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2 Talents from same tier priest.

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Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat): Zinest

Realm, where you saw the violation: xFun

Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably): This guy is using both Angelic Feather and Phantasm to get a retarded sprint and also get rid of all my roots/slows. It's totally annoying and unfair.

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

Proof: screenshots or video: http://imgur.com/xDzxuyE Fullscreen picture, priest running like retard without slows.

http://imgur.com/wkuuRaZ Here you can see both debuffs...

Comments to the situation (if it needed). Don't say "server bug, fixed" and just don't ban him. He just used it everytime he got rooted or slowed. It's idiot, he does it on purpose, and not because it's a server's fault he shouldn't get banned, because he's abusing it.

  DragonBruu said:
He just used it everytime he got rooted or slowed.


So did Noneed, but as long as it's a bug that's the server's fault (which is every single bug you can find in-game...) they won't get banned. No such thing as bug abuse anymore, since every bug is server's fault.

  Jonte said:
So did Noneed, but as long as it's a bug that's the server's fault (which is every single bug you can find in-game...) they won't get banned. No such thing as bug abuse anymore, since every bug is server's fault.


Plebs like u always looking for excuses for not gaining cr or ? Lel

  djmercitwo said:
whats ur excuse to getting farmed by akuyama today? oh you dont have it you just suck


Sitting the whole day n night @the spectator and not even queueing by urself /LOL

  Noneedholy said:
Plebs like u always looking for excuses for not gaining cr or ? Lel


Where's my excuse? I just pointed out that there's no such thing as bug abuse anymore, pay attention. And as far as I'm aware, using 2 spells together that you normally shouldn't be able to is bug abuse, so it's not an excuse, it's a fact, pay attention.


  Noneedholy said:
Sitting the whole day n night @the spectator and not even queueing by urself /LOL


Lol, changing subject much? You didn't answer his question.


Didnt know i got farmed ? I lost on my mage n war ye /cry.


And stomped zankeds TSG, akuyamas RMP etc. As RMD right after.


Wheres ur point m8? How u even dare to talk about 3s lol

  Jonte said:
So did Noneed, but as long as it's a bug that's the server's fault (which is every single bug you can find in-game...) they won't get banned. No such thing as bug abuse anymore, since every bug is server's fault.


They should get banned anyways, if you use a bug to get advantage in purpose, then you should get banned.

  Noneedholy said:
Didnt know i got farmed ? I lost on my mage n war ye /cry.


And stomped zankeds TSG, akuyamas RMP etc. As RMD right after.


Wheres ur point m8? How u even dare to talk about 3s lol


I saw your stream, u lost to akuyamas rmp, oh excuse me, u got farmed by akuyamas rmp, on your war and on your mage too, stop lying. idk about tsg.

  \ said:
I saw your stream' date=' u lost to akuyamas rmp, oh excuse me, u got farmed by akuyamas rmp, on your war and on your mage too, stop lying. idk about tsg.[/quote']

I lost on my mage n war ye



get a brain please. Or learn english

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