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Insulting relatives

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  • Name of the violator : Lacrimhh
  • Realm, where you saw the violation. : xFun Realm
  • Description of the violation . He insulted my relatives in French.
    [spoiler=je t'encule] http://i.imgur.com/f6gc8SD.png 
    [spoiler=fils de pute] http://i.imgur.com/fhUx2mM.png 
  • Proof: screenshots or video.
    [spoiler=First Screenshot]http://i.imgur.com/YKVFrzm.jpg 
    [spoiler=Second Screenshot]http://i.imgur.com/BH9TuNY.jpg 
  • Comments to the situation (if it needed).


I just wanna point it out, that he said he will make his "friend" ban me for spamming orbs, and that his friends name is "Licher". When i told him that i will report him for insulting my relatives, he said "tkt y a qqn qui me courvira" (P.S. tkt is the abbreviation for "t'inquietes pas" [don't worry]; and qlq "quelqu'un" [someone])




[spoiler=tkt y a qlq qui me courvira]http://i.imgur.com/fRMnXHc.png


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