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Now, I don't hate Noneed and I know if he played main character or comp he would ez win, but I found these games vs RMP close & funny as fuck to watch. Mainly just because it's the first time i've seen RMP queue on PandaWoW, so it was really interesting to watch!



Watch from 3:19:30 onwards.


The funny part is (and i'm not hating), but every game is Noneed and Sam tryna figure out what they're doing wrong ect.


Meanwhile - count how many times their lock uses fear. :rolleyes: Now in fairness, he admits he is new to Affliction, but literally if he just spammed fear they would've won every game with ease! :mocking: Let me emphasise that I think Noneed is a quality warrior to play with, and have always said that he was EASILY the best warrior on server - so i'm not hating/trolling. It was just fun to see an RMP queueing, and to watch this Lock play Affliction without almost ever using fear.. :rofl_mini:


I haven't logged much and when I do nobody is in 3s queue, but hopefully that RMP keeps queueing since it will make for some interesting games in the future (although if Noneed queue the same WLS in future and just tells the lock to spam fear x3 on each target - my money is on WLS EZ winning lol)


Anyway I'm out,




P.s. - Ultimately, there are probably MORE THAN 100000000+ vods of Noneed farming Akuyama and Abu, so don't even go there pls! :p If you can keep trolling to absolute minimum so that this post isn't taken the wrong way, I would appreciate it. Cheers

Edited by Bapss
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Maybe it is interesting,but watching how someone playing 3s with music kinda boring.I saw few arenas,when noneed was losing to blaston and saying "Keep up q,skype boy".But don't you think he's playing with voice just for having fun? No hate,but you,Noneed,need to stop write useless words inside arenas,like every time you do that - you again and again show to everyone how much you are childlish...


i know you won't even read that and just write "Nazzi mod","4head" etc.


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Maybe it is interesting,but watching how someone playing 3s with music kinda boring.I saw few arenas,when noneed was losing to blaston and saying "Keep up q,skype boy".But don't you think he's playing with voice just for having fun? No hate,but you,Noneed,need to stop write useless words inside arenas,like every time you do that - you again and again show to everyone how much you are childlish...


i know you won't even read that and just write "Nazzi mod","4head" etc.


Ur the cancer in person.


No offense

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Noneedholy, few mutes,that you deserved, made you hate me so much.Be easier and i won't be cancer for you.
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what? 1 month passed and we're making thread about this?


yes !


There are quality queues atm on Pandawow no joke !


- - - Updated - - -


Noneedholy' date=' few mutes,that you deserved, made you hate me so much.Be easier and i won't be cancer for you.[/quote']


Muting for every dumb reason without even introducing ur own mind just following 24/7 rules like a robot is what makes me hate you. Everyone with a brain knows that when some1 just said "FUCK" in a duel or smth because he did smth wrong or w/e is nothing bad, its just human communication. You keep ignoring that and muting for dumb reasons like that.


But we discussed that 999 times already and this thread is not the right place for that

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Dion u faq...




We had some nice rmd vs rmp games today .. funny to play bud sadly no vods


Bro nobody wants to see you win, you win too often lol :p


And I was just tryna promote your stream! :rolleyes::angel::happy:

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Kagu is the original owner of basic bitch, then last season akyuama got acc back and gave to other person, and now bought kagu for basic aka tim. Also thilan as afflic, nothing against, but what to wait from a demo lock player who almost doesnt cast compared to destro/afflic


idk i just saw someone in the chat say "abu is back", but maybe they were trolling lol :p


When they said that it was cause abu was spectating, i saw too at his frames abu appeard there

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Pun inenteded?


Repitch is such an useless creature i can't deal with it. He says tiggar is toxic but he is as toxic as him holy fuck this hypocrisy and ignorance level of him is so high he can't even see how an utter shit he actually is. HE HAS NO CLUE how this game functions yet always has an opinion about something. If an ignorant person like him EVER becomes a president, WWIII is near.


Like, how long does it take you to to realize, dude. Your main and alt accounts are getting banned as much as a pokemon go player catching Rattatas, got the hint? Instead of creating a new account each time you get banned, go fucking outside and get a life, fat ginger :)



And if me saying the truth is being salty for you, then go ahead and call me salty / toxic or w/e you want. The truth is here.


Edited by Felxprod
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