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Next lvl of pandawow


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Next lvl of pandawow it's streaming with scripts and wpe.

Федямортал (1st scripter of pandawow) everyone heard about autorotation and lua scripts from him some years ago. So now even at 1.5k warriors with auto rotation.

But this is next lvl of retards because scripts not enough need to play with monk who abuse scripts for heal orb..

Liquidcityx 5 orbs per second so opie op nice script retard.


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No Kroz, they're not abusing anything... Stop being gullible lol


This guy QQ's about abusers, yet he abuses himself (sounds gay) which triggers me.


Ironic that on a separate post, you had mentioned that he plays fairly and now you have changed your mind. Why? Because you're a sore-loser.


I would like to request genuinely that Zeox gives these people the forum title "Wintrader".

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What do you mean by that?


No Kroz, they're not abusing anything... Stop being gullible lol




I didn't watch the video, I took the thread as an advantage to talk about abusers.


Plus, I was talking in general as it is obvious when I mentioned why we don't care about rating!

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Next lvl of pandawow it's streaming with scripts and wpe.

Федямортал (1st scripter of pandawow) everyone heard about autorotation and lua scripts from him some years ago. So now even at 1.5k warriors with auto rotation.

But this is next lvl of retards because scripts not enough need to play with monk who abuse scripts for heal orb..

Liquidcityx 5 orbs per second so opie op nice script retard.




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5 Orbs per second hahahaha :D you suprise me everytime with new theorys , serious man :D

If i could spawn 5 orbs per second i wouldnt need to do anything , would be great , since ur the master of scripts and bots and hacks I need to ask you where i can find a script or hack which makes me able to spawn 5 orbs per second haha :D pleaseee diabolique tell me.


he thinks im using scripts because i can place my orbs while running on my warrior or target :D

Simple as fuck , i tell my warriors or all i play with to dont run circles, you dont even need to tell that warriors with brains.

If my mate is heading TOWARDS a target he is NOT RUNNING CIRCLES , simple as that loool :D

the only thing i need to tell them is that they dont run around on low hp , which triggers me everytime when i need fast heals and they are like under 10% hp and they start to avoid dmg from another meelee like warrior or dk by jumping around in different directions, serious i just let them die no joke :D


and yea diabolique, this just shows me one more time how desperate and what kind of a trash player you are.

Btw i farmed him today 3 times in arena 3-0 ,i think he got a bit mad :D


And yea if u read Zeox´s post about new system of discovering script usage of players in pandawow , this doesnt make any sense , this guy doesnt make sense lol , just wasting my time to talk to him , diabolique --- Fu***k Off mate you suck , leave pandawow because everyone on high rating thinks the same ! you stink :bo: :bo:

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dude half cheaters got auto rotations from fedyascripter.

he 1st cheater at pandawow.

he start using scripts when noone even heard about this here.

atm even 1.5k warrios with auto-rotation and mw monk with script for auto heal orb.

you are srsly think that so bad warriors and monk can do smth like this without abuse soft for cheating?

sure no.

and without bugged rune corruption funk u just suck cocks even at 2.4k mmr (not even talking about high mmr 3k)

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dude half cheaters got auto rotations from fedyascripter.

he 1st cheater at pandawow.

he start using scripts when noone even heard about this here.

atm even 1.5k warrios with auto-rotation and mw monk with script for auto heal orb.

you are srsly think that so bad warriors and monk can do smth like this without abuse soft for cheating?

sure no.

and without bugged rune corruption funk u just suck cocks even at 2.4k mmr (not even talking about high mmr 3k)


First of all, stop with the irony when you are talking about someone that is using scripts meanwhile you are using a Kickbot your self and other type of cheats like wpe etc.


On the video you can clearly see that he is spamming the buttons and that it is not an "Auto rotation script"


An who the hell would use script for auto heal orbs? Does that even exist? What difference would it make for an ORB?!


Stop accusing other people of using scripts / cheats just because you are bad and you cant win against them meanwhile you are using a kickbot or what so ever + you are a win-trader.


Did my dk use cheats too, when we farmed you on your hunter?


Don't make me laugh.

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First of all, stop with the irony when you are talking about someone that is using scripts meanwhile you are using a Kickbot your self and other type of cheats like wpe etc.


On the video you can clearly see that he is spamming the buttons and that it is not an "Auto rotation script"


An who the hell would use script for auto heal orbs? Does that even exist? What difference would it make for an ORB?!


Stop accusing other people of using scripts / cheats just because you are bad and you cant win against them meanwhile you are using a kickbot or what so ever + you are a win-trader.


Did my dk use cheats too, when we farmed you on your hunter?


Don't make me laugh.


Silence mortal, you died from rogue as counter class :P

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