


Clicker rogue?

Every spell I have in my bar is binded, action bars have invisible binds :P


You provoked me and you failed, your immature behaviour is endless.


I will not continue this discussion with a child like you.

Clicker rogue?

Every spell I have in my bar is binded, action bars have invisible binds :P


You provoked me and you failed, your immature behaviour is endless.


I will not continue this discussion with a child like you.


Right invisible binds LOL


Sure my immature behaviour meanwhile you made this thread /clap


"I will not continue this discussion with a child like you."


Yeah i guess its your bed time now.

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